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45 Cards in this Set

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excess of fluid collection between viceral and parietal layers of tunica vaginalis
Hydrocele incidence
infants:most of cases claose spontanteously before 1 yo
Hydrocele causes
congenital defect, secondary: to local injury, inflammation, infection, lymph obstruction, testicular tumor, radiation
Hydrocele maifestation
palpable cystic mass. diagnosed by , ultrasound
accumulation of blood in the tunica vaginalis due to abdominal surgery. scrotal trauma, bleeding disorder
sprem containing cyst at the end of the epididymis painless, rarely causes problem
formation of varicosities in the pampiniform plexus
varicocele manifestations
heaviness in affected scrotum, palpitation, bag of worms. this one should be fixed surgically
testicular torsion
if not fixed can have necrosion of testicle. twisting of the spermatic cord. 2 types of torsion. Extra vaginal
Extravaginal torsion
twisting nerve, artery and tunica vaginis and testes
intravaginal torsion
just testis twisting
inflammation of the epididymis . causes bacteria, from std, prostitis, regular UTI
epididymitis mainfestations
pain, swellin, erythema, edema of th eoverlying scrotal skin,
epididymitis lab test
increase white cell, bacteriuria, pyuria (pus in urine)
complication of UTI, cystitis systematice infection
neoplasm scrotal cancer
linked to soot, tar, oil, poor hygeine, chronic, inflammation, UV and papillomavirus
testicular cancer
15-35 years old is common age group
testicular detection
difficult to detect in early stage. cell palpation. manifestations, enlargement of the testicle with some degree of discomfort or aching
testicular diagnosis
self examination, transillumination, ultrasound, lab test: alpha fetoprotein, HCG, LDH
prostatis manifestations
high fever, chills, myalgia, arthalgia, frequent and urgent urination, dysuria, urethral discharge
neoplasm scrotal cancer
linked to soot, tar, oil, poor hygeine, chronic, inflammation, UV and papillomavirus
testicular cancer
15-35 years old is common age group
testicular detection
difficult to detect in early stage. cell palpation. manifestations, enlargement of the testicle with some degree of discomfort or aching
testicular diagnosis
self examination, transillumination, ultrasound, lab test: alpha fetoprotein, HCG, LDH
prostatis manifestations
high fever, chills, myalgia, arthalgia, frequent and urgent urination, dysuria, urethral discharge
neoplasm scrotal cancer
linked to soot, tar, oil, poor hygeine, chronic, inflammation, UV and papillomavirus
testicular cancer
15-35 years old is common age group
testicular detection
difficult to detect in early stage. cell palpation. manifestations, enlargement of the testicle with some degree of discomfort or aching
testicular diagnosis
self examination, transillumination, ultrasound, lab test: alpha fetoprotein, HCG, LDH
prostatis manifestations
high fever, chills, myalgia, arthalgia, frequent and urgent urination, dysuria, urethral discharge, dull aching pain in the perineum, rectum, massaging prostate will produce a discharge.
prostatitis treatment
respond well to antibiotic
benign prostatic Hyperplasia
increase in the number of the cell
hyperplasia incidence
51% of men between ages of 60-69
hyperplasia pathology
unknown... hormone imbalance
hyperplasia manifestation
related to compression of the urethra.. secondary to urethra compression: receurrent UTI, hypertrophy of UB, kidney infection, hydronephrosis
area between the labia minora
skene's gland
sweat gland
uterus ligaments
broad, round, uterosacral and cardinal ligaments
3 layers of uterus
perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium
full development at 3rd month of fetal life
thermogenic hormone. That's why PMS happens.. Because you have more progesterone in the second half of mens.
Produced by the ovary and the adrenal gland
Estrogen functions
promote development of secondary female characteristics, reproduction process, development of typical female body contours, decrease bone resorption, increase HDL, reduce LDL, enhance coagulability of blood, cause moderate retention of sodium and water
progesterone functions
largely secreted by the corpus luteum, glandular development of the breast and endometrium, relax smooth muscle
FSH is released, enlargement of the ovaries