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75 Cards in this Set

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Periodontal/oralinfections may impact...

-heart disease



-respiratory disease

-preterm low-birth-weight babies

examples of systemic disease

diabetesand leukemia

DH roles as "educator"

•Oral and perioral cancer risks &prevention

•Tobacco cessation

•Caries prevention and riskassessment

•Periodontal disease prevention andrisk assessment

•General health factors

why is early detection important?

-can save someone's life

oral cancers can occur _____

slowly so patient's are not aware

___% people who are diagnose with oral cancer won't survive unless it's ____ detection

50, early

if patient has HBP, we should not do...


some patients may need _____ appointments or can't be ______ back all the way

shorter, leaned

Atypical is ...

variations of normal

what are some traumatic pathologies?


-thermal/chemical burns




-child abuse*****

what are some infectious pathologies?

-periodontal disease




what are some benign pathologies?




what are some malignant pathologies?



pathologies can also be...





_______ tumors do not spread to other parts of the body


_______ tumors are cancerous & are made up of cells that grow out of control


when recording location, record using words such as...

inferior,superior, lateral, medial, anterior, posterior, distal, and mesial

if it's smooth, the lesion is from _______


if something looks suspicious, it takes ______ weeks to heal (have them come back to check on it)


when we give referral for lesion, make sure...

we follow up on it!

ask questions about lesions such as..

if they noticed & how long it's been there

need to have detail descriptions with info such as..

-history (diabetes, illness, medication)


-definition (what type)




-consistency (hard/soft)

-surface texture (smooth/rough)

if it's a white lesion, we should...

take gauze & see if it wipes off

if a pt has hx w/tobacco and it's on 1 side...

send to OS

well-defined margins, we can tell where...

it starts & ends

poorly defined margins are more dangerous because

they are more likely to grow & spread

ex: malignment have poor defined border

traumatic fibroma can get larger if...

keep biting the cheek really hard

when recording measurements, we recored the...

width 1st then length then height

who are more likely to get macules on the face?

blonde hair/blue eyes

what is a vesicle?

small raised filled w/clear fluid (less than 5mm) ex: herpes

what is a bulla?

large raised w/clear fluid (5mm-2cm)

what is a pustule?

raised lesion filled with pus

ex: acne

what is a nodule?

solid raised mini tumor with solid stuff (.5cm-2cm)

plaque can be caused by....

-trauma from broke tooth

-chemical burn (acids)

define sessile

fixed place (not movable)

denim pedunculate

attach by thin stalk

ulcers are _______ (loss of tissue)


what can cause an ulcer?



what color are ulcers normally?


which way does exophytic grow?

lesions grow outward or up

which way does endophytic grow?

lesions grow underneath or down

ex: ulcer

white lesions normally involve excess ______ in tissue making them more ______

keratin, opaque

what can cause white plaque to rub off?


-organ transplant meds

erythema normally indicates...

-thinner epithelial tissues

-more blood flow in area


yellow lesions

-purulent (discharging pus) exudate

-adipose tissue (fatty lesions)


where does endogenous pigmentation come from?

within the body

ex: melanin

where does exogenous pigmentation come from?

outside the body

ex: lead, amalgam

examples of black macules

-amalgam tattoo

-pencil lead injury


examples of blue lesions


-labial varicosities

-intraoral nevi


examples of melanotic lesions


-intraoral nevus


if there's black around teeth, it most likely is...

amalgam tattoo

consistency referee to how something ____


ex: soft, hard, firm, spongy, rubbery

doe lymph nodes move?


fluctuant is ____ filled inside and an example of

fluid, consistency

papillary can be rough and look like...

-finger like projections

-NOT underneath

ex: wart

corrugated are rough and look

rippled/washboard like

ex: chew tobacco & hold it there

pg 26 on powerpoint

is fissures considered smooth?


what can cause pseudomembrane?


example: pg 28 on powerpoint

what is pseudomembrane?

false membrane that covers surface of lesion and can be wiped off

can we find tumors on X-rays?



-stops X-rays

-whiter than surrounding bone


-darker than surrounding bone

-xray goes through it better


"single sac of cyst"??

pg 32 on powerpoint

what can a poorly defined margin on X-ray indicate?

aggressive lesion

what are the 2 types of odontoma?

complex & compound

complex odontoma (unrecognizable tissues) normally shows up ____ on X-rays

radiopaque (poorly defined)

where can we find complex odontoma?

posterior maxillary or mandible

where can we find compound odotoma?

-maxillary anteriors

-well defined with lobulated appearance

what does root convergence mean?

movement of roots of adjacent teeth towards each other

what does root divergence mean?

movement of roots of adjacent teeth away each other (spread apart)

unerupted teeth can cause a _____ and destroy bone


we can see a tumor from the ____ ______ on the xrays

lamina dura

expansion of cortical bone shows...

bone sticking out

what is differential diagnosis?

-make a list of all the things itcould be

-rank them by which it may most likely be

-eliminate choices/possibility

what is a definitive diagnosis?

-eliminate all possibility but 1


clinical appearance
