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103 Cards in this Set

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What types of congenital heart diseases are acyanotic?
atrial septal defect
ventricular septal defect
aortic stenosis
pulmonic stenosis
coarctation of the aorta
patent ductus arteriosus
What types of congenital heart diseases are cyanotic?
tetralogy of fallot
eisenmenger's syndrome
transposition of the great arteries
What are the most and least common types of acyanotic defects?
most- ventricular septal defects
least- atrioventricular septal defects
What is the most common type of cyanotic defects?
tetralogy of fallot
What cardiac conditions are associated w the highest risk of adverse outcomes from endocarditis for which prophylaxis for dental procedures is reasonable?
1. prosthetic heart valve or prosthetic material used for cardiac valve repair
2. previous infective endocarditis
3. congenital heart diseases
What congenital heart diseases indicate prophylaxis for dental procedures?
1. unrepaired congenital heart dz, including palliative shunts and conduits
2. completely repaired congenital heart defect w prosthetic material or device, whether placed by surgeon or cath intervention during first 6 mo. afterward
3. repaired congenital heart disease w residual defects at site or adjacent to site of prosthetic patch or prosthetic device (which inhibit endothelialization)
4. cardiac transplantation recipients who develop cardiac valvulopathy
Why is abx prophylaxis within 6 mo of repaired congenital heart defects necessary prior to dental procedures?
because endothelialization of prosthetic material occurs within 6 mo. of procedure
What is preferred SBE prophylaxis in a pt not allergic to PCN?
What is preferred SBE prophylaxis in a pt allergic to PCN/ampicillin?
cephalexin, clindamycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin
What is preferred SBE prophylaxis for a pt not allergic to PCN but unable to take oral meds?
IV/IM ampicillin, cefazolin or ceftriaxone
What is preferred SBE prophylaxis in pts allergic to PCN/ampicillin and unable to take PO meds?
IM/IV cefazolin, ceftriaxone or clindamycin
When is SBE prophylaxis given?
single dose 30-60 min before procedure
______ should not be used in an individual w history of anaphylaxis, angioedema, or urticaria w PCN/ampicillin.
Left to right shunt, incr pulm blood flow, pulm HTN, RV hypertrophy, and CHF are all characteristics of...
acyanotic congenital heart disease
Atrial septal defects are 2-3x more prevalent in
females than males
This is the communication between L and R atria, and blood enters R atria from L atria, opposite of PFO.
atrial septal defect
What are the classification factors for small vs large Atrial septal defect?
small: < 0.5 cm, small shunt, usually asymptomatic

large: >/= 2 cm, incr pulm blood flow, systolic ejection murmur in 2nd ICS, afib or svt, r axis deviation on EKG, dyspnea on exertion
In atrial septal defect, SBE prophylaxis (is/isn't) recommended.
is not unless a concommitant valvular abnormality (MVP/MV cleft) is present
The anesthesia goals in atrial septal defect are?
maintain systemic blood flow to ensure no alteration of IAs
In atrial septal defect, IV agents may be..
diluted, but this is unlikely
What increases the magnitude of shunt in Atrial septal defect pts?
drugs that produce prolonged SVR increases -- avoid!
What does high Fi02 do in atrial septal defect pts?
decr pulm blood flow and incr L to R shunt

volatile agents decr SVR whereas pos pressure ventilation incr PVR
(both beneficial)
In atrial septal defect pts, it is crucial to avoid entrance of ____ into circulation.
Anesthesia Mgmt Bottom line for atrial septal defect pts?
1. maintain SVR in normal levels
2. use volatile agents and PosPresVent during surgery
3. avoid high Fio2 - ltd to 50%
4. regional can be considered as long as SVR maintained
5. SBE prophylaxis if in doubt
This is the most common congenital cardiac defect?
ventricular septal defect
Approx 70% of ventricular septal defects are located in
membranous portion of intraventricular septum
At the lower left sternal border, this auscultation abnormality is heard during moderate to large ventricular septal defect
holosystolic murmur
ventricular septal defect pts are at risk for developing
infective endocarditis
Is SBE prophylaxis indicated in ventricular septal defect?
Are inhaled and injected drug pharmacokinetics altered in ventricular septal defect?
Acute or persistent incr in _____ or decr in ______ should be avoided in ventricular septal defect pts. These chnges can increase the magnitude of left to right shunting, like in ASD.
these changes are likely w incr Fi02
Are pos pressure ventilation and IAs tolerated in ventricular septal defect pts?

monitor induction effects on SVR (IAs especially)
It is important to avoid (hypo/hyper)volemia in ventricular septal defect pts.

