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238 Cards in this Set

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where does embryonic hematopoiesis take place?

in the liver

starts in the third gestational month and continues until shortly before birth
when does bone marrow hematopoiesis begin?
starts in the fourth month of development; all marrow stays red and active until puberty

the bone marrow is the major producer of blood cells at birth

significant amounts of extramedullary hematopoiesis is abnormal in a full-term infant
how does marrow change from childhood into adulthood?
until puberty, all marrow is red and active

in adults, about half is still active (ribs, sternum, pelvis, skull, vertebrae, proximal epiphyseal areas of the humerus and femur)
what happens if the blood cell requirements exceed the capabilities of the axial skeleton?
fatty marrow can be transformed to red on increased demand

given adequate stimulation, marrow erythropoiesis can increase 8x

after this increase, the liver, then the spleens, and then nodes can begin producing (extramedullary hematopoiesis)
what cells give rise to rbcs, wbcs, and platelets?
pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells

first differentiation is into lymphoid stem cells or common myeloid (trilineage) stem cells
lymphoid stem cells
arise from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells

give rise to pro-T cells, pro-B cells, and pro-NK cells (there are no distinctive morphological changes, so differentiation antigens are found with monoclonal antibodies)
common myeloid stem cells
arise from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells

give rise to erythroid/megakaryocyte, granulocyte/macrophage, and eosinophilic colony forming units (CFUs)
where do hematopoietic stem cells reside?
mostly in the bone marrow, but a subset resides in peripheral blood

environment in marrow fosters stem cell homing, survival, and differentiation
why can bone marrow transplants be given in peripheral blood?
the stem cells given in the bone marrow will tend to home to the bone marrow
what happens if circulating marrow-derived stem cells seed tissues other than the marrow?
develops into non-hematopoietic cells

best characterized conversion is differentiation into endothelial cells precursors
more controversial conversions are those into liver, myocardium, skeletal muscle glia, and neurons
may be caused by fusion of the marrow stem cells with other mature cell types
what is provided by bone marrow?
stem cells and the microenvironment in which they differentiate
morphology of bone marrow
network of thin-walled sinusoids lined with a single layer of endothelial cells and a discontinuous basement membrane

between sinusoids are clusters of hematopoietic and fat cells
how do mature blood cells enter the bloodstream from the bone marrow? how does this differ from extramedullary hematopoiesis
enter sinusoids and undergo transcellular migration thru endothelial cells

in extramedullary hematopoiesis, cells in all stages of maturity are released
how does the normal fat:cell ratio vary with age?
80:20 in infancy
50:50 in adulthood
30:70 at age 75
what is a normal myeloid:erythroid ratio in an adult?
ranges from 1.5:1 to 5:1

more mature forms dominate
what is the normal blood cell differential in the bone marrow?
granulocytes: 65%
erythroid: 25%
lymphocytes/monocytes: 10%
technically, a reduction of total circulating red cell mass below normal limits

in practice, given as a reduction of rbcs, as measured by hemoglobin or hematocrit below normal limits
besides loss of red blood cells, what can cause spurious abnormalities in hemoglobin or hematocrit?
abnormalities in plasma volume
signs/symptoms of significant anemia
- pallor, esp. of mucous membranes
- weakness/easy fatigue
- dyspnea on mild exertion
- brittle/concave nails (koilonychia)

- fatty change in organs b/c of anoxia (only in long-standing anemia)
- if severe, cardiac failure or angina can occur b/c of myocardial hypoxia
- headache or faintness b/c of CNS hypoxia
- shock/oliguria/anuria b/c of acute blood loss
anemia caused by acute blood loss
clinical and morphologic changes depend on rate of loss and whether the loss is internal/external

alterations are more of a reflection of loss of blood volume than of hemoglobin
why is hematocrit lowered in acute blood loss?
blood loss causes a compensatory shift of fluid from the interstitium to the circulation

hemodilution lowers the hematocrit
how is erythropoietin synthesis stimulated in acute blood loss?
reduction in oxygenation of tissues stimulates erythropoietin, with subsequent erythropoiesis
after an acute hemorrhagic event, when do reticulocytes begin being released from bone marrow
5 days after the acute blood loss
how does anemia differ between internal and external acute blood loss?
if blood loss is internal, iron can be recycled

if blood loss is external, insufficient iron reserves can hamper recovery
what should be suspected if a male or post-menopausal female with an iron deficiency?
GI bleed or cancer
morphology of acute blood loss anemia
immediate anemia is normochromic and normocytic

as the marrow responds, there is an increase in reticulocytes (reticulocytosis) up to 10-15% after a week (normal is 0.5-1.5)

platelets and granulocytes are also released immediately after acute loss causing thrombocytosis and granulocytosis
histologic appearance of reticulocytes
immature, non-nucleated rbcs containing RNA

polychromatophilic macrocytes

dark blue network of granules (precipitates of RNA drawn out by new methylene blue)
anemia due to chronic blood loss
in chronic blood loss, anemia is only present when the regenerative capacity or iron reserves are depleted

clinically, the picture is similar to an increased demand for reserves (i.e. pregnancy)
what are the features of hemolytic anemia?
1) premature destruction of rbcs
2) accumulation of products of hemoglobin catabolism
3) increased erythropoiesis in attempt to compensate for rbc loss

normally, old red blood cells are destroyed in the spleen via mononuclear phagocytes; in most hemolytic anemias there is also destruction in the spleen (extravascular hemolysis) and patients may have varying degrees of splenomegaly b/c of hyperplasia of phagocytes
intravascular hemolysis
less common than extravascular hemolysis (destruction of rbcs via mononuclear phagocytes in the spleen)

red blood cells are damaged by mechanical injury (stress to rbcs as they navigate around prosthetic valves or thrombi in microcirculation), complement fixation to rbcs (transfusion of incompatible blood) or exogenous toxins (clostridial sepsis or malaria)

pts DON'T have splenomegaly
what are the manifestations of intravascular hemolysis?
1) hemoglobinemia
2) methalbuminemia
3) hemoglobinuria & methemoglobinuria
4) jaundice
5) hemosiderinuria
why does intravascular hemolysis cause hemoglobinemia?
decreases haptoglobin, an alpha-2 globulin that binds free hemoglobin

the complex of haptoglobin and hemoglobin is cleared by the reticuloendothelial system

the decrease in haptoglobin is characteristic of intravascular hemolysis
why does intravascular hemolysis cause methalbuminemia?
when haptoglobin is depleted, hemoglobin is partially oxidized to methemoglobin resulting in hemoglobinuria and methemoglobinuria
why does urine turn red-brown in patients with intravascular hemolysis?
haptoglobin is destroyed, so free hemoglobin concentration is increased

hemoglobin is cleared by phagocytes where the heme is converted to unconjugated bilirubin

in a normal liver the bilirubin is conjugated, but in a bad liver the bilirubin remains unconjugated and jaundice remains
what type of hemoglobin is more toxic to tissues?
unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin is more toxic than conjugated (direct) bilirubin
why does intravascular hemolysis cause hemosiderinuria and hemosiderosis of the tubular epithelium?
proximal tubular cells resorb and catabolize some filtered hemoglobin

some of the catabolized iron gets into the urine (hemosiderinuria) and some accumulates within the tubular cells (causing the hemosiderosis)
extravascular hemolysis
injured rbcs are rendered foreign or become less deformable (as in sickle cells or hereditary spherocytosis)

no hemoglobinemia/uria or associated changes

anemia, jaundice, and splenomegaly dominate the clinical picture

some hemoglobin does escape into the circulation from spleen, so that haptoglobin is decreased as it binds with the hemoglobin

