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87 Cards in this Set

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PQRST format for describing pain
P = provocation (what worsens/relieves it)
Q = Quality
R = Region/Radiation
S = severity
T = timing (intermittent/continuous, relationship with activities)
pericarditis pain differentiation
sitting up and leaning forward relieves it
worse on inspiration/coughing
duration = days
pulmonary embolism pain differentiation
Sitting high upright relieves
worsened by deep inspiration/coughing
duration = minutes to hours
dissecting aortic aneurysm pain differentiation
no relief with nitro/rest
"tearing, ripping"
differentiating chest pain & actual acute myocardial infarction
chest pain relieved by nitro/rest/oxygen
AMI is not
Pneumothorax pain differentiation
"tearing, sharp"
worsened by breathing
diminshed breath sounds effected side
tracheal deviation
GI chest pain differentiation
relieved by antacids/sitting up
worse by eating/supine
patient is unable to lie flat d/t dyspnea
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
patient awakens with feeling of suffocation 1-2 hrs after falling asleep
effort syncope
transient loss of consciousness occuring after heavy activity, may be d/t aortic stenosis/subaortic stenosis
Stokes-Adams attack
dramatic loss of consciousness r/t heart block/dysrhythmias
hypersensitive carotid sinus syncope
loss of consciousness caused by pressure applied on carotid sinus body of a patient with atherosclerotic and hypersensitive carotid arteries
intermittent claudication
hip/thigh/calf pain that occurs with exercise and ceases with rest may be indicative of peripheral arterial disease
Variation of up to ____ mm Hg BP in arms is normal
15 mm Hg
narrow pulse pressure indicates
widened pulse pressure indicates
"blue bloaters"
nickname for chronic bronchitis patients
blue d/t chronic hypoxemia
bloated d/t chronic RV failure
Grades of edema pitting
Grade 1+ = 0 - 1/4 inch
Grade 2+ = 1/4 to 1/2 inch
Grade 3+ = 1/2 to 1 inch
Grade 4+ = > 1 inch
splinter hemorrhages
red to black linear streaks under nailbed that run from base to tip
may indicate bacterial endocarditis
Osler's nodes
painful red SQ nodules on fingertips
may indicate embolization in infective endocarditis
de Musset's sign
head bobbing with each heartbeat
indicates aortic aneurysm/regurgitation
How to evaluate JVD
place patient HOB at 45 degree angle
note the angle of Louis
patient turn head away from you
Measure from top of JV pulsations to angle of Louis (measure height)
Normal JVD measurement from angle of Louis
< 4 cm
JVD is indicative of
RV failure
tension pneumothorax
Cardiac tamponade
How do you estimate CVP off of jugular vein assessment?
Add 5 cm to the height of neck vein distention
where is mitral area auscultated
fifth L. intercostal space midclavicular line
where is tricuspid auscultated?
5th L intercostal at left sternal border
where is Erb's point and what is it?
3rd L intercostal at L sternal border, where S2 is best heard
Where is pulmonic valve best auscultated?
2nd L intercostal, at L sternal border
Where is aortic valve best auscultated?
2nd R. intercostal at R sternal border
heart events are louder on which side?
Heart events are louder on which sides during expiration vs inspiration?
Left = louder during expiration
Right = louder during inspiration
Where is S1 loudest?
at apex
Where is a split S1 best heard?
tricuspid area
What causes a split S1 heart sound?
LV pacemaker
L ventricular ectopy
A split S2 is best heard where?
the pulmonic area
Is split S2 ever normal?
Yes, during inspiration
Causes of split S2 (not just during inspiration)
LV ectopy
LV pacemaker
severe mitral regurg
pulmonary stenosis
pulmonary HTN
ventricular septal defect
S3: when does it occur?
ventricular gallop, occurs in early diastole after S2
"Ken-tuc-ky" with K = S3
S3 heart sound causes
rush of blood into dilated ventricle
associated with mitral or tricuscpid regurg, septal defect, fluid overload,cardiomyopathy
S4 heart sound occurs when
atrial gallop
occurs late in diastole before S1
"Ten-nes-see" with S4 = "Ten"
S4 heart sound cause
caused by atrial contraction of blood into a noncompliant ventricle
Associated with MI, HTN, ventricular hypertrophy, AV blocks, severe aortic/pulmonic stenosis
How do you differentiate pericardial friction rub and pleural friction rub?
have patient hold breath
Causes of murmurs
increased flow across a normal valve
forward flow over stenotic valve
backward flow through regurg. valve
normal sodium serum
135 - 145 mEq/L
normal serum potassium
3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L
normal serum chloride
96 - 106 mEq/L
normal serum Calcium
8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL
normal serum phosphorus
3- 4.5 mg/dL
normal serum Magnesium
1.5 - 2.2 mEq/L
normal total CK (creatine kinase)
55 - 170 units/L males
30 - 135 units/L females
LDH normal serum
90 - 200 units/L
normal myglobin serum
< 110 ng/mL
normal serum Troponin I and Troponin T
I: < 1.5 ng/mL
T: < 0.1 ng/mL
normal serum cholesterol
150 - 200 mg/dL
normal serum triglycerides
40 -150 mg/dL
normal C reactive protein serum
< 1 mg/dL
normal serum BNP
< 100 pg/mL
Heart failure levels of BNP serum
mild 100 - 300 pg/ml
moderate 300 - 700
severe > 700
normal ABG paCO2 serum
35 - 45 mm Hg
normal ABG serum HCO3
22-26 mM
normal ABG paO2
80-100 mm Hg
normal ABG saO2q
> 95%
normal hematocrit serum
40-52% males
35 - 47% females
normal Hgb serum
13-18 g/dL males
12-16 females
normal WBC count
3500 - 11000 cells/mm^3
normal erythrocyte sed rate (ESR)
up to 15 mm/hr males
20 mm/hr females
normal serum PT vs therapeutic
12-15 seconds (therapeutic 1.5 - 2.5 x higher)
normal serum PTT vs therapeutic
60-90 seconds (therapeutic 1.5 - 2.5 x higher)
normal serum ACT vs therapeutic
70-120 seconds (therapeutic 150-190 seconds)
normal serum INR vs. therapeutic
< 2
a fib 1.5 - 2.5
DVT/PE 2-3
prosthetic valve 2.5 - 3.5
normal serum platelets
150,000 - 400,000 cells/mm^3
Urine normal glucose
urine normal ketones
urine normal specific gravity
1.005 - 1.03
urine normal osmolality
50 - 1200 mOsm/L
Pallor of skin may indicate (3)
SNS stimulation
or sympathomimetic agents (i.e. neo, levo etc)
Arterial disease often causes lesions of _____ (body locations)
toes, points of trauma
venous disease often causes lesions of _____ (body location)
loss of normal angle between nail bed and skin. Present if angle > 180
pulsus magnus
strong bounding pulses with rapid upstroke and downstroke
causes of pulsus magnus (5)
aortic insufficiency
patent ductus arteriosus
AV fistula
pulsus parvus
small weak pulse
causes of pulsus parvus (4)
aortic stenosis
mitral stenosis
constrictive pericarditis
cardiac tamponade
pulsus alternans
alternating pulse waves, every othe rbeat being weaker than preceding one
causes of pulsus alternans
characteristic of LV failure
clinical manifestations of acute arterial occlusions (5 P's)
polar (cold)