aggressively replace blood loss!
____ pts have similar surgical mgmt as ventricular septal defect pts. SBE prophylaxis should _____ be provided.
ASD, always
This is present when the ductus arteriosus fails to close spontaneously after birth.
patent ductus arteriosus
Most patent ductus arteriosus pts are asymptomatic, but if the shunt is large, then pt will have...
LV hypertrophy
Neonates w patent ductus arteriosus are treated with _______ because....
indomethacin regimen, can also use ibuprofen

want to inhibit cyclooxygenase - helps facilitate closure and surgery is indicated to repair if conservative tx fails
Is SBE prophylaxis necessary in patent ductus arteriosus?
What do decreases in SVR and positive pressure ventilation do to help in patent ductus arteriosus pts?
improve systemic blood flow and increase PVR and decr L to R shunt
In patent ductus arteriosus pts, it is crucial to avoid entrance of _____ into the pt.
air into IV!
Are IAs and PPV well tolerated in patent ductus arteriosus pts?
Bicuspid aortic valves occur in ____% of the US population, and usually remains asymptomatic until ____.
2-3%, adulthood
Aortic stenosis is associated with a _____ heart sound audible over the 2nd ICS.
systolic murmur
What are the EKG and CXR findings in aortic stenosis?
ST depression during exercise, LV hypertrophy
Aortic stenosis leads to a _____ aortic valve and ____ wall of LV.
narrowed, thickened/hypertrophic
In aortic stenosis pts, it is crucial to maintain NSR because LV is dependent on...
properly timed atrial contractions to ensure optimal LV filling and SV.
In aortic stenosis, it is important to avoid prolonged or extreme alterations in what values?
In aortic stenosis pts, general anesthesia is preferred to regional in order to avoid

carefully titrate IAs to ensure no signifcant drop in BP; may use TIVA/N20/Opiate cocktail
Is SBE prophylaxis indicated for aortic stenosis pts?
_____ produces obstruction to R ventricle outflow and is identified by a loud systolic ejection murmur at the L 2nd ICS.
pulmonic stenosis
Side effects of pulmonic stenosis:
dyspnea on exertion, peripheral edema, ascites
What happens when there is a patent foramen ovale in the presence of pulmonic stenosis?
R to L shunting can occur -> cyanosis and clubbing due to bypass of pulm circulation
The goal of managing pulmonic stenosis pts under anesthesia is to avoid....
RV oxygen demand increase.
How do you decrease RV oxygen demand increase for better anesthesia outcomes in pts w pulmonic stenosis?
-avoid incr HR and contractility
-pos pressure vent well tolerated (impact of changes in PVR minimized by presence of fixed obstruction in pulm valve)
- aggressively treat decr BP w sympathomimetic drugs (phenylephrine-works quicker)
- aggressively treat dysrhythmias
Which is better tolerated in pulmonic stenosis pts, general or regional anesthesia?
This heart defect arises from diaphragm-like ridge that extends into aortic lumen just distal to the left subclavian artery.
coarctation of the aorta
In pts w coarctation of the aorta, most adults are asymptomatic until the defect is detected during this part of physical exam?
systemic HTN is detected in arms w diminished or absent femoral pulses
coarctation of the aorta results in what heart sound on auscultation?
harsh systolic murmur along L sternal border in back
What does Ekg reveal in coarctation of the aorta pts?
LV hypertrophy
What are the complications of coarctation of the aorta?
- LV failure
- aortic dissection
- ischemic heart disease
- infective endocarditis
During surgical resection of coarctation of the aorta, what are important parts of monitoring strategy?
-continuous BP monitoring on both upper and lower extrem
-monitor propensity of systemic HTN during cross-clamping of aorta (use nitroprusside infusion prn, assess renal and spinal cord perfusion)
-assess for neuro ischemic injury (SSEP)
-careful I/O, urine output
Is SBE prophylaxis indicated in coarctation of the aorta?
What are anesthesia post op concerns for coarctation of the aorta?
watch for paradoxical HTN, use nipride to treat with or without esmolol
Which is indicated as better technique for coarctation of the aorta, general or regional anesthesia?
general - monitor for systemic hypo/hypertension
opioids for pain control
careful titration of vasodilators during
What are the characteristics of cyanotic congenital heart disease?
R to L intracardiac shunt,
decr pulm blood flow, arterial hypoxemia, erythrocytosis (HCT >70%, coag defects due to Vit K dependent clotting factors and defective platelet aggregation), brain abcess (due to hypoxic brain, mimics stroke)
Most pts w tetralogy of fallot are _____ From birth.
What heart sounds accompany tetralogy of fallot?
ejection murmur along L sternal border
What does a SP02 reading demonstrate in tetralogy of fallot?
low even when 100% Fi02 admin
Is SBE prophylaxis indicated in tetralogy of fallot?
What are the characteristics of compensatory erythropoiesis in tetralogy of fallot pts?
- hyperviscosity
- risk for CVA/cerebral abcess
- risk for infective endocarditis - SBE proph.
____ is a common positioning feature in tetralogy of fallot.
This is the sudden onset of arterial hypoxemia in tetralogy of fallot pts.
hypercyanotic attacks
What is treatment for hypercyanotic attacks in tetralogy of fallot pts?
beta adrenergic antagonists to alleviate spasm to pulm outflow tract (esmolol, propranolol)
What are the 4 features of tetralogy of fallot?
1. VSD
2. pulm stenosis (many levels of obstruction from RV to lungs)
3. overriding aorta (lies directly over VSD and RV)
4. thickened RV muscle
It is important to avoid increased R to L shunting in tetralogy of fallot pts because....
increase in shunt results in decrease in pulm blood flow and PaO2.
What actions increase R to L shunting magnitude in tetralogy of fallot pts?
pulm blood flow is relatively fixed and inversely proportional to SVR (decr SVR, incr PVR, incr myocardial contractility)
SVR can be decr in tetralogy of fallot pts by
IAs, opioids, histamine release, ganglionic blockade, alpha adrenergic agents
Pulm blood flow can be decr in tetralogy of fallot pts by
pos pressure ventillation (but risk of hypoxemia outweighs risk of not using PPV), PEEP
Preop considerations for tetralogy of fallot pts?
- avoid dehydration (oral feedings)
- avoid crying (IM injections, IV starts)
- continue beta adrenergic antagonists until induction
- SBE prophylaxis
Induction technique for pts w tetralogy of fallot?
-ketamine 3-4 mg/kg IM or 1-2 mg/kg IV (incr SVR and pulm blood flow)
-for intubation, avoid histamine releasing NMB (Atracurium), use pancuronium if ketamine not used
- IA: sevo may lower SVR significantly, halothane preferred bc decr contractility and maintains SVR to greater degree
What are maintenance strategies for pts w tetralogy of fallot?
- N20 and ketamine to preserve SVR, (N20 may incr PVR but offset by positive effect on SVR)
-N20 disadvantage is reduction of Fi02 w/ its use
- pancuronium is preferred NMB
- controlled ventillation preferred
This congenital heart defect occurs w L to R intracardiac shunt reversed through an ASD or VSD when the blood flow through the pulm bed equals or exceeds SVR.
eisenmenger's syndrome
This congenital heart defect manifests w cyanosis and decr exercise tolerance w/ palpitations. Also characterized by afib or flutter, visual disturbance, headache, dizzy, paresthesias.
eisenmenger's syndrome
This congenital heart defect is associated w an incr risk of CVA, brain abcess, pulm infarction, incr blood viscosity from erythrocytosis, and RV hypertrophy.
eisenmenger's syndrome
______ is characterized by a reversal of a L to R shunt into a R to L shunt caused by incr PVR to a level equal or exceeding SVR.
eisenmenger's syndrome
In eisenmenger's syndrome, it is important to maintain preop levels of ____ and recognize that sudden incr in R to L shunt will occur if a sudden drop in ____ occurs.
What gtt is commonly used to maintain SVR in eisenmenger's syndrome pts?
phenylephrine gtt
It is important to avoid hypovolemia and paradoxical embolization in eisenmenger's syndrome, and _________may be indicated if HCT > 65%.
prophylactic phlebotomy
Laparoscopic procedures are routinely contraindicated in eisenmenger's syndrome pts because
insufflations of peritoneal cavity w CO2 may precipitate acidosis, hypotension and dysrhythmias.
Which anesthesia technique is preferred in eisenmenger's syndrome?
general preferred over regional, early tracheal intubation desirable
If you have to give an eisenmenger's syndrome pt an epidural, it is best to use a local anesthetic solution that doesn't contain _______ because....

