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72 Cards in this Set

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-Surrounded by cytoplasm
- largest membrane bound organelle

- located in center of cell

- Cell division
- control of genetic information
- replication and repair of DNA
- Transcription of info stored in DNA

Made up of a 2 membraned nuclear envelope
- small dense
- composed of RNA, DNA, histones

Inside the nucleus

Hold histones that regulate DNA activity
- Synthesized in nucleolus
- Secreted into the cytoplasm

-float free in cytoplasm
- may attach to outer membrane of endoplasmic reticulum

Provide sites for cellular protein sythesis
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- made up of tubular or saclike channels (cisternae)
- may be rough or smooth

- in cytoplasm

Synthesizes and transports protein and lipid components of cell organelles
Difference between smooth and rough ER?
Rough ER has ribosomes attached.
Smooth contains enzymes enzymes involved in synthesis of steroid hormones and responsible for removing toxins from cell
Golgi Apparatus
- network of flattened smooth membranes and vesicles

- near nucleus of the cell

-processes proteins from ER
- directs traffic in the cell (protein, polynucleotdides, polysaccharides)

Secretory vesicles from the ER collect at the end of the Golgi and break off and migrate…vesicles fuse w/ the plasma membrane and contents released from the cell
- saclike structure originating from Golgi
- contain digestive enzymes

Throughout cell

Intracellular digestive enzyme
Look like lysosomes but are larger and oval

Throughout cell

-Contain enzymes that use oxygen to remove hydrogen atoms from substrates that produce hydrogen peroxide
- help synthesize phospolipids needed for nerve cell myelination
- spherelike or rod or flilamentous
- bounded by a double membrane
- has cristae

Throughout cell

- houses enzymes that generate most of the cell’s ATP

-outer membrane is smooth and surrounds mitochondria
- inner membrane contains enzymes of respiratory chain
- shaped like octagonal barrels
- throughout the cell

Cellular truck: pick up molecules synthesized in the nucleus and move to other places in cell…fxn not fully confirmed by science
- gelatinous, semiliquid portion of cytoplasm

- throughout the cell

- intermediary metabolism
- ribosomal protein synthesis
- storage of carbs, fat and secretory vesicles

55% of the total cell volume
- composed of protein filaments: microtubules and actin filaments

- throughout the cell

- composed of protein filaments: microtubules and actin filaments
Passive vs Active Transport
- Small uncharged molecules move easily through pores of lipid bilayer
- Occurs naturally through any semipermeable barrier (can be reproduced in lab)
- Driven by osmosis, hydrostatic pressure, and diffusion
- no energy expenditure

- Large molecules
- only occurs across living membranes (cannot be duplicated in lab)
- requires life, biologic activity, energy expediture
conc of molecules per WEIGHT of water
conc of molecules per VOLUME of water
Types of transport by vesicle formation

3 types
enfolds substances from outside of cell and separates from the plasma membrane

1. Pinocytosis - drinking
2. Phagocytosis - eating
3. Receptor mediated endocytosis - is rapid and enables the cell to ingest large amounts of specific ligands without ingesting large volumes of extracellular fluid
secretion of macromolecules across membrane
Cellular uptake through the opening and closing of caveolae. Uptake mechanism for a variety of SMALL molecules and ions.

Remain attached to plasma membrane…do not form a membrane-enclosed vesicle like in endocytosis

Energy using

Energy releasing
takes place in

End products of glycolysis
does not require O2 - respiration
(w/o O2 - fermentation)
2 pyruvate
2 ATP (from C6H12O6 - glucose)
3 stages of cellular respiration
1) Glycolysis
2) Citric acid cyle (aka: Krebs or TCA)
3) Electron transport chain
Krebs cycle
takes place in
2 cycles yields
mitochondria when O2 is present