splenomegaly is the result of hypertrophy of the splenic mononuclear phagocytic system
morphology of hemolytic anemias (intra- or extra-vascular)
increased number of normoblasts (normal sized nucleated red blood cells; erythroid precursors) in the marrow

anemia and hypoxia stimulate erythropoietin and if the anemia is severe enough, stimulates extramedullary hematopoiesis

reticulocytosis in peripheral blood

unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

if chronic, hemosiderosis of mononuclear phagocytic system is seen
why do patients with hemolytic anemia commonly develop gallstones?
pts with hemolytic anemia commonly develop pigment-type gallstones (cholelithiasis) because the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is increased, which can lead to the formation of gallstones
what are the classifications of hemolytic anemia?
intravascular hemolysis
extravascular hemolysis

extrinsic hemolysis
intrinsic hemolysis
extrinsic hemolysis
subdivision of hemolytic anemia in which the red blood cell destruction is caused by an extracorpuscular mechanism, like trauma or antibodies

mostly caused by acquired defects
intrinsic hemolysis
subdivision of hemolytic anemia in which the red blood cell destruction is caused by an intracorpuscular mechanism (a defect that is inherent in the rbcs)

mostly caused by inherited defects
hereditary spherocytosis
intrinsic defect in rbc membrane caused by defects in the spectrin complex (spectrin is the major protein of the rbc membrane cytoskeleton), which causes the cells to be spheroidal, less deformable, and subject to splenic sequestration

more common in a northern european lineage (1 in 5000 ppl)

75% of cases are AD, but the AR form causes a much more severe anemia
pathogenesis of hereditary spherocytosis
most common molecular abnormality in AD form is a mutation in the ankyrin gene

20% of the AD form has a mutation in the band 3 gene

AR form has a mutation in alpha-spectrin (this causes a more severe anemia)

compound heterozygosity for 2 defective alleles causes more severe membrane deficiency

in all forms there is reduced membrane stability and loss of membrane fragments as cells are exposed to shear stress in the circulation; reduction in cell surface forces rbc to assume smallest possible diameter for a given volume (a sphere)

spherocytes cannot deform properly to enter sinusoids in the spleen so they get trapped which causes sluggish circulation

slowed circulation causes accumulation of lactic acid, causing pH to decrease and inhibition of glycolysis; lack of ATP production injures the Na pump; since the cell is in contact with splenic macrophages for so long, it gets phagocytosed
what is the normal structure of the spectrin complex?
spectrin has alpha and beta chains intertwined into a flat, two-dimensional network; multiple spectrin tetramers bind to actin oligomers

the complexes connect to the cell membrane via:
1) ankyrin and band 4.2 proteins bind spectrin to the transmembrane ion transporter, band 3
2) protein 4.1 binds the tail of spectrin to the transmembrane protein, glycophorin A
morphology/lab studies in hereditary spherocytosis
spherocytes (small rbcs with no central pallor) are a necessary finding, though they aren't pathognomonic

reticulocytosis to compensate for destroyed cells

increased osmotic fragility (in 2/3 of pts, the spherocytes will lyse on exposure to hypotonic salt solution b/c the cell has little reserve to expand w/o rupturing)

increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

more severe splenomegaly than that caused by other hemolytic anemias (caused by erythrophagocytosis in the congested cords)
clinical features of hereditary spherocytosis
mild-moderate anemia, splenomegaly, jaundice

variable severity from needing transfusion at birth to asymptomatic (20-30%) if bone marrow is able to compensate

usually pts have hypercellularity of bone marrow, but can have aplastic crisis b/c of marrow suppression (e.g. by parvovirus)

can have hemolytic crisis from accelerated rbc destruction, but not as significant as aplastic crises

splenectomy is beneficial, but not curative

black/brown pigment-type gallstones found in 40-50% of affected pts
why is parvovirus so dangerous to patients with hereditary spherocytosis?
parvovirus preferentially infects nucleated rbcs

infection decreases the life span of the rbcs from 120 days to 10-20 days so that even transient suppression is important

causes aplastic crisis b/c of bone marrow suppression
what is the most important of the enzyme deficiencies involving the hexose monophosphate shunt or of glutathione metabolism?
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

deficiencies render the rbc vulnerable to oxidative injuries leading to hemolytic anemia
what are the normal functions of G-6-PDH?
secondary function is to reduce NADP to NADPH while oxidizing G6P

NADPH converts oxidized glutathione to the reduced form, which is protective against oxidative injury
pathogenesis of G6P dehydrogenase deficiency
there are hundreds of G6PDH variants, most cousing no hemolysis (G6PDH B is most common normal variation)

variants G6PD- and G6PD Mediterranean have clinically significant hemolytic anemia (more severe in the latter)

these mutations don't affect synthesis of G6PDH, but affect its stability (defective folding of protein makes it more susceptible to degradation), so activity in reticulocytes is normal but activity in older cells is markedly deficient

drugs, fava beans, or generation of free radicals by wbcs in infection can cause intra- and extra-vascular hemolysis
what is the most severe genetic abnormality in G6PDH deficiency?
G6PDH Mediterranean variant
what is the inheritance pattern of G6PDH deficiency?
X-linked inheritance

- in males, all rbcs are affected
- in heterozygous females, there are two cell populations (normal and deficient b/c of random inactivation of X chromosome)
what are the patterns of disease presentation for G6PDH deficiency?
most commonly presents as hemolysis after exposure to oxidant stress caused by:
- fava beans
- antimalarials*
- sulfonamides*
- nitrofurantoin*
- hepatitis
- pneumonia
- typhoid

* = G6PDH- genotype may not be affected, but G6PDH Mediterranean genotype is affected
what infections are especially notorious for causing hemolysis in G6PDH deficiency?
describe the hemolysis in G6PDH deficiency
hemolysis is both intra- and extra-vascular

a trigger causes x-linking of sulfhydryl groups on global chains, leading to formation of precipitates called Heinz bodies that stain with crystal violet

precipitates damage membrane enough to cause intravascular hemolysis; with less damage only a decrease in deformability is caused and as the cell goes through the spleen the area with the Heinz body is bitten out (extravascular hemolysis)

"bite cells"=remainder of G6PDH deficient cells after splenic phagocytes have removed the portion that has a Heinz body; after removal of the Heinz body the cell turns into a spherocyte
what is a Heinz body?
inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin

seen in:
- NADPH deficiency, which causes glutathione peroxidase dysfunction
- G6PDH deficiency
- chronic liver disease
clinical features/lab findings of G6PDH deficiency
pt usually is not anemic until they are exposed to a trigger (e.g. fava beans, drugs, or infection)

after the trigger, there is a 2-3 day lag before there is acute intravenous hemolysis (leads to hemoglobinemia/uria and decreased hematocrit)

the hemolytic episode is self-limited since it stops when old cells are destroyed and only young ones are left in the circulation

in a blood smear you see spherocytes, bite cells, and Heinz bodies in the early par of the attack
what is the prototype of the hereditary hemogobinopathies?
sickle cell disease (anemia and trait)
sickle cell disease (anemia and trait)
prototypical hereditary hemoglobinopathy, that results from production of a structurally abnormal hemoglobin, called HbS (caused by a point mutation that substitutes valine for glutamic acid at the 6th position on the beta-globin chain)

on deoxygenation, HbS undergoes aggregation and polymerization, converting hemoglobin from a liquid to a gel to HbS fibers; causes sickling of red blood cell shape which is initially reversible with oxygenation

with repeated episodes of deoxygenation the membrane is damaged and the cell will irreversibly sickle despite the deaggregation of HbS
what causes clinically significant hemoglobinopathies?
mutations in the beta-globin gene
normal hemoglobin
four globin chains, each with its own heme group

normal adult composition:
- HbA - 96%
- HbA2 - 3%
- HbF - 1% (most adults do not have this)
what genotypical abnormalities determine the rate and degree of sickling in patients with sickle cell anemia?
amount of HbS and its interaction with other Hb chains

heterozygotes have only 40% HbS, which interacts only weakly with the remaining HbA, so that there is little sickling unless there is severe hypoxia (sickle cell trait)

homozygotes have 100% HbS, so there is sickling with even a slight deoxygenation

heterozygosity for HbS and HbC (HbSC) causes more severe aggregation of HbS than does HbA (more severe than HbSA)
why does sickle cell anemia not present/manifest until 5-6 months of age?
HbF inhibits polymerization of HbS more than HbA does

disease manifests at 5-6 months when HbA replaces HbF
what happens to deoxygenated cells with HbS present?

