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67 Cards in this Set

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disorder of the circulation/
high blood pressure/
deep abdominal massage is contra-indicated, relaxing massage very beneficial,
client ought to have medication controlling their pressure levels
low blood pressure not considered a medical problem, so no contra-indication, though giving client time to get up and avoiding fainting is recommended
accumulation of fluid in tissues because of failure of the lymphatic system to drain properly/maybe a sign of serious underlying condition in which case massage only after consultation with their doctor/ light massage only to stimulate lymphatic circulation, using supports for affected limbs to assist draining, draining strokes, beware of thin skin over affected areas, lymphatic drainage recommended
varicose veins
disorder of the blood vessels/ valves in the veins are damaged/pockets of blood accumulate in the veins/ locate veins before starting to massage as they are easier to spot with clients standing up, local contra-indication directly over affected area or immediately below, holds are okay, drainage strokes above the affected area, assist drainage with positioning and supporting the limbs
deep vein thrombosis
blood clot in deeper veins, which when traveling to heart or brain can end fatal, total contra-indication for 3-6 months after being diagnosed, consultation with doctor advised, then gentle massage only, difficult to diagnose, advised to work carefully with people, who are at risk: pregnant women with painful legs, heavy smokers after long haul flights
hardening of arteries, loss of elasticity of walls of arteries, blood flow restricted, consult first with a doctor about massage, then gentle massage only
inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle, cramp like pains in chest made worse by stress and exercise, but relieved by rest, relaxing massage beneficial, because it can reduce stress, keep client warm as cold can bring on an attack, clients need to have their medication at hand, in case of unstable angina massage only after consulting with the doctor
heart attack
function of coronary arteries baldly impaired, resulting in parts of the heart muscle to be have insufficient blood supply, muscle then dies = heart attack = sudden and severe chest pain, left arm, severe anxiety,nausea, restlessness, sudden death possible
because of high risk of reoccurrence two to three months afte initial attack massage is contra-indicated for practitioners protection, after that with the person;s doctors advise, only gentle massage
heart failure
blood not pumped around the body well enough, pulmonary oedema in lungs, swollen ankles and legs, medical advise is necessary before massage, then gentle massage to avoid stressing a weak heart, no drainage strokes on areas of oedema
common cold
virus infection, massage possible but be aware of hygiene and risks of transmission, vigorous massage not recommended as circulation is speeded up
contra-indicated for the first few days, after that the same as for colds, but be aware of the risks posed by the virus, which remains infectious for longer periods
inflammation of the sinuses causing pain and tenderness, for bacterial and viral sinusitis contra-indicated for the first few days after because its highly infectious, for allergic condition massage is okay but client needs to be comfortable, might not like laying prone fro too long
inflammation of bronchi/bronchioles,overproduction of mucus, contra-indicated during acute infectious stage, massage beneficial for chronic sufferers using vibration, percussion on back and chest to loosen phlegm, massage the accessory breathing muscles, encourage deep breathing, have tissues on the ready
inflammation of alveoli, caused by bacteria or viruses, fluid accumulates in alveoli, causing coughing, fever, chest pain, massage is contraindicated during the infectious phase, during recovery vibration/percussion on back and chest, massage of accessory and postural muscles recommended, client who have been bedridden benefit from massage to the lower limbs including joint manipulations
after bronchitis when walls of alveoli are destroyed, breathing becomes difficult, calming relaxing massage to accessory muscles, the whole back, chest and neck beneficial
damage to ligaments when forced past normal range of movement,
don't massage acute sprains, never massage bruised areas, treat mild injuries after 48 h to improve circulation and avoid muscle stiffness, passive joint movements, draining strokes, massage compensating muscles
damage to muscle tissue or tendons when subjected to violent/sudden/excessive force, usually less serious than sprains, massage indications same as for sprains, working on chronic scar tissue with transverse friction strokes, disperse residual holding patterns in muscle with kneading strokes,draining and percussion
carpal tunnel syndrome
repetitive strain injury, inflammation of tendons and muscle in the carpal tunnel with pressure on nerves and blood vessel because of swelling,
gentle mobilisation to prevent loss of movement in wrist joint, massage surrounding muscles when inflammation has subsided, cross friction strokes on tendons
inflammation of joints, with stiffness, pain and loss of movement,
wear and tear of hyaline cartilage, affects weight bearing joints, massage local contra-indicated if joints are inflamed, relaxation massage for pain relief, gentle mobilisation and stretching may prevent further deterioration
rheumatoid arthritis
auto-immune disease, in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues, relaxing massage can reduce stress levels and reduce discomfort, in early stages careful joint manipulation and massage around joints may reduce stiffness of soft tissues, in later stages stretches or manipulation of the spine are contra-indicated because of possible bony fusions, be aware of the effect of painkillers on client sensation/feedback
brittle bones disease, reduced bone density, chronic back pain in advanced stages, known areas are local contra-indications, negotiate comfortable positions, massage gentle, no stretches or joint manipulations or percussive strokes, nor deep pressure
