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100 Cards in this Set

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How is depression diagnosed?
Need 5 SIGECAPS >2 wks...
S: sleep disturbances (wake in AM)
I: interest/libido loss
G: guilt
E: energy loss
C: concentration loss
A: appetite loss
P: psychomotor agitation
S: suicidal (hopelessness)
What is autism?
repetitive movements
lack of verbal skills and bonding
sx since birth
What is Asperger's?
good communication
impaired relationships
no mental retardation
What is Rett's?
only in girls
dec head growth
lose motor skills
normal until 5 mo
What is childhood disintegrative disorder?
kid stops walking and talking
What is selective mutism?
kid talks sometimes
What is separation anxiety disorder?
kid screams when mom leaves
What is conduct disorder?
< 15 yo
disregard for rules
no sense of guilt
harm animals
illegal activity
What is oppositional defiant disorder?
directed at authority
What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
difficulty in school
What is dysthymia?
low level sadness >2 yrs
What is cyclothymia?
dysthymia with hypomania
What is double depression?
depression followed by dysthymia
What is bipolar I?
depression and mania (psychosis)
What is bipolar II?
depression and hypomania (no psychosis)
What are loose associations?
ideas switch subjects...
What is tangentiality?
Wanders off the point
What is circumstantiality?
Digresses, but finally gets back to the point
What is clanging?
words that sound alike
What is word salad?
unrelated combinations of words
What is perseveration?
Keeps repeating the same words
What is neologisms?
new words
What is delusion?
false belief
What is illusion?
misinterprets stimulus
What is hallucination?
false sensory perception
EtOH withdrawal
cocaine intoxication --> formication
What is nihilism?
thinks the world has stopped
What is loss of ego boundaries?
not knowing where I end and you begin
What are ideas of reference?
believes the media is monitoring you
What is thought blocking?
stops mid-sentence
What is thought insertion?
believes others are putting thoughts into his head
What is thought withdrawal?
believes that others are taking thoughts out of his head
What is concrete thinking?
can't interpret abstract proverbs, just sees the facts
What is synesthesia?
smells colors
What is cataplexy?
loss of muscle tone due to strong emotions
What is paranoid personality disorder?
suspicious about everything
use projection
What is schizotypal personality disorder?
"magical thinking"
bizarre behavior
What is antisocial personality disorder?
destroy property
impulsive without remorse
illegal activity
What is histrionic personality disorder?
sexually provocative
use repression
What is borderline personality disorder?
"perpetual teenager"
splitting (love/hate)
acting out
What is narcissistic personality disorder?
no empathy
What is dependent personality disorder?
low self-confidence
What is obsessive compulsive personality disorder?
doesn't show feelings
uses isolation
What is avoidant personality disorder?
socially withdrawn
afraid of rejection but wants to fit in
What is kleptomania?
steals for the fun of it
What is pyromania?
starts fires
What is intermittent explosive disorder?
loses self-control without adequate reason
What is pathological gambling?
can't stop gambling
affects others
What is trichotillomania?
pull out their hair
What is Lewy body dementia?
visual hallucinations
What is normal pressure hydrocephalus?
ataxia - "magnetic gait"
What is Korsakoff psychosis?
alcoholic thiamine deficiency
What is vascular "multi-infarct" dementia?
sudden onset
uneven progression of deficits
"stair-step" decline
What is Huntington's?
in caudate/putamen
triple repeat disorder
choreiform movements
change in personality
What is Creutzfeldt-Jacob?
prion induced
die within 1 year
post-cornea transplant
What is Pick's disease?
frontal lobe atrophy
What is Alzheimers?
dec ACh in nucleus basalis of Meynert
bad ApoE
amyloid plaques
tangles of tau
What is Parkinson's?
in substantia nigra
pill-rolling tremor
shuffling gait
Lewy bodies
What is somatization?
think they have different illness all the time
(at least 4 organ systems)
What is hypochondriasis?
think they have the same illness all the time
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
imagined physical defect
What is pain disorder?
prolonged pain not explained by physical causes
What is conversion?
neuro manifestation of internal conflict
indifferent to disability
What is malingering?
fake illness for monetary gain
avoids medical treatment
What is factitious?
fake illness for attention
seeks medical treatment
What is Munchausen?
need to be the caregiver
mom fakes child's illness to get attention
What is Munchausen by proxy?
mom makes child ill for gain
move a lot
What is amnesia?
can't recall important facts
What is dissociative fugue?
no past
travel to new place
usually due to trauma
What is multiple personality disorder?
have 5-10 alters
usually associated with incest
What is depersonalization disorder?
"out of body" experiences
deja vu
What is sublimation?
substitute acceptable for unacceptable
(boxing for fighting)
What is imitation?
dress like someone else
What is identification?
act like someone else
What is displacement?
take anger out on someone else
What is idealization?
wait for "ideal spouse" while they are beating you up
What is transference?
patient views doctor as parent
What is countertransference?
doctor views patient as child
What is acting out?
expression of impulse
What is regression?
immature behavior
What is intellectualization?
makes excuses for all situations
What is isolation of affect?
isolate feeling to keep on functioning
What is suppression?
consciously block memory
What is repression?
subconsciously block memory
What is reaction formation?
unconsciously act opposite to how you feel
(tears of a clown)
What is undoing?
doing exact opposite of what you used to do to fix a wrong
What is compensation?
doing something different from what you used to do
What is sadism?
gives pain
What is masochism?
receives pain
What is exhibitionism?
exposure to others
What is voyeurism?
watching other people without their permission
What is telephone scatalogia?
phone sex
What is frotteurism?
rub penis against fully clothed woman
What is transvestite?
dress up as opposite sex
no identity crisis
What is transsexual?
gender identity crisis
"man trapped in a woman's body"
What is a fetish?
objects (vibrators, dildos, shoes)
What is a pedophile?
children (watching child pornography)
What is a necrophile?
What is a beastophile?
Can you die during EtOH withdrawal?
Can you die during opioid withdrawal?
no, just very painful