precipitation of HbS fibers, which damages the membrane in both sickled and normal-appearing cells

these cells lose K+ and H2O but gain calcium; they lose volume and have increased intracellular hemoglobin conc. so they are dehydrated and dense
what factors determine the rate and degree of sickling in patients with sickle cell anemia?
1) amount of HbS and its interaction with other Hb chains
2) Hb concentration per cell (MCHC) - higher the conc. the more apt to sickle
3) pH - decrease in pH reduces O2 affinity of Hb and enhances amt of deoxygenated HbS, augmenting sickling
4) duration of hypoxia
what is the effect of MCHC on HbS polymerization?
the higher the MCHC, the more apt the cells are to sickle

dehydration favors sickling of cells

combination of sickle cell and alpha-thalassemia gives milder disease, since there is reduced globin synthesis in thalassemia which limits Hb concentration/cell
what is the effect of duration of hypoxia on HbS cell sickling?
sickling is usually confined to microvascular beds where the flow is sluggish (esp. in the spleen and marrow)

in other vascular beds, inflammation and inc. rbc adhesion to the endothelium causes longer transit time

sickled cells also have increased expression of adhesion molecules so they're more likely to stick to the endothelium than are normal rbcs
what are the consequences of sickle cell anemia?
chronic hemolytic anemia
- b/c the sickle cells are rigid, many are trapped/destroyed in the spleen
- b/c of fragility of damaged cells, they are destroyed intravascularly
- rbc survival correlates with % of irreversibly sickled cells
- avg life of rbc dec. to 20 days

occlusion of small vessels, with ischemic damage to tissue
- unrelated to number of irreversibly sickled cells
- related to membrane abnormalities that create increased expression of adhesion molecules on sickle cells
- leukocytosis correlates with freq. of pain crises
- vicious cycle of sickling, obstruction, hypoxia, more sickling
why can NO be used as a Tx for sickle cell pain crises?
when the sickled cells finally lyse, they release hemoglobin which binds to and inactivates NO
what is seen in a peripheral blood smear of a pt with sickle cell anemia/trait?
normochromic, normocytic anemia

5-15% of rbcs will be irreversibly sickled

target cells and Howell-Jolly bodies in older children/adults due to asplenia

what are Howell-Jolly bodies?
round remnants of chromatin (stain blue) inside of rbcs

found in:
- sickle cell disease
- megaloblastic anemias
- hemolytic anemias
- pts who have had splenectomy
what is seen in the bone marrow of pts with sickle cell disease?
normoblastic hyperplasia of rbcs and increased iron stores in an attempt to compensate for the anemia

expansion of bone marrow with resorption of bone and secondary new bone formation creates a "crew-cut" appearance on Xray of the skull

less often, see extramedullary hematopoiesis if marrow expansion is not sufficient
what is seen in the spleen of pts with sickle cell disease?
enlarged in children up to 500gm with congestion of red pulp

by adulthood, spleen auto-infarcts caused by repeated congestion, stasis, and thrombotic episodes (auto-splenectomy)

can have infarction of other organs secondary to vascular occlusion
clinical problems associated with sickle cell disease
- anemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
- increased susceptibility to infections
- chronic tissue hypoxia
- vaso-occlusive crises
- aplastic crises
- sequestration crises
- priapism in males
- pigment-type gallstones
why do sickle cell pts. have increased susceptibility to infections?
auto-splenectomy caused by cycles of congestion, stasis, and thrombosis that lead to splenic infarcts

defects in alternate complement pathway impairs opsonization of encapsulated bacteria (pneumococcus and Haemophilus)
what are the two most common causes of death in kids with sickle cell anemia?
what are the most common sites of vaso-occlusive crises in pts with sickle cell anemia?
in children with sickle cell anemia, what is often difficult to distinguish from the vaso-occlusive crises?
in children, vaso-occlusive crises often occur in bone

they may be difficult to distinguish from osteomyelitis (caused by salmonella), which is also a risk of pts with sickle cell disease
what is hand-foot syndrome?
presentation of vaso-occlusive crises in sickle cell disease patients that are younger than 4

bilateral painful swelling of dorsa of hands and feet

see periostitis on Xray (aka sickle dactylitis)
acute chest syndrome
presentation of vaso-occlusive crises in sickle cell disease patients

sickling in pulmonary vasculature compromises pulmonary function with resultant systemic hypoxemia, sickling, and vaso-occlusion

presents as a fever, cough, chest pain, pulmonary infiltrate, and potentially death

may be triggered by infection
what are the CNS complications of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises?
what are the skin complications of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises?
leg ulcers
what are the complications of chronic tissue hypoxia caused by sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises?
impairment of growth and development

organ damage
- renal medulla can't concentrate urine, so the pts are prone to dehydration
what is a sickle cell aplastic crisis?
temporary cessation of bone marrow activity

usually caused by parvovirus

presents as sudden, rapidly worsening anemia
what is a sickle cell sequestration crisis?
acute, painful, rapid enlargements of the spleen in patients with sickle cell disease; can cause hypovolemia, and shock

seen in children with splenomegaly
what is priapism?
erect penis or clitoris does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours
how is diagnosis of sickle cell disease made?
clinical findings
peripheral smear
Hb electrophoresis
sickle cell test
what is the sickle cell test?
mix blood with an oxygen-consuming agent (metabisulfite) which decreases the oxygen concentration and induces the sickling of rbcs
what is the prognosis for pts with sickle cell disease?
90% survive into their 20s
50% survive beyond their 40s

Tx: hydroxyurea (inhibitor of DNA synthesis)
- increases HbF, which causes fewer sickle crises
- anti-inflammatory properties (inhibits wbc production)
- increases mean cell volume (MCV), which decreases HbS conc.
- oxidized to produce NO
what are thalassemias?
lack of or decreased synthesis of one of the globin chains, which decreases synthesis of HbA
lack of or decreased synthesis of beta-globin

beta^0 = total absence of beta-globin in homozygous state

beta^+ = reduced synthesis of beta-globin in homozygous state
what is the molecular pathogenesis of beta-thalassemia?
beta-globin gene is found on chromosome 11 (there are about 100 mutations cause beta-thalassemia, mostly point mutations)

