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23 Cards in this Set

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Describe the structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Gram negative rods, catalase and oxidase positive, motile by flagella. Colonies often mucoid appearance and green pigmentation.
How do Pseudomonas aeruginosa grow best?
Aerobically, but can respire anaerobically by using nitrate as an alternate electron receptor. Limited nutritional requirements.
What are some virulence factors of pseudomonas aeruginosa?
LPS, pili, polar flagella, enzymes that break down tissue and facilitate spread, capsule, Exotoxin, Exoenzymes, TTSS, beta lactamases, siderophores, endotoxin.
How does pseudomonas aeruginosa attach to the host cell surface?
via the pili and the polar flagella.
What are the enzymes that break down tissue and facilitate spread (invade)?
Elastase, Phospholipase, and proteases.
What type of toxin is exotoxin A?
An A-B subunit toxin.
What is the purpose of exoenzymes S and T?
to cause host cell damage.
What are the normal defenses againse Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Normal flora, intact skin, and neutrophils.
What does it mean to be neutropenic?
Having a low neutrophil count (like cancer patients)
Where is pseudomona aeruginosa found?
Everywhere, in soil, water plants. Prefers moist environments.
What are some infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
CNS, localized infections, Bacteremia, endocarditis, UTI, respiratory tract infection, skin and skeletal muscle would infections.
What are some respiratory infections cause by pseudomona aeruginosa?
Hospital acquired acute pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilators, and chronic infections in people with cystic fibrosis.
How do skin infections develop?
People who are in the water a lot, such as hot tubs, or have their hands in the water a lot. Or burn victims. Moist skin is key to being colonized.
What enables colonization in burn wounds?
Moist skin and lack of neutrophils.
What can result from burn wounds that have infections?
bacteremia and necrosis.
Describe the cause and occurance of folliculitis.
Occurs in people who use hot tubs. Self-limited to normal patients.
What are UTI's and Pseudomonas aeruginosa assocaited with?
Long term catheters
What type of ear infection is Pseudomonas aeruginosa responsible for?
swimmer's ear
What are eye infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with?
develop either after initial eye trauma or with contaminated lens solution.
What is an ecthyma grangrenosum?
A patch of skin that identifies bacteremia in pseudomonas aeruginosa.
How does bacteremia occur in Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Can follow burn, respiratory, and UTI infections. Associated with neutropenic patients.
What type of patients are usually associated with endocarditis in pseudomonas aeruginosa?
IV drug users.
Why is treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa complicated?
high level of antibiotic resistance --> many antibiotics are used to treat severe infections. Also, the underlying immunosuppression of infected patients.