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119 Cards in this Set

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in injured or damaged tissue, the appearance of granulation tissue is indicative of
the class of an antibody is determined by
the type of heavy chains
T-lymphocytes are mediators of
type 4 reactions
obstruction of CSF flow in the ventricular system is called
communicating hydrocephalus
raynauds phenomenon typically involves the
oral cold sores and fever blisters are typically caused by
herpes simplex 1 virus
major basic protein (mbp) is found granules of the
centrilobular necrosis is a necrosis of hepatocytes immediately around the
central vein
facilitate recognition and attachment of microorganisms for phagocytosis
contribute to the development of coronary atherosclerosis
diabetes mellitus
russell bodies are accumulations of newly synthesized
is usually the result of impaired lymphatic drainage
most carcinomas of the pancreas are in its
aganglionic segments of colon lacking meissner's submucosal and auerbach's myenteric plexuses is seen in ______ disease and the _____ segment is not distended
the first effect of hypoxia is on the cells
oxidative phosphorylation by the mitochondria
_____ deficiency causes wernicke-korsakoff syndrome and is an important cause of peripheral neuropathy as well
the cutaneous lesions seen in secondary syphillis are called
condyloma lata
glycogen storage diseases are a type of ______ disorder/disease
aphthous ulcers of the oral cavity are caused by
unknown agents
the principle role of dendritic and langerhans cells in the immune response is
antigen processing
complications of emphysema
pulmonary hypertension
when stimulated by antigen some b-lymphocytes differentiate into
plasma cells
free radical formation through the fenton reaction involves
removal of a portion of liver normally results in
compensatory hyperplasia
all are associated with an Myocardial Infarction except:
a- sudden and devastating w/ severe, substernal or precordial pain that often radiates to the left shoulder arm & jaw
b- rapid and weak pulse
c- chest pain significantly relieved by nitroglycerin
d- dyspnea
c is not associated with an MI
all of the following are causes of left-sided heart failure except
a- pulmonary hypertension
b- ischemic heart disease
c- aortic valve disease
d- mitral valve disease
severe and systemic edema
fat emboli most often associated with
severe skeletal injuries of the long bones
acute blood loss anemias are
normocytic, normochromic
quiescent cells are in a physiological state called
russell bodies are found in
plasma cells
collapse of lung tissue with a loss of air spaces is
an autoimmune disease of the salivary and lacrimal glands that produces xerostomia and keratoconjunctivitis sicca is ______ syndrome
in the hemolytic anemia, ______, there is a mutation in the gene that makes ankyrin
hereditary sperocytosis
collagen is synthesized by
epstein-barr virus has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
burkitts lymphoma
b-cell lymphomas in AIDS patients
hodgkins disease
nasopharyngeal cancer
the chief mediator of fever production during an inflammatory response is/are
IL-1 & TNF
the reed-sternberg cell is
found in only hodgkin lymphomas
warthin's tumor is seen almost exclusively in the _______ gland
wear and tear pigment is
the principle chemical mediator involved in an anaphylactic reaction is
obliterative endarteritis, and its weakening of the thoracic aorta, is a characteristic of
tertiary syphillis
heart failure, liver fibrosis, and diabetes mellitus is associated with
sjogrens syndrome
characterized by dry eyes and xerostoma
aka - sicca syndrome
predominately in women
pokilocytosis is an abnormal
variation in the shape of RBC's
the most common cause of hypoxia is
the 2 most important opsonins are
IgG & C3b
nephrotic syndrome is characterized by
chronic reflux of gastric juices into the esophagus will produce esophagitis that may develope into
barrett's esophagus
t-cytotoxic lymphocytes are recognized by the membrane marker
______ syndrome is an uncommon condition characterized by crescentic, usually rapidly progressive glomerulonephrils,, and hemorrhagic pneumonitis
inflammation is
an immediate and early response to injury
inflammation occurs in
vascularized tissue
phlebothrombosis most commonly occur in
veins of the lower extremeties
a left shift is a
increase in immature neutrophils
t-helper lymphocytes are recognized by the membrane marker
the single most important cause in delay in healing is
singer's nodule is found in/on the
leukocyte movement toward the site of injury along a chemical gradient is
any condition that raises the glucocorticoid levels in the body can produce
cushing's syndrome
ascites is also called
the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is
the disease in which there is pain, even at rest, due to artery, vein, and nerve involvement is _______
thromboangiitis obliterans
the strongest association between HLA and a disease is found with
ankylosing spondylitis
the most common manifestation of left ventricular failure is
opsonins specifically bind to Fc receptors and complement receptors on
a transudate
contains little protein
anthracosis is seen in
symptomatic ischemic heart disease is typically associated with critical stenosis defined as a _____% or greater reduction in the lumen of one or more coronary arteries
which is not a form of arteriosclerosis
a- atherosclerosis
b- polyarteritis nodosa
c- monckeberg's medical calcific sclerosis
d- arteriosclerosis
megaloblastic anemias are
macrocytic, hypochromic
atelectasis is
a collapse of the lung
the type of bronchogenic carcinoma strongly associated with smoking is ______ carcinoma
small cell
the most common consequence or complication of an MI is
cardiac arrhythmias
mesothelioma of the pleura is associated with exposure to
a hematoma is
an accumulation of blood within a tissue
which form of hepititis is needed to activate hep.D?