- mutations in promoter regions reduce the transcription rate, which causes beta^+
- chain terminator mutations produce non-functional beta-globin fragments (beta^0)
- mutations causing aberrant splicing are the most common (if in the normal splice junctions there is no splicing and all mRNA is abnormal and degraded in the nucleus - beta^0; if in introns away from the splice jcn there is a mix of normal and abnormal beta globin mRNA - beta^+)
what is the macroscopic pathogenesis of beta-thalassemia?
lack of adequate HbA formation, so MCHC is low

cells are hypochromic and microcytic (O2 carrying capacity is decreased)

relative excess of alpha-globin chains (unstable aggregates form that ppt into insoluble inclusions)

inclusion-bearing cells that get out of marrow are at risk for splenic sequestration or destruction (extravascular hemolysis)
what does microcytic mean? macrocytic? normocytic?
microcytic: cells are smaller than normal

macrocytic: cells are larger than normal

normocytic: cells are the same size as normal
what does hypochromic mean? hyperchromic? normochromic?
hypochromic: color is more pale than normal

hyperchromic: color is darker than normal

normochromic: color is normal
why does beta-thalassemia cause ineffective erythropoiesis?
cell membrane is damaged with resultant apoptotic death of rbc precursors in the bone marrow

the fate of 70-80% of marrow normoblasts undergo apoptosis in severely affected pts
what is caused by the marked anemia in patients with severe thalassemia?
erythropoietin secretion with erythroid hyperplasia in the marrow and extramedullary hematopoiesis (pts can develop skeletal problems due to the marrow expansion)

excessive absorption of dietary iron since ineffective erythropoiesis suppresses hepcidin (negative regulator of Fe absorption); in addition to iron accumulation from transfusions, pt gets iron overload & resultant organ damage , esp. to liver/heart

RBC progenitors "steal" nutrients from other tissues, which can result in severe cachexia
what are the syndromes associated with beta-thalassemia?
homozygous - beta^+,+ or beta^+,0 or beta^0,0 - have severe, transfusion-dependent anemia - aka beta-thalassemia major

heterozygous - beta^+,n or beta^0,n - have only mild anemia which may be asymptomatic - aka beta-thalassemia minor or trait

beta-thalassemia intermedia - genetically heterogeneous milder variants of beta^+,+ or beta^+,0 - intermediate anemia, but doesn't require transfusions

n= normal/nonmutated gene locus
beta-thalassemia major
common in the Mediterranean, parts of Africa, and SE Asia; in U.S. the highest proportion are seen in immigrants from those areas

beta^+,+ or beta^0,0 or beta^+,0

manifests at 6-9 months when the infant stops producing HbF

pts have severe, transfusion-dependent anemia
morphology of beta-thalassemia major
Hb is 3-6gm/dL without transfusion

in peripheral smear, see marked anisocytosis (size variation) and poikilocytosis (shape variation), with many hypochromic and microcytic cells, target cells, schistocytes, basophilic stippled cells, reticulocytosis (though lower than expected for degree of anemia), and a variable number of normocytic rbcs with poor hemoglobinization

little/no HbA with HbF markedly increased; HbA2 is variable

expansion of bone marrow creates crew-cut skull x-ray

marked hepatosplenomegaly (spleen may be 1500gm in adults)

hemosiderosis or secondary hemochromatosis from Fe-overload
clinical features of beta-thalassemia
transfusion is necessary to supply blood and suppress secondary effects of excess erythropoiesis (skeletal changes)

cardiac disease from Fe-overload is frequently a cause of death

need to give iron chelators

survive into 3rd decade with Tx

only cure is bone marrow transplant from HLA identical sibling w/o severe thalassemia
beta-thalassemia minor
heterozygous (beta^+,n or beta^0,n)

pt presents with mild, maybe asymptomatic anemia

in the peripheral smear, see:
- hypochromic, microcytic rbcs
- basophilic stippling and target cells
- can be confused with Fe-deficiency anemia, but giving iron can aggravate anemia in thalassemia

mild marrow hyperplasia with increase in HbA2 (4-8%; normal is 2.5%) and variable change in HbF

much more common than other types of beta-thalassemia

common in the Mediterranean, in parts of Africa, and in SE Asia
normally there are 4 alpha-globin genes, but pts with alpha-thalassemia have excess unpaired gamma-globin chains forming gamma4 tetramers (Hgb Barts)

in adult, excess beta-globin chains form tetramers of HbH

non-alpha chains are more soluble, so diseases are not as severe as the corresponding beta-thalassemia

most common cause is deletion of alpha-globin genes

alpha-globin genes are in linked pairs on each of the copies of chromosome 16; each gene makes 25% of the chains - any one can be deleted independent of the others
silent carrier of alpha-thalassemia
genotype: -a/aa

minimal decrease in synthesis
no anemia
slight microcytosis
alpha-thalassemia trait
genotype: --/aa or -a/-a
(difference determines chances that offspring's chances of developing, but is indifferent to pt's symptoms)

deletions on same chromosome (asian) or one on each chromosome (african)

mild, maybe asymptomatic anemia or no anemia
mild marrow hyperplasia
peripheral smear:
- hypochromic, microcytic rbcs
- basophilic stippling and target cells
- can be confused with Fe-deficiency anemia (giving Fe supplements can aggravate anemia in thalassemia)
HbH disease
genotype: --/-a

mainly seen in Asians

formation of beta tetramers (HbH) which has a very high affinity for O2 and is not very useful for O2 exchange

anemia is disproportionately bad compared to level of Hb

oxidized HbH forms precipitates, so older cells are destroyed in the spleen (these precipitates can be seen with brilliant cresyl blue)

moderately severe anemia, resembling beta-thalassemia intermedia
hydrops fetalis
genotype: --/--

in fetus, have Hb Barts which has an extremely high O2 affinity so there is no delivery to tissue

fetus survives early intra-uterine life b/c of embryonic Hb, but fetal distress around the third trimester of pregnancy

used to be lethal in utero, but now can do an intrauterine transfusion and bone marrow transplant after birth

severe anemia, clinically like erythroblastosis fetalis
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
rare clonal disorder of stem cells that usually presents in young adults

caused by acquired mutation in phosphatidylinositol glycan A (PIGA) gene

not all cells have the defect, so pt has a mix of normal and abnormal cells

only 25% of pts have nocturnal, paroxysmal attacks; most have chronic hemolysis w/o dramatic hemoglobinuria which eventually causes iron deficiency

median survival is 10yrs
can evolve into AML (5-10%)
what is the mutation in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
phosphatidylinositol glycan A (PIGA) gene

essential for the formation of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) that anchors some proteins to the cell membrane, including several (CD59) that inactivate complement (their absence in PNH makes blood cells sensitive to complement-mediated intravascular lysis)

PIGA is X-linked and subject to lyonization, so only the active gene needs to be mutated to produce deficiency

not all cells in a pt have the defect so a pt has a mix of normal & abnormal cells
what cells are affected by a mutation in PIGA?
PIGA is mutated in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

affects pluripotent stem cells, so rbcs, wbcs, and platelets all have the defect
what is noted in the blood cell count of pts with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
normocytic anemia
neutropenia (60%)
thrombocytopenia (67%)
where are thrombotic episodes seen in pts with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
hepatic, portal, and cerebral veins

thrombotic episodes are fatal in 50% of pts (median survival = 10yrs)

- dysfunction of platelets favors thrombosis
- absorption of NO by free Hb favors thrombosis
what malignancy can can develop from paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
acute myelogenous leukemia (5-10% of pts)
if normal people have some bone marrow cells with PIGA mutations, why don't they all develop paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
disease only occurs if the mutant cells have a selective advantage over other cells