spinal curvatures
unbalanced, rigidified curvatures of the spine, Kyphosis (upper spine)/Scoliosis (sideways)/Lordosis ( lower back),
be aware of limited movement of clients for comfortable positioning, use cushions and pillows, avoid pressure on the spine, tonify weak muscles and relax tight ones, leg and hip muscle benefit from general massage as they might be compensating
painful involuntary muscle contraction, lack of calcium/magnesium and oxygen in muscle,
stretch muscle to relieve cramp, massage can help relax the muscle, regular massage can help in long term, stretching exercises
scarring on any tissue when damage is so extensive that there is too little healthy tissue to make good the repair, kneading and draining strokes in adjacent muscles and antagonists to improve circulation and reduce tension, cross fibre strokes on scar tissue
there are many different types and intensities of broken bones, massage is a local contra-indication, massage muscle, which might be compensating, avoid oil near the plaster casts, once bone is set gentle massage is recommended
muscular dystrophy
neuromuscular disease, inherited, symmetrical, progressive weakening and degeneration of muscle with no loss of sensation,
clients will take longer than normal to do things, so make allowances, massage helps circulation, passive joint movements may slow down atrophy, peristalsis is affected, which would benefit from abdominal massage
fibrositis, fibromyalgia, fibromyositis
disease of unknown origin with fatigue, sleep disorders, digestive problems, muscle weakness and pain, swollen joint and stiffness,
gentle whole body massage with rhythmic strokes, don't work deeply or too long, which could tire an already fatigued system
raised fluid filled sores which are highly infectious, if sores are weeping it is a total contra-indication, if sores have dried it is locally contra-indicated, avoid the area, take care with hygiene
boils and carbuncles
bacterial infection around a hear root or sweat gland, with pain and swelling and pus, they are local contra-indications, massaging surrounding areas may help healing by improving circulation
herpes simplex
virus infection with clusters of sore blisters, cold sores on face are local contra-indications, with genital herpes massage is okay but take care with hygiene as virus can survive outside the body for a few hours
athlete's foot
itchy infection between the toes, it's a local contra-indication
yeast like fungus growing on mucus membranes and skin, if larger areas are affected it's a total contra-indication, if not avoid the infected area and take hygiene precautions
fungal infection on the skin with itchy red shiny circles, if large areas are affected it's a total contra-indication as it is highly contagious, smaller areas can be covered up and are locally contra-indicated, take special hygiene precautions
mite infestation under the skin on wrists between fingers or on genitals, highly contagious and very itchy, can be caught from infected linen, it's a total contra-indication until cleared up
head lice, nits, fleas
blood sucking lice on head, nits (the eggs) and fleas are easily transmitted and therefore are total contra-indications
inflammation of the skin with redness, itching or burning, forming scales, blistering and weeping,
no contra-indication assuming skin is not broken or weeping, massage on/over affected areas is possible but check with client first, thinning of skin if steroid creams are used, asked about medical treatment
chronic skin condition with thick scaly red plaques, massage is not contra-indicated,
massage on/over affected areas is possible but check with client first, thinning of skin if steroid creams are used, asked about medical treatment
internal superficial bleeding, painful
local contra-indications, massage to surrounding areas is beneficial, bringing nutrients and removing waste
accumulation of lymph below the surface of the skin in response to pressure or friction, local contra-indication
thin skin
restricted blood supply to the skin, lack of nourishment, lost elasticity, skin become papery and thin likely to tear easily, gentle massage only, holding and light contact strokes, light effleurage, no friction, twisting techniques and percussion
oxygen carrying capacity of blood reduced, insufficient red blood cells or haemoglobin, relaxing massage, in fatigued clients gentle massage only, no excessive pressure with underlying bleeding disorders
blood cancer, compromised immunity and blood clotting, consult medical practitioner first, gentle massage only, no abdominal massage, avoid treatment if you have an infection
inherited blood disorder, failure of proper blood clotting, total contra-indication in severe cases, with mild forms consult with doctor first, gentle massage only, support client on and off the table
pain and numbness along the sciatic nerve felt in buttock and thigh, possible loss of sensation and function of leg muscle, caused by compression or injury,
take cause of problem into account stimulate circulation in affected muscle, relaxation to avoid spasm, with loss of sensation avoid deep pressure and avoid it along the sciatic nerve, joint mobilisation of knee, ankle, toes, work on compensating muscles in lower back and legs
do not massage after sudden onsets, suggest medical help because of possible serious causes, not during a migraine attack, massage otherwise generally beneficial because of reduced stress levels, neck shoulders
abnormal electric activity in the brain during fits/seizures with possible loss of consciousness, usually controlled by medication, avoid essential oils which might trigger fits, no energy work, not contra-indicated
blood supply to the brain is affected causing partial tissue damage, high risk of second stroke within one month of the first, totally contra-indicated during this period , lower risk after six months, best to seek client's doctors advise, during the recovery period massage can facilitate joint mobility, stretch contracted muscles, avoid stimulating the circulation
