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12 Cards in this Set

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acute mastitis: when does it occur? who do we see it in? how do they present?
almost always in lactating female, 1st month post-partum
present: erythematous, painful breast (usually just one), usually with fever
what causes acute mastitis?
S. aureus or Strep infection
Staph- localized inflamm; may prod abscess
Strep- diffuse infection; eventually involves whole breast
how is acute mastitis treated?
temporarily stop breast feeding
periductal mastitis: aka? who do we see it in? how do they present?
aka subareolar abscess
SMOKERS (male and female)
NOT assoc with lactation
present: painful, erythematous subareolar mass; may have drainage out of fistula formed at edge of areolar tissue
describe periductal mastitis
squamous metaplasia: (RECURRENT) glandular, columnar epithelium replaced by thick, keratinized squamous epithelium
abscess can form from rupture of blocked duct and inflamm resp to keratin; also fistula
mammary duct ectasia: who do we see it in? how do they present?
women in 5th-6th decade (40-50s)
present: poorly defined palpable periareolar mass; some skin retraction; thick(inspissated), white nipple secretion; pain, erythema uncommon
what is the importance of mammary duct ectasia?
mimics CA
what diseases of the breast mimic CA? (but are not assoc with it)
mammary duct ectasia
fat necrosis
fibrocystic change
complex sclerosing lesion (radial scar)
morphology of mammary duct ectasia
ectasia= dilation
dilated ducts
inspissated discharge
chronic granulomatous inflamm and fibrosis
fat necrosis: who? present?
history of trauma or prior surgery
painless, palpable mass, with skin RETRACTION
*mimic CA
morphology of Fat necrosis
inflamm due to rel of "foreign" lipid after trauma
firm tissue w/ small foci of chalky white, hemorrhagic debris
surr by foamy histiocytes and PMNs
multinucleated giant cells, incr vascularization, fibroblasts to wall off
what can happen with silicone implants? what is it NOT linked to?
chronic inflamm rxn can form capsule around implant
refractile material- foreign material surr by inflamm rxn
DOES NOT lead to SLE or other autoimmune disease