PNH often arises in the setting of aplastic anemia
what is the treatment for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
bone marrow transplant
immunohemolytic anemias (autoimmune hemolytic anemias)
extracorpuscular mechanisms

usually classified by nature of antibody involved

major diagnostic criterion is the Coombs' antiglobulin test
DAT (direct Coombs' antiglobulin test)
patient rbcs mixed with sera containing Abs for Ig or complement

if either Ig or complement is present on the rbcs, agglutination/clumping occur

test for autoimmune hemolytic anemias
indirect Coombs' antiglobulin test
test patient serum for ability to agglutinate commercial rbcs having particular defined antigens

characterizes the target antigen and temperature dependence of the antibody
what is the most common form of immunohemolytic anemia?
warm antibody hemolytic anemia
warm antibody hemolytic anemia
most common form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (50% are idiopathic; 50% have an underlying condition or drug exposure, like lymphoma/leukemia/neoplasms/SLE)

most autoantibodies are IgG

coated cells, partially phagocytized, form spherocytes and are removed in spleen (causes moderate splenomegaly)
what is targeted by the autoantibodies in idiopathic warm antibody hemolytic anemia?
Rh blood group antigens

(autoantibodies are usually IgG)
what are the targets of the autoantibodies in drug induced-warm antibody hemolytic anemia?
1) haptens - drugs (penicillin, cephalosporins, etc.) act as haptens by binding to rbc membrane to induce Abs against cell-bound drug or a complex of drug and a membrane protein - usually associated with large IV amts of drug, occurring 1-2 wks after therapy - rbc destruction may be intra- or extra-vascular

2) autoantibodies - drugs (methyldopa, etc.) initiate Ab production vs intrinsic rbc antigens (esp. Rh) via unknown mechanisms - 10% of users develop Abs, but only 1% have significant hemolysis
what are the types of immunohemolytic anemias (autoimmune hemolytic anemias)?
- warm antibody hemolytic anemia (most common; IgG Abs against Rh or drugs)
- cold agglutinin immune hemolytic anemia (IgM Abs bind rbcs at 0-4C)
- cold hemolysin hemolytic anemia (least common; IgG Abs against P blood group antigen)
- hemolytic anemia due to rbc trauma
cold agglutinin immune hemolytic anemia
IgM Abs bind to rbcs at 0-4degC

15-30% of autoimmune hemolytic anemias

occurs acutely in recovery phases of some infections (M. pneumoniae, CMV, EBV, HIV, flu) and is self limited so it is rarely clinically significant

chronic can be idiopathic or caused by lymphoproliferative diseases

rbc agglutination and complement fixation in distal body parts, where temp is lower than 30C may cause IV hemolysis; dissociate at warmer temp, but leaves C3b attached to the cells which are destroyed in the liver and spleen

pt has a variable severity of anemia and has Raynaud phenomenon
cold hemolysin hemolytic anemia
aka Donath-Landsteiner syndrome

least common form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia

IgG Abs against the P blood group antigen attach to rbcs at low temps and cause complement-mediated intravascular lysis when cells recirculate to warmer areas (since complement enzymes work better at 37C)

paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria caused by acute, intermittent massive hemolysis on exposure to cold

usually seen in kids following viral infections (measles, mumps, flu, adeno-, VZV, CMV, EBV viruses especially
hemolytic anemia due to rbc trauma
prosthetic cardiac valves (turbulent flow causes shear stresses and abnormal pressure gradients - mechanical valves cause more than bioprosthetic porcine valves)

narrowed/obstructed vasculature (microangiopathic HA; damage to rbc as it squeezes through narowed vessels often caused by by fibrin deposition in small vessels - DIC)

other causes: malignant HTN, SLE, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, HUS, disseminated CA
what is the most common cause of hemolytic anemia related to rbc trauma?
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

damage to rbc as it squeezes through narrowed vessels often caused by fibrin deposition in small vessels (DIC)
megaloblastic anemia
diverse group that all have impaired DNA synthesis, and distinctive changes in blood and bone marrow

cells are large due to defective cell maturation and division, but RNA synthesis is normal so there is asynchrony btwn nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation
peripheral blood smear of megaloblastic anemias
- pancytopenia
- marked anisocytosis (variation in size) and poikilocytosis (variation in shape)
- macrocytes
- high MCV (>100um^3)
- normal MCHC
- lack central pallor (hyperchromic)
- ovalocytes
- multiple Howell-Jolly bodies in a single cell
- reticulopenia
- if severe anemia is present, see normocytic rbcs
- neutrophils are large and HYPERSEGMENTED (>6 lobes or 5 in 5%)
bone marrow of megaloblastic anemia
- hypercellular
- large rbcs
- cytoplasm of both rbcs and granulocytes matures while nucleus retains fine chromatin
- giant metamyelocytes and bands
- megakaryocytes may be large w/ bizarre nuclei
- megaloblasts accumulate in marrow, causing anemia
what are the contributing factors to anemia in patients with megaloblastic anemia?
megaloblasts accumulate in the marrow

intramedullary destruction of megaloblasts (also of granulocyte and platelet precursors, so peripheral wbc and platelet counts are low b/c of apoptosis)

increased hemolysis by unknown mechanism
in what dietary products is B12 found?
animal products (vegetarians lack sufficient B12)
what is the daily requirement of B12?

with normal diet, a person has good reserves
from where is intrinsic factor secreted? what is its function?
secreted by gastric parietal cells

necessary for absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
what is the process by which vitamin B12 is absorbed in the diet?
it is released from animal proteins by pepsin in the acid environment of the stomach and then free B12 binds to salivary B12 binding proteins

the complex is broken down in the duodenum by pancreatic proteases and B12 attaches to intrinsic factor (released from gastric parietal cells)

new complex travels to ileum and adheres to IF-specific receptors on mucosal ileal cells which B12 then enters

B12 associates with transcobalamin II (a carrier protein) and is secreted into the plasma, which delivers it to tissue through the portal vein

a small alternative non-IF pathway can take care of 1%
pernicious anemia
B12 deficiency due to atrophic gastritis with failure to produce intrinsic factor

seen in all races (slightly more common in Scandinavian- and English-speaking groups

median at Dx is in the 60s (presentation is rare < 30yo)
B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
dietary deficiency takes years to develop

1) achlorhydria and/or loss of pepsin in some elderly people can cause deficiency
2) lack of intrinsic factor (pernicious anemia or gastrectomy)
3) loss of exocrine pancreatic function
4) ileal resection or diffuse ileal disease
5) tapeworms compete for B12
6) increase in requirement (pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, disseminated CA)
functions of B12
1) essential cofactor for methionine synthetase, which is involved in conversion of homocysteine to methionine
- deficiency may trap folic acid in N5-methyl state, or may cause failure of synthesis of some other metabolically active forms of folate
- lack of folate is the proximal cause of anemia in B12 deficincy

2) involved in isomerization of methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl CoA
- deficiency causes inc. in levels of methylmalonate which leads to abnormal FAs incorporated into neuronal lipids, predisposing to myelin breakdown
what happens if folic acid is given to a patient with pernicious anemia?
anemia improves because the proximal cause of anemia in B12 deficiency is lack of folate, but neurologic changes are unaffected because the neurologic changes are unrelated to folic acid
pathogenesis of pernicious anemia
immunologic mediated, maybe autoimmune, destruction of gastric mucosa resulting in chronic atrophic gastritis
- loss of parietal cells that secrete intrinsic factor
- lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate
- megaloblastic changes in mucosal cells

3 types of Abs (in many, but not all pts):
1) type I Ab - present in 75% of pts in the serum and gastric juice - blocks binding of B12 to IF
2) type II Ab - present in large number of pts - prevents binding of B12/IF complex to ileal receptors
3) type III Ab - present in 90% of pts - Abs against subunits of the gastric proton pump (present in 50% of pts with chronic atrophic gastritis w/o pernicious anemia)

suspect that Abs may be secondary to T cell response which injures gastric mucosa and triggers autoAb formation; Abs cause further gastric damage
GI morphology in pernicious anemia
tongue is shiny, glazed and beefy (atrophic glossitis)

stomach has diffuse chronic gastritis with atrophy of the fundic glands, the parietal cells (basically absent), and chief cells

intestinal metaplasia, developing goblet cells

cells and nuclei may double in size (megaloblastic change

increased risk of gastric carcinoma

autoimmune mediated (marrow responds to B12, but GI changes don't)
CNS morphology in pernicious anemia
changes present in 75% of pts with pernicious anemia (rarely can have CNS changes w/o the anemia)

