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20 Cards in this Set

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Medulla oblongata

Involved with breathing, digestion, heart rate, blood pressure


Flexion of arms, wrist, and fingers with adduction in upper extremity

Extension, internal rotation and plantar extension in lower extremity

indicates severe brain injury

unilateral-stroke or bilateral general brain injury

Occurs with inter cranial pressure


Arms flexed, hands clenched, legs extended and feet turned in

Indicative of damage to cerebrum, thalamus, or midbrain


Relay station of the brain, involved in sensory perceptions and regulation of motor function


Arms extended, head arched back, legs extended and rotated in, teeth clenched

Damage to brainstem, midbrain, cerebellum,

Worse prognosis, more extensive brain stem injury

S/S coma

Absent: eye opening, following commands, verbalization, volitional behavior (ICU trauma patient, massive stroke patient)

Glascow coma less than 15

Possible outcomes of a coma

Brain death

Cerebral death

Minimally conscious state

Akinetic mutism

Locked-in syndrome

Persistent vegetative state

Ventral pons
nuclei of pons relaysignals from forebrain to cerebellum; involved in sleep, respiration,swallowing, bladder control, hearing, equilibirium, taste, eye movement, facialexpressions, facial sensation, posture


Disruptionin balance between neural excitation et inhibition

Changeleads to abnormal, excessive discharge of CNS neurons

Suddenbrain function alterations

Alteredlevel of awareness and arousal

Types of seizures

Partial (focal) 60% are complex partial seizures (consciousness impaired)


Generalized Seizures

Absence=brief lapses in consciousness with no postictal period

Atonic=drop seizures, sudden brief loss of muscle tone

Tonic-clonic=grand mal seizures

Myoclonus= sudden uncontrollable jerking (may not lose consciousness

How seizures work

High-frequency bursts of action potentials

Something getting in the way of inhibiting continual firing

Relatively long-lasting depolarization

Influx of Ca++opens Na+channels Na+influx → repetitive action potentials with some sort of impairment of inhibition

Firingbecomes greater in frequency et amplitudelRecruitnearby neurons if inhibition fails

Firingusually stops when malfunctioning neurons exhausted et become hyperpolarizedand can no longer form another action potential

Usuallyself-limiting but can lead to chronic brain changes over time, should try toprevent

Prodroma phase

hours to days before seizure

Malaise HA depression


partial SZ may priced minutes before

Taste, hear, feel funny


Period after seizure

Sleepy, confused, memory lose,

S/S dementia

memoryloss, impaired learning, mood changes, hallucinations, sleep disruption(common), poor judgment, delusions, muscle rigidity

Causes of delirium

Causes:intoxication, metabolic disorders, nervous system disease, withdrawal fromETOH/sedatives, illness, head injury, anesthesia, postnatal, cerebral lesions,toxin, UTI in elderly (seen frequently in med psych unit with confused elderlyperson from nursing home and UTI) (once you treat with antibiotics, they returnto normal


S/S delirium


Difficultyconcentrating, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, tremors, ↓appetite, SZ,disturbed dreams


Inattention,altered perceptions (visual sensory auditory), hallucinations, delusions,distress, incoherence, agitation, violence, tachycardia, insomnia

ETOHwithdrawal relatedl↑temp,HTN, sweating, tremors

When is it dementia and not delirium?

Acute: UTI, Rx over dose or renal impairment


Altered Awareness

*Selective attention -Ability to focus on appropriate stimuli

*Memory -Recording, retention, retrieval of information

*Episodic memory- For events, personal history, experiences

*Semantic memory- For facts et information

*Implicit memory For actions, habits, skills, motor memory

*Emotional memory How one feels about something

*Dysmnesia/amnesia Loss of past memory et ability to form new memories

Data Processing Deficits

*Agnosia Loss of recognition thru one or more senses

*Prosopagnosia Loss of ability to recognize faces *Anosognosia Decreased awareness of own disease

*Dysphasia/aphasia Impaired comprehension or production of language

*Expressive aphasia Ability to comprehend but not produce language

*Receptive aphasia Ability to produce language but not comprehend speech