6 free electrons
Electron transport
occurs in
End product
- requires O2 directly
- occurs in the cytochrome complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane
- 3 ATP per NADH, 2 ATP per FADH2
End products of cellular respiration
36 ATP
5 types of cellular adaptation
shrinkage in cellular size
2 types - physiologic (occurs in developement - thymus gland, brain shrinkage as result of hormone changes) & pathologic (dec in workload/ stimulation - muscle)

inc. size due to:

an increase in the size of cells and consequently in the size of the affected organ. can be physio or patho.

caused by hormone stimulation or increased functional demand.

inc. in protein (not fluid)

patho: heart secondary to hypertension or problem valves

physio: Increase in size of heart and skeletal muscles in response to increased demand because they cannot adapt by mitotic division and production of new cells to share the work

an increase in the number of cells resulting from an increased rate of cellular division

- Compensatory Hyperplasia: adaptive mechanisms that enables certain organs to regenerate
a) Ex. Removal of part of the liver results in hyperplasia of the remaining liver cells to compensate for the loss
- Hormonal Hyperplasia: occurs primarily in estrogen-dependent organs such as the uterus and breasts
a) Ex. After ovulation, estrogen stimulates the endometrium to grow and thicken to receive fertilized ovum

abnormal changes in the size, shape, and organization of mature cells - cancer cells

Dysplatic changes in epithelial cells of cervix and respiratory tract

reversible replacement of one mature cell by another

Ex. Replacement of normal columnar ciliated epithelial cells of bronchial airway lining by stratified squamous epithelial cells
5 types of necrosis
Liquefactive Necrosis
Caseous Necrosis
Fat Necrosis
Gangrenous Necrosis
Coagulative: coagulation caused by protein denaturation - gelatinous state to firm, opaque state like a cooked egg white); tissue will appear firm and slightly swollen

- Liquefactive: cells are digested by their own hydrolases and the tissue becomes soft, liquefies, and is walled off from healthy tissue, forming cysts

-Caseous: combination of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis; dead cells disintegrate, but the debris is not digested completely by hydrolases - appears like clumped cheese

Fat: cellular dissolution caused by lipases which break down triglycerides, releasing free fatty acids, which then combine with calcium, magnesium, and sodium ions forming soaps - chalky white - breast and pancreatic tissue

Gangrenous: death of tissue and results from severe hypoxic injury Usually due to arteriosclerosis, or blockage, or major arteries especially in lower leg
Types of Gangrenous Necrosis
Dry: result of coagulative necrosis
Skin becomes very dry and shrinks = wrinkles and color change to dark brown or black

Wet: neutophils invade a site leading to liquefactive necrosis Usually in internal organs. Site becomes cold, swollen, and black
Foul odor from pus. Can lead to severe systemic symptoms

Gas: caused by infection of injured tissue, gas bubbles form in muscle cells.
Cell cycle
1) interphase: G1, S, G2
2) Cell Division (mitosis) - PMAT
3) Cytokinesis - cytoplasmic division (often considered part of M phase because it occurs as part of telophase)
What happens to extracellular cations and anions during acidosis? s
Too much H+ in ECF - acidosis

H moves from ECF -> ICF
cations like K+ shift to ECF to allow H+ to go into cell (→ hyperkalemia b/c of increased K in ECF).
what happens to extracellular cations and anions during alkalosis?
Alkalosis, not enough H+ in ECF,
so H+ shifts from ICF→ ECF; cations like K+ shift into ICF, leading to ECF hypokalemia
Buffer System:
a. Occurs in response to changes in acid-base status. Buffers are able to absorb excess H+ or OH- without a significant change in pH. Located in both ICF and ECF
BEST BUFFERS are ______ +______

Most important ECF buffer system:
Most important ICF buffer system
weak acid + conjugate base

ECF: carbonic acid bicarbonate and Hgb

ICF: phosphate and protein
Carbonic Acid - Bicarbonate Buffer Pair
- operates in both ____ & ___
pK =
- Ratio at reg pH is: bicarb: carbonic acid
Using the pK value the normal pH is
- lungs and kidneys
- pK = 6.1
- ratio 20:1
- pH 7.4
Lungs decrease carbonic acid by?