1) myelin degeneration in dorsal & lateral tracts of spinal cord, maybe with loss of axons
2) spastic paraparesis, sensory ataxia, severe paresthesias of the legs
clinical features of pernicious anemia
insidious onset, so pt usually has marked anemia when diagnosed

Dx dependent on:
- megaloblastic anemia
- leukopenia with hypersegmented neutrophils
- mild-moderate thrombocytopenia
- peripheral hemolysis causing mild jaundice
- neurologic changes
- achlorhydria (inability to make HCl) even after histamine stimulation
- inability to absorb oral dose of B12 and low serum B12
- inc. in serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine
- parenteral B12 improves anemia and increases reticulocytes
- serum Abs to intrinsic factor
on what clinical features is a diagnosis of pernicious anemia dependent?
- megaloblastic anemia
- leukopenia with hypersegmented neutrophils
- mild-moderate thrombocytopenia
- peripheral hemolysis causing mild jaundice
- neurologic changes
- achlorhydria (inability to make HCl) even after histamine stimulation
- inability to absorb oral dose of B12 and low serum B12
- inc. in serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine
- parenteral B12 improves anemia and increases reticulocytes
- serum Abs to intrinsic factor
why are pts with pernicious anemia at an increased risk for atherosclerosis and thrombosis?
[homocysteine] is increased in pernicious anemia and homocysteine is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis
in what dietary elements is folate found?
green, leafy vegetables

- need 50-200ug daily
- cooking destroys 95% of the folate
- liver has modest reserves (enough to supply for wks-mos)
how are folate and B12 deficiencies similar? how do they differ?
they are similar because they both cause a very similar megaloblastic anemia

B12 deficiency also causes neurological changes (myelin degeneration with subsequent spastic paraparesis, sensory ataxia, and severe leg paresthesias) but folate deficiency doesn't
what is the function of folate?
folate is essential for 1C transfers

needed for:
1) purine synthesis
2) synthesis of methionine from homocysteine
3) synthesis of deoxythymidylate monophosphate
what is important about the synthesis of deoxythymidylate monophosphate?
dTMP is important for DNA synthesis

in the pathway of its synthesis, a reductase is necessary to get FH4 back into the donor pool

this enzyme can be inhibited by various drugs
what are the causes of folate deficiency?
decreased intake
- alcoholics (cirrhosis can trap folate, with excess urinary loss)
- elderly
- poor

- sprue (folate absorbed in proximal jejunum)
- infiltrative diseases of small intestine (lymphomas)
- some drugs (BCPs, dilantin, phenytoin)

increased demand
- pregnancy
- infancy
- hemolytic anemias
- cancer

- methotrexate (inhibits DHFR)
what cells are affected by folic acid deficiency?
all rapidly growing cells (particularly those of the GI and bone marrow)

main presentations: anemia + GI ulcers
what are the requirements to diagnose folate deficiency?
dec folate levels in serum and in rbcs (rbc level is more sensitive

NO neurological changes
what is the most common nutritional disorder globally?
iron deficiency anemia
how much iron is in the normal western diet?
10-20mg Fe/day
- most from animal products (20% is absorbed)
- non-heme iron (1-2% absorbed)
how much total iron is in a male? in a female?
6gm in a male
2gm in a female

80% is functional iron in Hb
there is efficient recycling from functional and storage pools
protein made in liver that transports iron in the plasma and delivers the iron to cells (including erythroid precursors which have high-affinity receptors for transferrin)

usually about 1/3 of plasma protein is saturated, causing serum Fe of 100ug in women and 120ug in men
where is the storage pool for iron?
free Fe is highly toxic, so it is bound to hemosiderin and ferritin to make it safer

storage pool is 15-20% of the total body iron (with less storage in women than in men)
protein-iron complex that is present in all tissue, but especially in the liver, spleen, marrow, and skeletal muscle

in the liver, it is mostly found in hepatocytes and is derived from transferrin

in the spleen and marrow, it is mostly found in macrophages and is derived from rbc breakdown

partially degraded shells of ferritin aggregate as hemosiderin granules which stain for prussian blue b/c iron in hemosiderin is chemically reactive
plasma ferritin
correlates with adequacy of body iron stores

<12 ug/L in iron deficiency
up to 5000 ug/L in iron overload
how much Fe is lost daily?
fixed daily loss is 1-2 mg

since only 10-15% of ingested iron is absorbed, the daily requirement is 5-10mg in men and 15-20mg in women

average diet contains about 15-20mg, so women get just enough to maintain a marginal balance
where is iron mostly absorbed in the gut?
what is the process of absorption of non-heme iron?
1) converted from Fe3+ to Fe2+
2) divalent metal transporter 1 moves Fe2+ across apical membrane of duodenal cells
3) Fe2+ can remain in enterocyte in storage form or is transported across basolateral membrane by ferriportin 1
4) ceruloplasmin & hephaestin convert Fe2+ to Fe3+ so that it can be carried by transferrin
5) DMT1 mediates uptake of Fe across membranes in rbc precursors
6) most Fe is stored as mucosal ferritin, and either transferred to transferrin more slowly or lost when mucosal cell sheds off into the lumen
7) Fe absorption is regulated by hepcidin (inhibits Fe transfer from enterocyte to plasma)
divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)
1) moves iron across apical membrane of duodenal cells

2) mediates uptake of Fe across membranes in rbc precursors
ferriportin 1
1) transports Fe across the basolateral membrane of enterocytes

2) plays a role in the release of storage Fe from macrophages
protein made in the liver

1) carries about 70% of the total copper in human plasma while albumin carries about 15% (rest is macroglobulins)
2) oxidation of Fe2+ (ferrous iron) into Fe3+ (ferric iron), (transferrin can carry iron only in the ferric state)
protein found in highest conc. on the basolateral membrane of cells in the small intestine (esp. the duodenum)

oxidizes Fe2+ (ferrous iron) to Fe3+ (ferric iron), therefore assisting in its transport in the plasma in association with transferrin (can carry iron only in the ferric state)
how is most iron stored?
as mucosal ferritin

either transferred to transferrin more slowly, or lost when mucosal cell sheds off into the lumen

in iron deficiency, more iron goes to transferrin
protein that is made in the liver and released in response to elevated intra-hepatic Fe

inhibits Fe transfer from enterocyte to plasma by binding to ferriportin, causing the ferriportin to be degraded (causes trapping of Fe in enterocytes which are eventually sloughed off into intestinal lumen)

when Fe stores are high, hepcidin increases; when Fe stores are low, hepcidin decreases

since it binds to ferriportin, it also suppresses Fe release from macrophages
dietary deficiency of iron
should be rare in countries with abundant food, including meat

seen in:
- elderly
- poor people
- infants (breast milk contains little Fe; cow milk has more but bioavailability is low)
- children, especially young (blood volume is expanding)
impaired absorption of iron
- sprue
- chronic diarrhea
- gastrectomy (impairs Fe absorption by decreasing both HCl and duodenal transit time)
- some elements in diet (ex. tannate in tea) inhibit absorption
what is the most important cause of Fe deficiency in the west?
chronic blood loss