inflammation of the meninges in brain and spinal cord with fever, severe headache, stiff neck, in acute stage it's a total contra-indication, requires hospital treatment, massage possible during recovery
spinal cord injury
loss of motor and sensory function below the site of injury with motor reflexes that are independent of brain control intact, massage is beneficial for maintaining joint mobility and circulation, use gentler rhythmic repetitive strokes which helps muscles that have spasm to respond, with sensory loss take care with pressure and joint movements, pressure sores are possible in wheel chair users, avoid those, thin skin on feet possible
spina bifida
congenital defect in vertebrae, usually in lumbar spine, parts of spine are exposed where bones fail to form properly over the spine, it's a local contra-indication in lower back
parkinson's disease
degenerative disorder affecting voluntary movements, rigidity, sluggishness, uncontrollable muscle twitching, stress makes tremors worse, massage is good for stimulating circulation, nourishment, with sensory loss beware of limited feedback capacity, thin skin possible
multiple sclerosis
degeneration of myelin sheath around axons in CNS, massage is beneficial for maintaining joint mobility and circulation, use gentler rhythmic repetitive strokes which helps muscles that have spasm to respond, with sensory loss take care with pressure and joint movements, avoid techniques that could deplete the body, avoid working for too long a period
inflammation of the ureters and/or bladder, more common in women, avoid abdominal massage, client might need to visit the toilet during treatment
bacterially infection that is sexually transmitted, totally contra indicated during the stage when syphilitic lesion occur, which are highly infectious, seek medical advise about treatment, observe contra-indications for other symptoms
inflammation of the liver, compromised immune system, total contra-indication while infectious, seek medical advise about advisability of massage, then avoid techniques stimulating the circulation, adapt to general vitality of client, avoid abdominal massage in particular over the liver, do not massage if you have an infection yourself, take particular care with hygiene
irritable bowel syndrome
peristaltic waves in the bowel become irregular, diarrhoea and constipation alternate, cramp like pains, bloating abdomen,
abdominal massage is contra-indicated, except holds and light strokes within the tolerance limits of client, avoid uncomfortable positions and offer support, general relaxation massage restore autonomic functioning is beneficial
crohn's disease
progressive chronic inflammation of walls of the bowel,
abdominal massage is contra-indicated, except holds and light strokes within the tolerance limits of client, avoid uncomfortable positions and offer support, general relaxation massage restore autonomic functioning is beneficial
abdominal obstruction,
abdominal massage following the large intestine is recommended
endocrine disorder, gentle relaxation massage is beneficial, advise medical practitioner about client seeking massage, client should have medication with her, avoid massage for an hour at site of injection, possible loss of sensation in peripheral nerves require careful adjustments to pressure/ manipulation and stretches, massage hands,feet, ankles gently
no danger to massage therapist if normal rules of hygiene are observed, avoid open and weeping skin, massage is beneficial in giving relief from pains and aches, reducing emotional stress, improve breathing, sleep patterns, possibly improvement of immunity, use gentle massage only in fatigued and unwell clients, do not massage if you have and infection yourself in particular concerning aids clients
there is no evidence that massage spreads cancer via the lymph system, soothing/relaxing massage is beneficial, providing comfort and relief from emotional stress, may help relieve pain temporally, with clients receiving treatment consult the medical practitioner, avoid techniques that stimulate the circulation, unless trained in manual lymphatic drainage, avoid deep tissue work, thin or burnt skin on radiation sites are local contra-indications, recent scar tissue is a local contra-indication, do not massage if you have an infection yourself
chronic fatigue syndrome
extreme fatigue over a long time period, which is not resolved by rest and sleep, gentle whole body massage beneficial,which can restore parasympathetic activity and relaxation, can relieve muscle and joint pain, stimulates sluggish circulation in muscles, as symptoms vary on a daily basis, tailor each visit of regular clients accordingly
communication difficulties
establish and appropriate method of communication, taking into account the medical conditions, face client and make use of facial expression and gesture, use simple language if comprehension is impaired, don't infantilise clients with good understanding, allow time for clarifications, explain clearly what will happen, establish a way of signalling client discomfort
post traumatic stress
client is locked into high arousal of sympathetic nervous system after experience of traumatic situation,
massage to establish parasympathetic activity, but be aware of possible triggers for arousal in clients, issues of trust and safety are very important, stick to negotiated massage and maybe use a running commentary while massaging, be flexible in your approach, arrange signals for stopping the work
eating disorders
anorexia (refusal to eat) and bulimia (bingeing then vomiting) are conditions that involve a negative or distorted body image and low self worth, relaxing massage can help client to feel more positive about herself and her body, keep comments about her body neutral, gentle massage only on clients with thin skin or wasted muscles
muscle weakness around the abdominal cavity, which allows an organ, or parts of it, to protrude, there are different types of hernia, all of which are local contra-indications, client with hiatus hernia will be more comfortable sitting than lying