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15 Cards in this Set

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what are some of the blistering autoimmune diseases
-bullous pemphigoid
-dermatitis herpatiformis
what is the common characteristic of subroneal blister
they are usually at the epidermal level, the roof of the bulla is usuallu stratus corneum
-what is the main characteristic of a suprbabsal blister
-what is this indicative of
they are located just below the basal layer, and the stratus corneum forms the roof
-this usually indicative of pemphigus vulgaris
-what is the main characteristic of subepidermal blister
-what is this indicative of
in this case the entire blister seperates form the basal layer
-dermatitis hepatoformis
whar the s n s of pemphigus
-autoimmune disease with antibody (IgG) launched against the desmosomes of the aquamous epithelial cells
-anti desmogline antibody
what is the use of desmososme
-its the glue that holds cells together and if it is destroyed the cell tend to sepeprate
what are the s n s of P. vulgaris
-it is the most common type of pemphigus
-involves mucosa
-face and other pressure points
what is the histopathic distinction of P.vulgaris
- on slide it results in a suprabasal acanthylosis w/c leads to an intraepidermal blister in which rounded acantholytic epidermal cells are identified
what are the s n s of bullous pemphigoid
-caused by antibody to skin basement membrane and leading to formation of a subepidermal blister
-it is a clear fluid filled blister less than 2cm, usually caused by friction
-it is generally seen in older individuals on the inner aspects of legs, axilla, and flexor surface of ar
what 2 features differentiate bullous pemphigoid form pemphigus vulgaris
-they differ b/c bullous is less than 2cm and and it doesn't effect the mucosa as much as p. vulgaris
what are histopathic distinctions of bullous pemphigoid
-you can see the seperation of the epidermis from dermis
-also there is subepidermal cleft that may be filled woth PMN, EOSINOPHILLS and that may lead to the destruction of the basal layer
-also there is ribbon candy deposition of of complement
-mainly effects lamina lucida
what are s n s of dermatitis herpetiformis
-rare disorder that effects male more than females in 3rd and 4th decade or 20 and 30
-major association with celiac disorder and anti gliadin ab, w.c may croos react with drmal papillae
-intensely puritic plaques and vesicles located on th eextensor surfaces, elbows, knees, upper back and butt,pressure areas
-"resembles herpes"
what are some of the histopath s n s of dermatitis herpetiform
-mainly intact erythmatous blisters often grouped together
-usually raised lesion that is usually removed by scratching
-their are many neutrophilic microabsesses involving the dermal papilla
what is the antibody seen dermatitis herpetiform
w/c zone is involve with dermatitis herpetiform
papillary dermis and the blister forms at the dermal apidermal junction