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36 Cards in this Set

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abnormal uretheral openings on the ventral surface of the penis
abrnormal uretheral openings ont he dorsal surface of the penis
hypospadias and epispadias are most commonly associated with
failure of normal descent of testes, urinary tract obstruction and increased risk of ascending UTI's
when the orfice of the prepuce is too small to permit its normal retraction the condition is designated phimosis
the most common specific infections of the penis include
Syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, granuloma inguinale, lymphopathia venerea, genital herpes
the most frequent neoplasms of the penis are
squamous cell carcinoma
list three carcinoma in situ lesions of the penis
Bowen disease, erthyroplasia of Queyrat and bowenoid papulosis
fusion of the testes
incomplete descent of the testes
nine causes of testicular atrophy
progressive atherosclerotic narrowing of the blood supply in old age, end stage inflammatory orchitis, cyrptorchidism, hypopituitarism, generalized malnutrition of cachexia, obstruction of semen, irradiation, prolonged administration of female sex hormones
inflammatory states which typically arise in the epididymis include
Gonorrhea and tuberculosis
first affects the testes
tumors of testes are divided into what two catargories
seminoma and nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
the vast majority of neoplasms of the testes arise from what cells
Germ cells
Germ cell tumors of the testes have their peak incidence between
15-34 years of age
name some predisposing influences that may cause germ cell tumors
cyrptorchidism, genetic factors, testicular dysgensis
the most common type of germ cell tumor of the testes is
3 histologic variants and give their relative frequencies
typical 85% anaplastic 5-10% and spermatocytic 4-6%
seminomas are usually most responsive to what type of adjuvant therapy
the second most common germ cell tumor of the testes is
Embryonal carcinoma
yolk sac tumor
infantile embryonal carcinoma or endodermal sinus tumor it is most common in infants and children up to 3yrs. adult form is rare
usually small palable nodule which often has outgrown its blood supply such that primary focus is replaced by small fibrous scar
usually large ranging from 5-10cm in diameter, heterogneous with solid cartilaginous and cystic areas
the most common testicular tumor in men over 60yrs of age
clear serous fluid, with considerable enlargement of the scrotal sac
blood in tunica vaginalis
small cystic accumulation of semen in spermatic cord
dialted vein in spermatic cord
normal adult prostate weight
acute bacterial prostatis
acute focal or diffuse suppurative inflammation int he prostatic substance
chronic bacterial prostatis
recurrent urinary tract infections cuased by same organisms that cause acute prostatis
chronic abacterial prostatis
most common form of prostatis indistinguishable from chronic bacterial prostatis
list two secondary effects of nodular hyperplasia
compression of the urethra with difficulty in urination retention of the urine in the bladder with subsequent distention and hypertrophy of the bladder
carcinoma of prostate
most common form of carcinoma in men predominatly in those over 50.
the most common form of bony metastases from prostate cancer are
osteoblastic lesions
treatment of patients with prostate cancer
treated by surgery, radiotherapy and hormonal manipulation