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39 Cards in this Set

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What is atherosclerosis?
Hardening of blood vessel wall and narrowing of the lumen
What is an aneurysm?
Localized abnormal dilation of blood vessel
What is an aortic dissection?
dissection of blood between layers of media. Formation of blood filled channel within the aortic wall.
What is vasculitis?
Inflammation of vessel wall
What is thrombophlebitis?
inflammation of veins
What is phlebothrombosis?
thrombosis of veins
What are varicose veins?
Abnormally dilated and tortuous veins due to prolonged intraluminal pressure and loss of vessal wall support. Occupation related (prolonged standing).
What is thrombosis?
Formation of a blood clot
What are the causes and classifications of vasculitis?
Caused by either immune mediated injury (non infectious vasculitis) (majority) or direct invasion of pathogens into vessel wall (minority). The classification of vasculitis is based on the size of the vessel (large, medium, or small)
What is Giant cell arteritis?
most common form of vasculitis, large vessels, affects arteries in head and neck. Usually in persons over age 50.
What are the symptoms of Giant cell arteritis?
intense headache along temporal artery, ocular problems including diplopia and loss of vision.
How is Giant cell arteritis diagnosed, and what type of cell is prominent?
• Diagnosed upon biopsy: chronic granulomatous inflammation (lots of macrophages. GIANT cells in vessel wall).
What is the treatment for Giant cell arteritis?
What is Takayasu arteritis?
Involves large arteries, vasculitis of aortic arch and its branches.
What are the symptoms of Takayasu arteritis?
Ocular, weak pulse and bp in upper extremities. (pulseless disease)
What is Wegner granulomatosis?
A type of vasculitis that affects small vessels. Granulanomas and vasculitis form in upper respiratory tract and lungs. It affects kidneys and causes renal disease. There is a presence of abnormal type of antibody called CANCA.
What is Thromboangitis obliterans? (Buerger disease)
A type of vasculitis that has a strong association with smoking, common in young men. Results in inflammation and thrombosis of vessels in extremities. Causes severe pain, ulcers in toes and feet, and gangrene.
What is the treatment of Buerger disease?
Cessation of smoking, vasodilator drugs.
What is Polyarteritis nodosa?
A type of vasculitis that affects renal vessels. Medium vessels.
What is Kawasaki disease?
A type of vasculitis that affects children, coronary arteries are involved. Medium vessels.
What is thrombophlebitis?
Caused by venous stasis (blood not moving will clot), increased platelets, venous injury. Results in swelling of affected area, pain, possible thrombosis.
What is Deep Vein thrombosis?
90% involve deep veins of legs.
Predisposing conditions: DVT, CCF (congestive cardiac failure??), pregnancy, obesity, postoperative state, prolonged immobilization, genetic hypercoagulability, cancer (pancreas, colon, lung)
Symptoms: swelling, redness, pain, or sometimes asymptomatic.
Can cause a pulmonary embolism (most serious complications).
What are some prevention/treatment options for Deep Vein thrombosis?
Exercise, anticoagulation drugs (Warfarin), thrombolytics to dissolve the clot (streptokinase).
What numbers of systolic and diastolic bp are considered hypertension?
systolic > 140mmHg. diastolic > 90mmHg
What are causes of hypertension?
95% of causes are unknown. Known causes include Cushing syndrome (excess production of steroid hormone), glomerulonephritis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, coarctation of aorta, pregnancy.
What are the stages of hypertension?
Prehypertension = 120-139 (systolic) and 80-89 (diastolic). Stage 1 = 140-159 and 90-99. Stage 2 = >160 and >100.
What is stenosis?
Narrowing of blood vessel to where blood can't get through.
What is the most common location of an aortic aneurysm?
abdominal aorta (AAA) – below renal arteries and above bifurcation of aorta
What is the difference between a true and false aneurysm?
A true aneurysm is the expansion of blood vessel outwards at one point. A false aneurysm is a growth outside the vessel but inside the extravascular connective tissue. That is called a hematoma.
What are the causes of an aortic aneurysm?
Atherosclerosis, medial destruction and plaque formation, genetics, Marfan syndrome (defect in vessel wall).
What is a syphilitic aneurysm?
An aneurysm in the thoracic aorta, usually the descending aorta.
What is Churg-Strauss syndrome?
Vasculitis involving inflammation in the respiratory tract. Affects small blood vessels. Associated with asthma. p-ANCAs.
What is Raynaud disease?
Episodic pallor and cyanosis of digits of hand and feet due to vasospasm of small arteries
Sequence of red- white - blue
Young women. Etiology unknown, precipitated by cold, strong emotions.
Represents exaggeration of response to cold.
What is the treatment of Raynaud disease?
What causes Raynaud disease?
Lupus, scleroderma, malignancies
What is a hemangioma?
An abnormal buildup of blood vessels in the skin or internal organs. Considered a benign neoplasm.  Caused by congenital abnormalities.
Results in localized redness which blanches upon pressure, rarely bleeds
What is a lymphangioma?
Lympathic growth at head or neck. Most common in infants.
Name two intermediate grade neoplasms
Kaposi sarcoma, hemangioendothelioma
What are the common sites of malignant neoplasms, and what are two examples?
Common sites include skin, soft tissue, liver, breast. Angiosarcoma is malignant tumor of vessel walls, and is associated with arsenic, polyvinyl chloride, and thorotrast exposure. Hemangioperocytoma is another example.