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27 Cards in this Set

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Why is angiogenesis required for tumor growth?
The tumor requires oxygen and as it grows, it will outgrow its original supply.
Define angiogenic switch.
Signal from certain cytokines to start angiogenesis that outweighs the inhibitors of angiogenesis.
Angiogenic vessels lack the __ of normal vessels. What does this indicate?
Laminar structure. Indicates that the new vessels are following chemotactic factors.
Release of __ __ indicates the beginning of invasion.
Proteolytic enzymes - degrade basement membrane.
Why do cells elaborate autocrine motility factor?
To allow invasion.
What keeps tumor cells together?
Name one way that tumor cells can survive metastasizing through the blood.
Formation of a tumor thrombus - covered with fibrin.
Is there a metastasis gene?
No, but nm23 may be a metastases suppressor.
What often dictates metastasis?
Vascular flow.
What does the seed and soil hypothesis mean?
Some tissues are more receptive to metastases than others.
Name two organs that are often unhospitable to metastatses.
Brain and skeletal muscle.
Define tumor heterogeneity.
As the tumor develops, it accumulates changes in its genome and becomes more heterogeneous.
Name the six ways that tumors can have a local effect.
Vital organ compression; GI or GU obstruction; mucosal ulceration; secondary bleeding and/or infection; increased pressure in confined spaces; and nerve invasion.
Tumors can have systemic effects, also known as __ __.
Endocrine effects.
__ __ is an example of a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by tumor-induced endocrinopathy.
Cushing syndrome,
Small cell carcinoma of the lung can cause ectopic increases in what three hormones?
Serotonin is increased by this malignant tumor.
Bronchial carcinoid.
Ovarian teratomas can stimulate ectopic release of __ __.
Thyroid hormone.
Paraneoplastic syndromes can represent or mimic what?
Can representation the earliest manifestations of an occult neoplasm or can mimic other disease processes (metastatic or not).
Half of patients with paraneoplastic Cushing’s syndrome also have this neoplasm.
Small cell carcinoma.
From what cells do small cell carcinomas arise?
Neuroendocrine cells.
Name tumors that can cause hypoglycemia.
Fibrosarcoma, hepatocellular cancer.
These can cause carcinoid syndrome.
Bronchial adenoma, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer.
Renal cancer, cerebellar hemangioma, and hepatocellular cancer can all cause this paraneoplastic syndrome.
Name the three generalized systemic effects of tumors.
Cachexia, fever, fatigue.
How is cachexia different from starvation?
Starvation breaks down fat first but cachexia breaks down fat and muscle.