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34 Cards in this Set

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What is the source of gamma globulins?
Globular proteins, some gamma globulins are Immunoglobulins (most important sub-class)
What is the difference between polyclonal gammopathy and monoclonal gammopathy?
Poly - prolonged infection or inflammation (entire right side of globulin chart elevated
Mono - Neoplastic, malignancy of plasma cells (only one single spike on the right side of the globulin chart
What is prealbumin used to diagnose?
When is albumin decreased?
Malnutrition, malabsorption, increase in loss from renal disease, protein loss, gastroenteropathy, ascites
When is albumin increased?
Dehydration, torniquet
What are the 4 acute phase reactants?
Alpha 1 globulins: Alpha 1 antitrypsin
Alpha 2 globulins
Beta globulins
What are Alpha 1 globulins/ Alpha 1 antitrypsin?
A1G - protease inhibitor, counters effect of leukocyte elastase
A1A - major component of A1G
What does A1G/A1A deficiency cause?
Pulmonary emphysema, cirrhosis of liver
What are Alpha 2 globulins?
Altered in response to acute inflammation, carrier of free hemoglobin, CRP
What are Beta globulins?
Lipoprotein, LDL, transferrin, fibrinogen
What is C reactive protein?
General scavenger molecule - elevated in inflammatory response to autoimmunity, disease progression in RA/SLE
What are the 8 acute phase reaction responses?
Fibrinogen inc
Alpha-2-macroglobulin increased
CRP inc
Haptoglobin inc
Albumin dec
ESR inc
What is ESR?
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Length of fall of RBC's in a column of blood given a time interval
What does increased ESR indicate?
Nonspecific indicator of inflammation
What is the difference between edema and effusion?
Edema - fluid in interstitium
Effusion - fluid in serous / mesothelial lined cavities
What is the cause and lab findings of inc exudate?
Via inc vascular permeability
High in protein (>3gm/dl)
WBC's inc

Infection / inflammation
When exudate is inc from angiogenesis, what are the 2 possibilities why?
Repair or malignancy
When are transudates increased?
Hydrostatic pressure inc (heart failure)
Osmotic pressure dec (kidney disease)
Retention of NaCl
Lymph obstruction
What is the major cause of edema?
Impaired venous outflow
What is the difference between localized and generalized edema?
Local - DVT
Generalized - heart failure
What is the pathology of dec plasma colloid osmotic pressure?
Inc protein loss, nephrotic syndrome, ascites
What is the initial symptom of dec plasma colloid osmotic pressure?
Periorbital edema
What is the definition of primary as seen in the notes?
Cause for which there is no secondary cause, usually genetic or idiopathic
Define lymphedema?
Impaired lymph drainage leading to edema, commonly involved extremities
What is the difference between primary and secondary lymphedema?
Primary - inherited or developmental defect (Ex: Milroy's)
Secondary - Trauma to lymph channels, any damage or injury to lympthatics from cancer, radiation, infections, obesity
What is peau d'orange?
Thickened skin due to advanced lymphedema, poor prognosis, sign of late disease
What is dependent edema?
Impaired venous return, may occur with long periods of standing / air/car travel
What are causes and morpho of pulmonary edema?
Causes - LV failure, renal failure, ARDS, pulmonary infection
Morpho - lungs 2-3x wt, frothy/blood tinged fluid thicker septae of lungs, fluid in alveoli
What is hyperemia, what is the other name and what are the causes?
Local increased volume of blood
Red color from inc oxygenated blood
Exercise, emotions, inflammation
Define congestion, what are some causes?
Local inc volume of blood
Passive process due to impaired venous outflow from tissues
Heart failure, local venous obstruction
What is the morphology of chronic pulmonary congestion?
Chronic hypoxic injury from stasis --> cell death --> microscopic scarring
Rubbery brown, siderophages in alveloi, prussian blue +
What is the morpho of lower extremity edema?
Brown induration from incompetent leg valves
What is the cause and morphology of hepatic congestion?
Right heart failure
Chronic passive congestion: Nutmeg liver (centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis, red-brown depressed areas)
AST / ALT elevated from necrosis of hepatocytes
What are the causes of congestive splenomegaly?
RH failure
Portal vein occlusion
Hepatic cirrhosis