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32 Cards in this Set

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Marfan syndrome
FIBN-1 gene - fibrillin (scaffold for elastin deposition)
- Tall stature, arachnodactyly, ligamentous laxity, scoliosis, pectus deformities, dolichocephaly, prominent supraorbital ridges, high arched palate
- weak suspensory ligaments leads to dislocation of lens, myopia, retinal detachment
- aortic dissection, mitral/aortic valve incompetence
Elhers Danlos Syndrome
Multiple genes - generalized defects in collagen
-Skin fragility/hyperextensibility, hypermobile joints/ligaments, weak blood vessels w/purpura
- Type V collagen affected in type 1&2 - skin/joint hypermobility, easy bruising
- Type III collagen in vascular type - rupture of colon, large arteries, uterus, shortened life expectancy
Hexosaminidase - GM2 ganglioside
Progressive neurodegeneration
Developmental delay
Death in 2-3years
Cherry-red spot on macula
Lysosomes w/onion skin
Niemann-Pick A
Sphingomyelinase - sphingomyelin
Lymphadenopathy, fever
Cherry red spot on macula
Foam cells
Severe neurologic deterioration
Niemann-Pick B
Same as type A, less severe
Niemann-Pick C
Defect in cholesterol trafficking - cholesterol accumulation
Stillbirth, hydrops fetalis, neonatal hepatitis
Gaucher disease
glucocerebrosidase - glucocerebroside
Replacement of bone marrow with Gaucher cells
Bone erosions, Erlenmyer flask deformity
Fabry’s Disease
a-galactosidase A - ceramide trihexose (globosides)
X-linked recessive
Microvascular disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Cardiovascular/renal disease
Hurler syndrome
a-L-iduronidase - dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate
Skeletal deformities
Growth retardation
Lumbar gibbus
Clouding of the cornea
Scheie syndrome
a-L-iduronidase (different then Hurlers)
Similar to Hunters, Intelligence and life expectancy are normal
Hunter Syndrome
L-iduronate sulfatase - heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate
X-linked recessive
Mild form of Hurlers
No corneal clouding
I-cell disease
- Deficiency of phosphorylating enzymes essential to formation of mannose-6P recognition marker
Newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes secreted into ECM
Clinically similar to Hurler syndrome
Hydrops fetalis
von Gierke disease (I)
Glucose-6 phosphatase
Glycogen vacuoles in liver, hepatomegaly
Increased blood lactate
Hypoglycemia - stunted growth, convulsions
Hyperuricemia, Xanthomas, platelet dysfunction
Pompe’s disease (II)
a-1,4 glucosidase (acid maltase)
Storage in heart - Cardiomegaly
(Also in liver and skeletal muscle)
Cori Disease (III)
Debranching enzyme
Milder form of type I
McArdle’s sydrome (IV)
Muscle phosphorylase
Increased glycogen in muscle
Muscle weakeness, myoglobinuira
Increased ammonia from rhabdomyolysis
Alkaptonuria (onchronosis)
Homogentisic oxidase
Accumulation of homogentisic acid in collagen and cartilage
Blue-black pigmentation in ears, nose
Neurofibromatosis I
NF-I: neurofibromin (tumor suppressor)
Autosomal dominant
Chromosome 17
Variable expressivity
Neural tumor
Cafe-au-lait spots
Lisch nodules
Skeletal abnormalities - bone cysts, scoliosis, pseudoarthritis
Increased risk of pheochromocytoma, other tumors
Neurofibromatosis II
NF-2 gene on chromosome 22
Bilateral acoustic neuromas
Multiple schwannomas
Cafe-au-lait spots
Down syndrome
Trisomy 21
Maternal non-disjunction
Robertsonian translocation (14 or 22)
Mitotic non-disjunction
Mental retardation
Flat facies, epicanthal folds, brachiocephaly
Simian crease
Congenital heart disease - ASD
Intestinal stenosis
Kertatoconus and Brushfields spots
Abnormal Tcell response
Increased risk of ALL and Alzheimer's
Gap between 1&2 toes
Edwards syndrome
Trisomy 18
Mitotic nondisjunction
Severe mental retardation
Rocker bottom feet
Low set ears
Overlapping fingers
Die within one year
Down syndrome prenatal screening
Decreased a-fetoprotein, estriol
Increased B-hcg, inhibin A
Patau's syndrome
Trisomy 13
Mitotic nondisjunction
Severe mental retardation
Microcephaly, micropthalmia
Cleft lip/palate
Rocker bottom feet
DiGeorge/Velocardial facial syndrome
22q11 deletion
Congenital heart defects
Cleft lip, facial dysmorphism
Variable T cell immunity
Cri du Chat
5p deletion
Kitten cry
Mental retardation
Klinefelter's syndrome
Eunuchoid body habitus
Long legs
Hypogonadism, oligospermia, small penis
No secondary sex characteristics
Lowed IQ
Turner's sydrome
Short stature
Webbed neck - cystic hygroma
Peripheral lymphedma
Broad chest, wide carrying angle
Coarctation of the aorta
Streak ovaries, primary ammenorrhea
Female pseudohermaphrodite
XX - excess androgen leads to virilization, 21-hydroxylase deficiency
Male pseudohermaphrodite
XY - androgen insensitivity
Fragile X syndrome
CCG repeats in FMR-1 gene
Mental retardation
Long face, large jaw & ears
Mitral valve prolapse
Prader-willi syndrome
Deletion on chromsome 15 from father
Mental retardation
Short stature
Obesity, hyperphagia
Angelman syndrome
Deletion on chromsome 15 from mother
"Happy puppet"
Mental retardation
Inappropriate laughing