external/GI/urinary/genital hemorrhage
- urinary is not as severe

if blood loss is internal, the iron can be recycled
in adult men and postmenopausal women, iron deficiency is due to what until proven otherwise?
GI loss (occult cancer or other bleeding lesion)
morphology of Fe-deficiency anemia
as reserves decrease serum iron, transferrin saturation, and ferritin decrease (iron binding capacity increases)

when reserves are exhausted pt gets hypochromic, microcytic anemia with poikilocytosis in form of pencil cells

reduced heme synthesis causes elevation of free rbc protoporphyrin

in the marrow, initially see inc. in erythropoiesis in attempt to compensate
- increased normoblasts
- decreased stainable iron as it is being used up
- don't collect bone marrow to diagnose
clinical features of Fe-deficiency anemia
- alopecia (loss of hair on head/body)
- tongue atrophy
- gastric mucosa atrophy with malabsorption if severe

kids with iron-deficiency tend to crave ice
what chronic diseases can cause anemia?
- chronic infections (b/c of impaired rbc production)
- chronic immune disorders
- neoplasms (carcinomas of lung/breast or Hodgkin Lymphoma)
- renal insufficiency/failure
anemia of chronic disease
associated with low serum iron, reduced iron-binding capacity, and abundant iron stores

suggested defect in reuse of iron due to some block in transfer of iron from storage pool to erythroid precursors

marrow hypoproliferation

inflammatory mediators, esp. IL6, stimulate liver production of hepcidin, so Fe is not released from macrophages to rbc precursors

erythroid precursors do not proliferate normally since erythropoietin is low for the degree of anemia (might be an effect of hepcidin)
morphology of anemia of chronic disease
anemia is usually mild - may be hypochromic and microcytic or normochromic and normocytic

inc serum ferritin, dec iron binding capacity rules out Fe-deficiency anemia

transferrin is usually normal or low
inc. iron stores in marrow
aplastic anemia
chronic primary hematopoietic failure

really a pancytopenia (dec levels of rbcs, wbcs, and platelets)

caused by failure or suppression of multipotent myeloid stem cells
drug-induced aplastic anemia
some are predictable, dose-related, and reversible on stopping the causative agent

most are idiosyncratic reactions to very small doses of the drug that may be severe and irreversible
causes of aplastic anemia
whole body radiation
fanconi anemia
65% are idiopathic
inherited defect in telomerase or abnormally short telomeres
what infections most commonly cause aplastic anemia?
most commonly hepatitis (non-A,B,C,G)
fanconi anemia
rare disease with AR inheritance

mutations result in defective DNA repair

pts generally have congenital defects and marrow hypofunction early in life

pts commonly develop aplastic anemia and cancer (most commonly AML)
what inherited defects can cause aplastic anemia?
inherited defects in telomerase (in 5-10% of adult-onset aplastic anemia)

abnormally short telomeres (50% of pts)
T-cell mediated pathogenesis of aplastic anemia
stem cells antigenically altered by offending agent which evokes a T cell-mediated immune response

TNF and IFN-gamma produced by activated T cells suppress and kill heme progenitor cells (inhibits stem cell proliferation/differentiation)

antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine therapy helps in 60-70% of pts by killing autoreactive T cell clones

present in up to 70% of pts
stem cell abnormality mediated pathogenesis of aplastic anemia
some insult causes genetic damage, with generation of stem cells with poor proliferative/differentiation ability

if these clonal cells dominate aplastic anemia is caused

occasionally aplastic anemia transforms to acute leukemia (supporting this hypothesis)
what are the two major mechanisms that lead to aplastic anemia?
1) inhibition of stem cell proliferation/differentiation by activated T cells (70%)
2) fundamental stem cell abnormality that causes generation of stem cells with poor proliferative/differentiation ability occurs b/c of some insult that causes genetic damage
bone marrow of aplastic anemia
- markedly hypocellular
- fat & fibrous stroma with clusters of scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells
- normochromic, normocytic anemia with reticulocytes
- dec. wbc count (risk for infection)
- dec. platelets (bleeding)
morphology of aplastic anemia
- pancytopenia
- rbcs are usually slightly macrocytic and normochromic
- hypocellular marrow with fat/fibrous stroma with clusters of scattered lymphs and plasma cells
clinical features of aplastic anemia
usually a gradual onset, but can be quite sudden


spleen is not enlarged (if there is splenomegaly, question the dx)

if pt doesnt respond to anti-thymocyte globulin and cyclosporine, some respond to marrow transplant
DDx for aplastic anemia
other causes of pancytopenia

need bone marrow biopsy to rule out aleukemic leukemia and myelodysplasias
pure red cell aplasia
rare form of marrow failure where only erythroid progenitors are suppressed

can be primary
can be secondary to:
- neoplasms, especially thymoma or leukemia of lg granular lymphs
- drugs
- autoimmune

in thymoma, 1/2 improve after tumor resection

parvovirus likes nucleated rbc precursors
- normally infection clears in 1-2 wks, so aplasia is transient
- much more problematic if superimposed on a hemolytic anemia
myelophthisic anemia
displacement of hemopoietic bone-marrow tissue into the peripheral blood, either by fibrosis, tumors or granulomas

space-occupying lesions destroy significant amts of marrow and microenvironment and replaces marrow elements

see tear drops in peripheral blood

commonest cause is metastatic cancer from lung, breast, and prostate carcinomas

can be caused by infitrative granulomatous diseases in bone marrow (feature of the spent phase of myeloproliferative disorders)
marrow failure caused by diffuse liver disease
usually more rbc depression than wbc or platelets

may be macrocytic anemia due to lipid abnormalities of liver failure
marrow failure caused by chronic renal failure
anemia is usually proportional to severity of uremia

dominantly caused by lack of erythropoietin production by kidneys

pts often have superimposed Fe deficiency
erythrocytosis (polycythemia)
increased conc. of rbcs, usually with corresponding inc in Hb

can be caused by relative hemoconcentration (dehydration due to various causes)

can be primary (polycythemia vera) or secondary, but there is an absolute increase in total red cell mass
Gaisbock syndrome
aka stress polycythemia

relative polycythemia associated with HTN, obesity, anxiety, and males

there is not enough plasma, so the rbcs are concentrated
polycythemia vera
primary increase in red cell mass

caused by abnormality of stem cells
- clonal neoplastic proliferation
- mutation in EPO receptors (much less common)
secondary polycythemia
normal stem cells, but excess rbc proliferation due to increased EPO

appropriate secondary polycythemia is seen in high altitude, lung disease, and cyanotic heart disease

inappropriate secondary polycythemia is seen in EPO-secreting tumors in the kidney
what are the general causes of excessive bleeding?
1) increased fragility of vessels
2) platelet deficiency or dysfunction
3) derangement of coagulation

**all can be alone or in combination**
prothrombin time (PT)
assesses the extrinsic and common coagulation pathways

clotting of plasma after an exogenous source of tissue thromboplastin and calcium ions is measured in seconds

prolonged PT results from deficiency/defect in factor V, VII, X, prothrombin, or fibrinogen
partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
assesses the intrinsic and common clotting pathways

clotting of plasma after addition of kaolin (activates factor XII), cephalin (substitute for platelet phospholipids), and calcium ions is measured in seconds

prolonged PTT results from deficiency/defect in factor V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, prothrombin, or fibrinogen
platelet count
reference range: 150,000-300,000/uL
thrombocytopenia: <100,000/uL
spontaneous bleeding: <20,000/uL

spurious low counts could be caused by clumping of platelets

high counts could indicated myeloproliferative disorder
what are nonthrombocytopenic purpuras?
bleeding disorders caused by vessel wall abnormalities