hep. B
if apical tumors of the lung invade the cervical _____ plexus, symptoms of ______ syndrome may occur
chronic inflammation is characterized by tissue infiltration with
mononuclear cells
a mitogen
stimulates cell division
maturation of granulocytic leukocytes is reflected in
the nucleus
consierable evidence favors _______ as a central factor in the pathogenesis of irreversable cell injury
membrane damage
in _____ there is a heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, severe edema
nephrotic syndrome
by far, the most common cause of chronic gastritis and mucosal atrophy is
H. pylori
anisocytosis is an abnormal
variation in the size of RBC's
substituting the amino acid valine for glutamate at the 6th position of the ______ in the hemoglobin molecule is what causes ______
sickle-cell anemia
_____ anemia can occur then there is a deficiency of ______
pernicious anemia
vitamin b-12
hypertrophy of the heart
may be triggered by trophic stimulation
the most common primary lung tumor is
bronchogenic carcinoma
allergic rhinitis is a _____ hypersensitivity
type 1
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
patients have intravascular hemolysis and thrombosis
accumulation of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis is a
a gene that contributes to uncontrolled cell growth is
granulomatous inflammation is characterized by aggregation of activated
disseminated intravascular coagulation
is a coagulation factor consuming disorder
eosinophils are characteristically found in inflammatory sites around infections caused by
the complement system is composed of _____ inactive protein components
the principle fxn of the MHC molecules is
to bind antigens for presentation to select immune effector cells
the most colonic _____ are small, flasklike or spherical outpouchings, usually .5-1cm in diameter. 95% of these pouches are in the _____ colon
multiple myeloma
is a plasma cell disorder
bence jones proteins are
light chains
the most common cause of right sided heart failure is
left sided heart failure
fibronectin is a type of
adhesive glycoprotein
associated with chorionic bronchitis
*air pollution and cig smoking are associated etiological factors
*goblet cell metaplasia
*infections may play a role in the disease process
human papiloma virus is the etiological agent that produces
squamous hyperplasia
the protein that is most responsable for maintaining plasma osmotic pressure is
generalized increases in venous pressure, with resultant systemic edema, occur most commonly in
congestive heart failure
_____ is right sided heart disease due to restriction of blood flow through the ____
a defect in leukocyte chemotaxis or phagocytosis is responsible for
chediak-higashi syndrome
cytokines, in the immune response, particitpate in all of the following except
a- inhibit hematopoiesis
b- regulate lymphocyte growth
c- activate inflammatory cells
d- affect leukocyte movement
pooling of blood in the venous system with resultant edema due to heart failure is known as ______ failure
deposition of immune complexes in blood vessels is thought to be the main cause of ______
foam cells are, _____ which have accumulated intracellular cholesterol
rheumatoid arthritis facts
- most patients have a chronic progressing course of the disease
- most patients become permanently crippled
- reduced life expectancy
- important cause of reactive amyloidosis
components of CREST syndrome except
a- cartilage dissolution
b- raynaud phenomenon
c- esophageal dysmotility
d- sclerodactyly
e- telangiectasia
the dominate influence in thrombus formation is
endothelial injury
t-lymphocytes are recognized by the membrane marker
in acute pancreatitis there are elevated levels of _____ in the serum
amylase and lipase
hypoxic death of cells in the central nervous system produces
liqeufactive necrosis