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39 Cards in this Set

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Describe types of Collagen
I: Bones, Skin, Tendons, II: Cartilage, III: Reticulum (everywhere), IV: BM
Ehlers Danlos Syn etiology
ABN Type III Collagen, inheritance varies
Ehlers-Danlos Syn S/Sx
Hyperextensible skin, easy bleeding, hypermobile joints
Osteogenesis Imperfect S/Sx
Blue sclera (ABN translucent CT over choriod), hearing loss (ABN middle ear bones), ABN teeth due (ABN Dentin)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta AKA
Brittle Bone Disease
Osteogenesis Imperfecta types
Type I is MC, Type II is fatal neonatally
Osteognesis Imperfecta etiology
AD mutation in Collagen Type I
Describe cell counts in arthrocentesis from septic joint
WBC > 50k with >75% PMNS
Describe cell counts in arthrocentesis from OA and RA
OA 2-10k PMNs < 50%, in RA 2-10k PMNs > 50%
Describe Gout crystals
(-) birefringence uric acid crystals
Describe Pseudogout crystals
(+) birefringence Calcium Pyrophosphate
Synovial fluid with Glucose < 50
Septic Arthritis or RA
Priapism first steps of management
Dopple U/S to determine ischemic vs non-ischemic; Tx of sickle cell with IVF & Tfx
Ischemic Priapism Tx
<4h alpha agonist (penylephrine) intracorporal injection; >4h aspiration with alpha agonist; then surgical shunt if needed
NonIschemic Priapism Tx
(1) Observation for days; (2) Arteriography & Embolization of ruptured artery; (3) surgical ligation of ruptured artery
Venous stasis ulcer presentation
Distal leg, MC Medial Malleolus, indurated with brawny edges
Morton Neuroma etiology
swelling of Lateral & Medial Plantar nn between 3rd&4th metatarsal on ball of foot
Morton Neuroma S/Sx
pain on ball of foot, worsened by lateral compression of foot, worsened by walking
Nursemaid elbow Tx
Fully extending the elbow and supinating the forearm, then flex elbow 180 while maintaining supination.
Nursemaid elbow etiology
Subluxation of radial head a/w pulling on forearm
Knee dislocation Dx
Clinical Dx, but Arterigraphy for popliteal aa damage
Knee meniscal injury Tx
Rest & NSAIDs, surgery if not improving or knee locked
Knee meniscal injury etiology
Twisting injury or degeneration with age
Knee meniscus description
2 meniscus lateral & medial that act as shock absorbers
Bakers Cyst Dx
U/S or MRI to confirm Baker's Cyst
Scoliosis Tx
PT & Konstancin exercises < 20, bracing 20-50, surgery > 50
Scoliosis complications
Resp compromise > 50, Cardiac compromise > 75
Describe Bouchard & Heberden nodes
Bouchard PIP, Heberden DIP & much more common; both a/w OA
Swan neck deformity etiology
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bone changes in OA & RA
Subchondral bone thickens in OA, bone erosion under joint in RA
Disc herniation nerve involvement
disk impinges nerve BELOW the disc [L5-S1 impinges S1],
Appley's Compression Test
meniscal tear
Apley's Distraction Test
Medial or Lateral Collateral Ligaments
McMurray's Test
Ober's Test
Tight tensor fascia lata & iliotibial band
Patrick's Test (FABERE)
Osteoarthritis of the hip
Speed's Test
Biceps Tendon
Trendelenburg Test
Gluteus weakness
Yergason's Test
Biceps Tendon