Kidneys can reabsorb bicarb or generate new bicarb from?
Blowing off CO2

from CO2 and water (not as rapid as the lung buffer)
Protein Buffering System
Hgb binds w/ H to form HHb and HHbCO2 -> becomes a wk acid

UNSATURATED Hgb (venous) is a better buffer than O2 saturated HGb (arterial)
Renal Buffering System
ii. Buffers (dibasic phosphate [HPO42-] and ammonia [NH3]) bind with H+, allowing more H+ to be excreted before the limiting pH value (4.4-4.7) is reached

Renal buffering of H+ requires CO2 and H2O which form H2CO3.
To correct metabolic alkalosis administer ____. Why?
the administration of K+ corrects alkalosis caused by hyperaldosteronism or hypokalemia by causing H+ to move back into ECF
4 Ways water moves across the membrane
2 in the blood vessel
2 in the tissues
In the blood vessel:
a. Capillary hydrostatic pressure- blood pressure, which pushes the water out of the capillary.
b. Plasma oncotic pressure- this is exerted primarily by the large proteins in the bloodstream, like albumin. They attract water and are thus pulling water back into the capillary

In the tissue:
a. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure- pressure within the tissue, pushing water back into the bloodstream: this is negligible in the normal person
b. Tissue oncotic pressure- proteins pulling water into the tissues; again this is negligible in the normal person because most proteins are too large to pass through the capillary membrane and thus stay in the bloodstream
Difference between oncotic and hydrostatic pressure
Oncotic - pressure pushes water out
Hydrostatic - large proteins attract water
What detects increased plasma osmolarity?
osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus trigger thirst

(ADH release is also stimulated by osmoreceptors)
What can sense a decrease in blood volume and trigger release of ADH?
Volume receptors and baro(pressure)receptors
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
secreted by:
secreted by the posterior pituitary and causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water, increasing the circulating volume
Major extracellular cation?

It regulates water balance (water is very attracted to it), helps potassium maintain muscle irritiablity and de/repolarization, helps with acid-base balance and much more.
Normal values – 135-145 mEq/L
sodium’s main “partner” anion. It tends to follow sodium around, helping to provide electroneutrality?
- produced where?
- is triggered when ____ is low and ___ is high
a hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. Release is triggered when plasma sodium concentration is low and plasma potassium concentration is high. It causes the kidneys to HOLD ON TO sodium and water and EXCRETE potassium, restoring normal electrolyte values and increasing blood volume.
The Renin Angiotensin System - when kidneys are not receiving adequate blood flow they secrete ____.

Angiotensin II acts as a _____ and also stimulates the release of ___
Renin -> angiotensin I -> angiotensin II (vasocontrictor inc blood pressure and flow to the kidneys/ tissues) -> stimulates the release of aldosterone
3 Natriuretic Peptides-
help maintain ___ and ___. Stimulate kidneys to ____.
1) Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)- produced by the heart
2) Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)- produced by the brain
3) Urodilatin- produced by the kidneys

iv. These hormones help maintain sodium and chloride balance when blood pressure/volume is elevated. They stimulate the kidneys to EXCRETE sodium, which is followed by water, decreasing blood volume.
2 regulation mechanisms of sodium and chloride
1) Renin Angiotensin system: HOLDS ON TO sodium, EXCRETES potassium

2) Natriuretic Peptides - stimulate the kidneys to EXCRETE sodium, which is followed by water, decreasing blood volume.
Affinity maturation:
antibodies that bind more strongly to the antigen are replicated - natural selection of antibodies
classified as ____ or ____
can be either ____ or ____
substances secreted by the cells of the immune system
- interleukins or interferons
- inflammatory or anti-inflammatory

These molecules bind to target cells and change function of the target cell. Some work only locally, others (less common) work long distances, such as systemically.
released by cells of the immune system to inhibit virus replication
When does it respond?
How does it protect?
Dominant immunoglobulin in the secretory immune response (1st line defense). Acts BEFORE local or systemic disease develops.

