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39 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Sickle cell trait/dz is what type of mutation
beta-thal is what type of mutation
Tay-sachs is what type of mutation
What is anticipation?
Inc in trinucleotide repeats with each generation
most common type of mendelian disorder
Most enzyme def are which type of mendelian disorder
In PKU, which aa are inc/dec?
Inc Phe, dec tyr
Von Gierke's dz is a def of
How does it present?
hypoglycemia, HSM
What is the most common AR disorder?
Pompe's dz is a def of
a 1,4 glucosidase (lysosomal)
early death due to
What is malig PKU?
inability to metabolize trp req L-DOPA, 5HT, BH4
most common AD disorder?
von Willebrand
most common X-linked d/o?
Fragile X
# of barr bodies =
# X chromosomes -1
Cri du chat is a which type of mutation?
Deletion (chr 5)
Down syndrome associate with 2 GI Sx:
duodenal atresia, Hirschsprung's dz
Trisomy 18 is
Edward's syndrome
Distinguishing features
overlapping fingers
Trisomy 13 is
Patau's syndrome
Distinguishing features
Cleft lip, polydatyly, cystic kidney
Turner's syndrome distinguishing features 3
Webbed neck, streaked ovaries, preductal coarctation
Klinefelter's syndrome distinguishing features 3
Female hair distribution, soft skin, persistent gynecomastia
A dz where affected females pass to all offspring; affected males pass to none of theirs
Mitochondrial dz
Prader-Willi distinguishing features 3
hypotonia at birth, obesity, hypogonadism
Angelman syndrome distinguishing features 2
Wide-based gain, inappropriate laughter
True hermaphrodite has
both fe/male gonads
Pseudohermaphrodite is when
phenotype and genotype do not match
Vagina ending as blind pouch suggests
testicular feminization
Malformation v. deformation
Malformation disturbs morphogenesis; deformation in extrinsic
Signs of fetal EtOH syndrome 3
Wide-spread eyes, inner epicanthal folds, short nose
maternal DM presents as
most common cause of macrosomia
Most common congenital inf
Trisomy 16 frequently causes
spontaneous abortion
SIDS death mostly occur before
Retinoic acid interferes with which embryogenic genes
HOX genes
Most IUGR have
Triple marker for Down
dec AFP, inc hCG, dec urine estriol