can exaggerate decr in SVR (catecholamine release)
______ entails a failure of the truncus arteriosus to spiral, resulting in the aorta arising from the anterior portion of the RV and the pulm artery arising from the LV. There is complete separation of the _____ and ____ circulations.
transposition of the great arteries,
pulmonary and systemic circ.
Survival is only possible in transposition of the great arteries if...
there i sa communication between the 2 circulations in the form of a VSD, ASD, or PDA.
______ at birth are often present w transposition of the great arteries.
cyanosis, tachypnea, CHF
CHF in transposition of the great arteries pts results from
LV failure due to volume overload created by L to R shunt created for survival.
What is the required treatment for transposition of the great arteries?
surgical correction
During repair of transposition of the great arteries, infusion of _____ is necessary to maintain patency of ductus arteriosus.
prostaglandin E
Admin of O2 in transposition of the great arteries helps to decrease _____.
____ and ____ are drugs of choice to treat the CHF associated with transposition of the great arteries.
diuretics and digoxin
It is crucial that the anesthetist take into account the separation of ______ in caring for pts w transposition of the great arteries.
pulm and systemic circulations
How are drug doses titrated for pts w transposition of the great arteries?
decr doses because of minimal dilution to heart and brain
How are IAs affected by transposition of the great arteries?
may be delayed, only small amt of inhaled drug reaches circulation
What are the induction and maintenance techniques in transposition of the great arteries?
- ketamine 1-2 mg/kg IV w NMB for intubation
- maint w ketamine 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/hr w opioids and benzos
- avoid dehydration (careful I/O)
- limited use of N20 due to high need for Fi02 concentration