-Found in normal body secretions (including breast milk) & blood
-Works to stop viral & bacterial invasion through the mucosal membranes of the GI, pulmonary & GU tracts
-Prevents a carrier state that may spread disease to other people
- Dominant Ig in Secretory Immune system (lymphoid tissue that protects the external body surface)
When does it respond?
How does it protect?
Responds to parasitic infection of mucosal tissues. Least in circulation.

*Main function is to initiate an inflammatory response that draws eosinophils to the site of parasitic infection
-Mediator of allergic response
When does it respond?
How does it protect?
-Responds 2nd in the primary immune response;
-Most abundant Ig in secondary immune response
*Most abundant in circulation (80-85%)

-Capable of crossing placenta→provides the major protection against infection for the first 3 - 4 months of an infant's life
-Activates complement system via classical pathway (except subclass IgG4) to cause the lysis of Gm (-) bacteria & animal cells
-Subclasses IgG1 & 3 are prominent opsonins
When does it respond?
How does it protect?
-1st responder during primary immune response

-Most effective at fixing complement & aggragating target microorganisms for eventual elimination from the body
-Provides the specificity for the humoral immune response
When does it respond?
How does it protect?
Located primarily on the surface of developing B lymphocytes. Function unknown - function as some sort of a B cell antigen.

Low concentration in the blood.
In-utero what Ig is the fetus able to produce?
What Ig does it lack?
able to produce IgM

lacks IgA (gets from breast milk)
What layer of cells separates maternal and fetal blood?
What system of transport facilitates the maternal antibodies to to the fetus or neonate?
Active transport

a. Because the immunoglobins are too large, they must be transported by active transport.
b. Active transport of IgG is mediated by the surface Fc portion of free IgG, but not for IgM, IgE or IgA.
c. Because of this system umbilical titers for antibodies can be higher than maternal blood
After birth these maternal IgG antibodies levels drop as they are catabolized. At what age is the newborn most deficient of IgG?
5-6 months

This is when they are often prone to respiratory infections.
- how soon do they arrive at the site?
- Why is a neutrophil short lived at the inflammatory site?
the primary phagocytes in the early inflammatory site, arriving within 6-12 hours after the initial insult.

- B/c it is a mature cell unable to divide and sensitive to acidic environment -> becomes part of the pus.
Monocytes mature where?
They become?
Monocytes act in response to?
-mature in bone marrow
-become macrophages
-respond to the chemotactic factor released by the neutrophil. can show up as soon as 24hrs, but usually will arrive in 3-7days
Macrophages are much better suited to defend against infection. Why?
- because they can survive and divide in the acidic inflammatory site.
-larger and better phagocytes then monocytes. larger cell surface makes them better killers
- Activated macrophages also secrete factors that stimulate growth, differentiation and activation of additional cells.
-They also control the initiation of the healing process
3 Levels of human defense
1) Barrier - 1st line against infection and tissue injury
2) Inflammatory response
3) Adaptive (acquired) Immunity - immune system signals the cell of adaptive immunity
What is the most important factor of initiating an immune response?
Foreigness to the host

c. Complexity (the bigger you are, the more chance you have to be complex)
d. Sufficient quantity (sometime this can actually be a very small amount, but it is enough for that Ag to provoke a response)
Coagulation system:
forms a fibrinous meshwork at an injured or inflamed site that is mainly made of an insoluble protein called fibrin

a. Prevents the spread of infection to adjacent tissues
b. Keeps microorganisms and foreign bodies at the site of greatest inflammatory cell activity
c. Forms a clot that stops bleeding
d. Provides a framework for future repair and healing