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48 Cards in this Set

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Acromegaly hormone associated? child or adult onset?
akros + megalos=
HYPERsecretion ++ of GH (growth hormone) in adults

(extreme + large)
acromegaly cause= (glandular)
anterior pituitary gland adenoma (tumor)
acromegaly contraindications=
acromegaly signs:
enlarged organs and features
thickened skin
hormone? ++ or --?
child or adult onset?
gigantus =
hypersecretion growth hormone in childhood
gigantism signs:
thick long bones/soft tissue;
gigantism cause: (glandular)
adenoma of anterior pituitary gland
gigantism contraindications:
Dwarfism: (hormone, gland, child or adult onset)
deficiency of GH (growth hormone) in childhood
dwarfism signs:
decreased bone growth, short, hypoglycemia
muscle weakness,
retarded sexual development
dwarfism cause (glandular)
disturbances or trauma to the hypothalamus or ant pituitary
contraindications dwarfism?
Diabetes InSIPidus= (hormone, gland, signs/symptoms)
dia + betes + insipidus=
deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from posterior pituitary gland, causes extreme THIRST ("sip") and frequent urination.
("to pass through" + "a basin" + "without taste")
diabetes insipidus cause:
inflammation/trauma to hypothalamus or posterior pituitary gland; radiation to the hypothalamus
diabetes insipidus contraindication?
refer to DOCTOR
Grave's disease=
named for:
hypersecretion of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism); women 30-50 yr olds, increased metabolism, weight loss, anxiety, fatigue, diarrhea, exophthalmos (protrusion of eyeballs)
named for Dr Robt Graves, also called diffused toxic goiter
Grave's disease is a X disorder producing Y that bind to the Z receptor sites and mimic the action of Z, causing an increase in ZZ which results in hyperthyroidism.
autoimmune disorder producing antibodies that bind to the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor sites and mimic the action of TSH, causing an increase in thyroid hormones
Grave's contraindications?
refer to DOCTOR; massage indicated if no infection, inflammation, or tumor is present, avoid throat area
Myxedema= (gland, hormones, child or adult onset, signs/symptoms)
myx + edema =
HYPOsecretion of thyroid hormones in adults (HYPOthyroidism), w/ fatigue, slow mind/body, swollen eye area, cold intolerance, coarse skin esp face; increased CT components
(mucus + swelling)
cause of Myxedema:
damaged thyroid gland, hereditary defects
contraindications for Myxedema?
refer to DOCTOR; massage ok if no infection/inflamm/tumor; avoid throat area
hormone? ++ or --?
child/adult onset?
HYPOsecretion of thyroid hormones in CHILDREN (hypothyroidism); retarded bone and brain development; fatigue, slow mind/body, swollen eye area, cold intolerance, coarse skin...
cretin= vulgar term for slow people or patients with cretinism
cause of Cretinism:
damaged thyroid gland; hereditary defects
contraindications of Cretinism:
refer to DOCTOR; massage indicated if no inflammation, infection or trauma; avoid throat area
enlargement of the thyroid gland; may present with hyper OR hypothyroidism
Goiter cause:
iodine deficiency (low iodine... low thyroid hormones... increased TSH... increased thyroid growth)
contraindications for Goiter:
refer to DOCTOR
Diabetes mellitus:
dia + betes + mellitus=
a group of disorders involving the PANCREAS; defective insulin response and or utilization.
"to pass through" + "a basin" + "excessive sweet urine"
Two types of Diabetes mellitus:
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) aka juvenile onset diabetes or type 1...

Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM);adult onset diabetes; type 2 diabetes mellitus
Type 1 diabetes mellitus:
hormone? ++ or --?
reduction of cells?
two signs:
% diabetes cases:
deficiency of insulin production by the PANCREAS resulting from a reduction in beta cells in the pancreatic islet cells; under age 20, hyperglycemia and increased urine production; 10-20% of total cases of diabetes
Cause of Type 1 juvenile onset diabetes mellitus:
genetic susceptibility; autoimmunity to beta cells
Disease risk factors of Type 2 adult onset diabetes mellitus, and hormone cause:
often in obese over 40 yrs; insulin resistance based on decreased receptor sensitivity on target tissues in the body; reduction in insulin production
contraindications for type 1& 2 diabetes mellitus:
obtain DOCTOR's approval and advice
Cushing's disease=
named for:
excessive production of cortisol from the adrenal cortex; leads to obesity, weakness, abnormal menses; hypertension; "moon face"
named for Harvey Cushing, aka hyperadrenocortism
cause of Cushing's disease,
what hormone?
++ or --?
what gland?
cortisol++ in adrenal cortex because of:
adrenocorticotropic hormone ++ in anterior pituitary gland OR cortisol secreting tumor
contraindications for Cushing's disease?
due to possible complications (eg osteoporosis) massage should be LIGHT and RELAXING eg energy work; contact doctor if in doubt.
Addison's disease aka (2):
named for:
aka "adrenal insufficiency" or "HYPOcortisolism"; destruction of the adrenal glands leading to decreased production of adrenal hormones; results in muscle weakness, fatigue, HYPOtension, nausea, and/or "bronzing" of skin due to excess of adrenocorticotropic ACTH hormone.
named for Dr. Thomas Addison.
glandular or other root cause of Addison's disease?
autoimmunity against the adrenal glands leads to decreased production of adrenal hormones and results in weakness and hypotension, etc; OR bacterial or viral infection; cancer
contraindications for Addison's disease?
refer to DOCTOR
the backbone for making thyroid hormones is the chemical X
Serious complications of diabetes types 1 and 2 include the following:
myocarial infarcation
ketoacidosis (decreased pH)
peripheral neuropathy
decreased wound healing
retinopathy leading to blindness
kidney problems
increased susceptability to infection
type I and II diabetes are now called:
type 1 and 2 diabetes
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) is a byproduct of X from the anterior pituitary gland, and causes bronzing in Y (disease):
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
Addison's disease
Diseases associated with the ANTERIOR PITUITARY gland and GH (growth hormone)
1. Acromegaly
adenoma of pit gland,
GH++ adults

2. Gigantism
adenoma of ant pit gland
GH++ children

3. Dwarfism
trauma to hypothal or ant pit
GH-- children
Diseases associated with POSTERIOR PITUITARY gland and ADH (anti diuretic hormone)

1. Diabetes Insipidus
caused by trauma to hypothalamus or posterior pituitary gland.
Name 4 diseases associated with the THYROID and TH or TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
1. Grave's disease, TH++ adults.
autoimmune disorder antibodies mimic TSH actions, causing TH++ production, hyperthyroidism.

2. Myxedema
TH-- (hypothyroidism) in adults
cause: damaged thyroid gland; genetics

3. Cretinism, TH-- children.
(hypothyroidism) similar to myxedema, damaged thyroid gland, hereditary defects

4. Goiter, enlarged thyroid due to iodine deficiency (iodine--... TH--... TSH++...Thyroid enlarged)
Name two endocrine diseases associated with the PANCREAS:
1. IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), insulin--
autoimmunity to beta cells in pancreatic islet cells cause decrease in beta cells and therefore decrease in insulin

2. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) type 2 diabetes. Insulin--
Cause: reduction in insulin production; insulin resistance based on decreased receptor sensitivity on target tissues in the body
Name two diseases associated with the ADRENALS and CORTISOL and ACTH and other adrenal hormones.
1. Cushing's disease
cortisol ++
excess cortisol fr adrenal cortex because of excess adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the anterior pituitary gland; or a cortisol secreting tumor.

2. Addison's disease: ACTH ++, AH --
cause: because of autoimmunity in adrenal gland or infection or cancer; destruction of the adrenal glands leads to low production of adrenal hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testoterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc) which causes an increase in ACTH resulting in the bronzing of melatonin or hyperpigmentation (MSH).