- relatively common
- rarely cause serious bleeding problems (usually just induces petechiae/purpura in skin or mucous membranes, esp. gingivae)
what form do more significant hemorrhages take in bleeding disorders caused by vessel wall abnormalities?
bleeding into joints, muscles and subperiosteal locations

GI bleeding
what are the results of PT, and PTT in bleeding disorders caused by vessel wall abnormalities?
usually results are normal
what are the causes of bleeding disorders caused by vessel wall abnormalities?
infections (particularly meningococcemia)
drug reactions
scurvy & Ehlers-Danlos
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
perivascular amyloidosis
how do drug reactions cause vascular damage, leading to nonthrombocytopenic purpuras?
vascular injury mediated by drug-induced immune complexes in vessel walls

leads to hypersensitivity (leukocytoclastic) vasculitis
how do infections cause vascular damage, leading to nonthrombocytopenic purpuras?
via microbial damage to microvasculature or via DIC
what are the results of a PT and PTT in pts with thrombocytopenia?
usually normal
what sites commonly bleed spontaneously in thrombocytopenia?
skin and mucous membranes of the GI and GU tracts

worst place to get spontaneous bleeding is intracranially
what are the four major categories of causes of thrombocytopenia?
decreased platelet production
decreased platelet survival
splenic sequestration
dilution (massive transfutions)
what are the most important non-immunological causes of decreased platelet survival?
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
thrombotic microangiopathies

**unbridled, often systemic, platelet activation reduces platelet life span**
why do pts with prosthetic heart valves develop thrombocytopenia?
mechanical injury to the platelets can cause nonimmunological destruction of the platelets
chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
destruction of platelets caused by autoantibodies to platelets (usually IgG and most often against gpIIb-IIIa, or gpIb-IX)

can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary (HIV, SLE, CLL)
pathogenesis of chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
autoantibodies (most often IgG and against gpIIb-IIIa or gpIb-IX) can be demonstrated in plasma and bound to platelet surface in 80% of pts

Abs act as opsonins for Fc receptors on phagocytes causing platelet destruction, mainly in the spleen

in some cases Abs bind to and damage megakaryocytes leading to decrease in production of platelets
morphology of chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
principal changes in spleen, marrow, and blood

spleen is normal size, with congestion of sinusoids and enlargement of follicles

marrow has modestly increased number of megakaryocytes

peripheral blood usually has abnormally large platelets
clinical features of chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
most common in women <40yo

- insidious in onset
- characterized by bleeding into skin and mucosal surfaces (pinpoint hemorrhages)
- pt hx of easy bruising, nosebleeds, bleeding from gums, and hemorrhages w/ minor trauma
- may present with melena, hematuria, or excessive menstrual flow

Tx: glucocorticoids (inhibit phagocyte fcn)
acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
destruction of platelets caused by autoantibodies to platelets

childhood disease that appears abruptly about two weeks after a viral illness and usually spontaneously resolves in 6 mos
drug-induced thrombocytopenia
drugs induce thrombocytopenia through direct effects or secondary to immunologically mediated effects

commonly caused by:
- quinine, quinidine, vancomycin
- gold salts
- drugs that bind gpIIb/IIIa
- heparin
what drugs are commonly implicated in drug-induced thrombocytopenia?
gold salts**
*= bind platelet glycoproteins and in one way or another create antigenic determinants that are recognized by Abs
**=induce true Abs by unknown mechanism
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
subset of drug-induced thrombocytopenia caused by heparin

type I - common, but clinically unimportant - occurs rapidly after starting Tx - caused by direct platelet aggregating effect

type II - rare, but more clinically important - occurs 5-14 days after Tx begins - caused by Abs that recognize complexes of heparin w/ platelet factor 4 (a normal component of platelet granules)
HIV-associated thrombocytopenia
one of the most common hematologic manifestations of HIV infection

CD4 & CXCR4 are found on megakaryocytes, so they can be infected by HIV; infected megakaryocytes are prone to apoptosis and their ability to produce platelets is impaired

HIV-mediated B cell hyperplasia predisposes to development of anti-platelet autoAbs
what are the thrombotic microangiopathies?
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
caused by a deficiency in ADAMTS13 (plasma enzyme which degrades high molecular weight multimers of vWF) which causes accumulation of vWF and promotes platelet activation/aggregation

deficiency can be inherited
- inactivating mutation in ADAMTS13 gene
- onset in adolescence
- episodic Sxs
deficiency can be acquired
- autoAbs inhibit metalloprotease activity
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
epidemic/typical HUS - strongly associated w/ gastroenteritis caused by E. coli O157:H7 (elaborates a shiga-like toxin) - mostly children & elderly - present with bloody diarrhea and then HUS a few days later

nonepidemic/atypical HUS - associated with defects in factor H, CD46, or factor I (proteins that prevent excessive alternative complement activation)
what are the three pathogenically distinct groups of inherited disorders of platelet fcn?
defects of adhesion
defects of aggregation
disorders of platelet secretion
bernard-soulier syndrome
AR inherited disorder caused by inherited deficiency of gpIb/IX (receptor for vWF)

results in bleeding from defective platelet adhesion to subendothelial matrix
glanzmann thrombasthenia
AR inherited disorder caused by inherited deficiency of gpIIb/IIIa (binds fibrinogen to form bridges btwn platelets)

platelets fail to aggregate in response to ADP, collagen, epi, or thrombin
what are the two clinically significant acquired defects of platelet function?
ingestion of aspirin/NSAIDs

how does the bleeding due to isolated coagulation factor deficiencies most commonly present?
large post-traumatic ecchymoses or hematomas or prolonged bleeding after a laceration/surgical procedure of any kind

bleeding into GI and GU tracts and into weight-bearing joints is common
how do hereditary deficiencies of clotting factors differ from acquired deficiencies?
hereditary deficiencies affect a single clotting factor

acquired deficiencies usually involve multiple coagulation factors simultaneously and can be based on decreased protein synthesis or shortened half life
what are the most common inherited deficiencies of coagulation factors?
1) vWF (von Willebrand disease)
2) factor VIII (hemophilia A)
3) factor IX (hemophilia B)
factor VIII
essential cofactor of factor IX, which converts factor X to factor Xa

made in sinusoidal endothelial cells and Kupffer cells in the liver, as well as tubular epithelium in kidney

when it reaches the circulation, it binds to vWF (produced by endothelial cells and megakaryocytes) to increase its half-life from 2.4hrs to 12hrs
produced by endothelial cells and, to a lesser degree, megakaryocytes (vWF in platelet alpha-granules)

binds and stabilizes factor VIII to increase half-life from 2.4 to 12 hours

promotes adhesion of platelets to subendothelial matrix through bridging interactions btwn platelet gpIb/IX, vWF, and collagen
- some is secreted by endothelial cells and lies in wait in the subendothelial matrix in case endothelial lining is disrupted
- some is secreted into circulation to bind collagen in the subendothelial matrix to augment adhesion
ristocetin agglutination test
assay of vWF function performed by mixing pt's plasma with formalin-fixed plateles and ristocetin (a small molecule that binds and activates vWF)

ristocetin induces multivalent vWF multimers to bind gpIb-IX and form bridges, thereby causing aggregation
what is the most common inherited bleeding disorder of humans?
von Willebrand disease

affects about 1% of adults in US
in most, bleeding tendency is mild and goes unnoticed until some hemostatic stress reveals its presence
von Willebrand disease
AD inherited disorder caused by deficiency in vWF

in most, bleeding tendency is mild and goes unnoticed until some hemostatic stress reveals its presence

Sx: spontaneous bleeding from mucous membranes, excessive wound bleeding, menorrhagia

prolonged bleeding time in presence of a normal platelet count (defect is in platelet function - aggregation)