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29 Cards in this Set

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Normal Testosterone Values

-between 250 - 1,100 nanograms/dL


-inflamed prostate

Signs - low back/scrotum pain, voiding problems, sexual dysfunction

Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostatitis

D - urinalysis, PSA, digital rectal exam

T - antibiotics, pain relieves, muscle relaxers

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

-age related increased prostate size

Signs - problems with urination

Treatment of BPH


-medicine (shrink prostate, MM relaxers)

Prostate Cancer

-can metastisize to local structures then bone

Diagnosis - DRE, PSA count (should be <4)

Treatment of Prostate Cancer



-hormone therapy (estrogen)

Urinary Incontinence Post Prostatectomy

-PFM stregthening


-electrical stimulation

-bladder training

Testicular Torsion

-abnormal twisting of spermatic cord

-can occur after heavy activity

Signs - scrotal pain/swelling, nausea

-surgical emergency to save testis

Testicular Cancer

-most common sign is enlargement

-sometimes have pain and swelling

-may need post radiation lymphedema

Stages of Testicular Cancer

1 - cancer in 1 testis

2 - cancer spread to lymph in abdomen

3 - cancer spread to lymph in chest

4 - cancer is in another organ

Drug Treatment for Testicular Cancer

-goal is to slow growth of cancer

Cisplatin - kidney impairment

Etoposide - vomitting

Bleomycin - dark skin

Implication of Testicular Cancer for PT

-be aware of signs

-aware of superficial lymph nodes

-surgery scars

-adverse effects of chemo

Symptoms of Menopause

-hot flashes

-vaginal dryness


-reduced libido

-mood swings

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

-most common

-begins in duct then penetrates fatty tissue

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

-begins in ducts of milk glands

Paget's Disease

-abnormal redness of nipple

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

-no distinguishable lump

-happens because cancer cells block lymph channels

Signs of Breast Cancer

-lump or thickening near breast

-change in breast size

-redness of nipple

-discharge from nipple

Treatment of early stage breast cancer

-remove some breast tissue and radiation


-radiation, chemo, and hormone therapy given with radical mastectomy

Side Effects of Chemo


-red urine

-bladder problems

-numbness in hands and feet

Screening for Breast Cancer

-self exam (SBE)

-clinical exam (CBE)


Symptoms of Endometriosis

-painful periods

-pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)

-pelvic/back pain

-GI problems

Diagnosis of Endometriosis

-physical exam

-blood test


-laparascopy (gold standard)

Treatment of Endometriosis

-drugs to suppress estrogen


Uterine Fibroids

-benign tumors on uterus

-pain and abnormally heavy bleeding

-may also cause urinary urgency because fibroids press on bladder

-get surgery to remove fibroids or uterus

What is the main risk factor for cervical cancer?


Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

-abnormal bleeding

-increased discharge

-pelvic pain

-pain in intercourse

Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer

-pap smear

