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78 Cards in this Set

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ctenocephalides felis
cat flea
ctenocephalides canis
dog flea
pulex irritans
human flea
echidnyophaga gallinacea
stick tight flea
xenopyslla cheopis
oriental rat flea
linognathus, trichodectes, heteroxdoxus
dog (sucking and chewing)
cat (chewing)
damalinia, haematopinus
horse (chewing, sucking)
pig (sucking)
haematopinus, linognathus, solenopotes, damalinia
cattle (sucking and chewing)
linognathus, damalinia
sheep and goats (sucking and chewing)
phthirus pubis
human pubic louse (sucking)
pediculus humanus capitis
human head louse (sucking)
pediculus humanus humanus
human body louse (sucking)
Gliricoloa porcelli, gyropus ovalis, trimenopon hispidum
guinea pig (chewing)
polyplax serrata, p.spinulosa
rodents (sucking)
suborder anoplura
sucking lice (found only on mammals and humans)
suborder mallophaga
biting lice (found on birds and mammals)
all tarsal claws are of equal size
the first pair of tarsal claws are smaller than the second and third pairs. The abdominal spiracles are not havinly sclerotized anddo not protrude above the surface of the abdomen
Solenopotesculus humanus capitus
the first pair of tarsal claws is smaller than the second and third pairs. Spiracles protrude above the surface of the abdomen. Only one row of setae per abd. segment
human crab louse
pediculus humanus capitis
human head louse
pediculus humanus humanus
human body louse
chewing louse
very wide head with mandible
damalinia (bovicola)
species infesting cattle, horses, sheep, and goats
trichodectes canis (canine chewing louse)
may serve as intermediate host for dipylidium caninum.
heterodoxus spinger
chewing louse of dogs in warm climates
chewing louse of cats. large trinagle shape
gliricola porcelli, gyropus ovalis, and trimenopon hispidum
chwing louse of the guinea pig. Club-shapped antennae that lie in groobes in teh head and four-segmented maxillary palpi
what does heavy infestion of lice in guinea pigs cause?
prutitus, sclain, alopecia, unusual grooming behavior, anorexia, and even epileptiform-like seizures
menopon, gonicoctes
chewing lice of birds
what are some diseases associated with lice
anemia, pediculosis infestation, organisms transmitted by lice
what are some organisms transmitted by lice
dipylidium caninum by trichodeces canis. Swine pox by haematopinus suis; epidermic typhus (rickettsia prowazeki) by pediculus humanus humanus
true bugs- have two pairs of wings (which may be vestigial), a triangular shield between the wing bases, four-segmented antennae, and a three-segmented beak that is directed caudually beneath the head when not in use
Rhodnius, panstrongylus and triatoma
kissing bug
kissing bug
feed on the blood of vertebrates and are able to feed painlessly to not wake up a sleeping host
what is the kissing bug an intermediate host for?
chagas disease (american trypanosomiasis) may play a minor role in transmission of equine encephalomyelisits
bed bug
what do bed bugs look like
oval, dorsoventrally flattened bodies, vestigal wings, three segmented beaks, and a disagreeable odor. nocturnal, hide in crevices by humans, chickens, bats, and nesting birds. the engorge for 5-10 min. they can survive several months without a blood meal. Female lays 200-500 eggs in batches, and molt five times. taking one blood meal between each molt and another before egg laying
do bedbugs transmit dz?
are pleomorphic, resembling mites during their larval stage and demonstrating annelid (worm-like) characteristics during their nympal and adult stages.
what does penta mean
five and stome meaing mouth, five mouths was chosen becuse these parasietes as adults have a mouth on the anterial that is surrounded by four hooked claws
what are some other names for pentasome?
tongue worm and linguatulids beause of their distinct tongue-shaped appearance
what is the life cycle of a reptilian pentasome like?
occur mostly in the lungs, trachea, and nasal passages of the reptiilian definitive host feeding on tissue fluids and blood cells. female pentasomes produce several million fully embryonated eggs, each containing a single larvae with 2-3 pairs of rudimentary claws
what is interesting about the larvae of pentasomes?
they have 4-6 stumpy legs, each of which has one or two retractable pincer like claws, hatch from the eggs and are infective for the intermediate host (rodents, herbivores, carnivore)
what do pentasome larvae do when they are in the gut?
they bore through the intestinal wall of the intermediate host and pass with the blood to the mesenteric lymph nodes, the liver, lungs, omentum, or another internal organ where is becomes encysted. The larvae becoe quiescent and change into the annelid worm-like nymphal stage which can pass through as many as 5 molts
how does the reptile definitve host become infected?
by ingesting the intermediate host with its encysted nymphal pentasomes. The infected nymps penetrat the host's intesting and bore into the lungs, where they become sexually mature adult parasites
what are the signs of an infected animal w/ pentasomes
lethargy, anoerxia, dyspnea, and production of blood-tinged sputum or mucus with the pharynx or the trachea. The sputum and the feces can contain eggs that microscopically appear and contain 4-6 legged larvae with retractable claws. CBC reveals leukocytosis and eosinophilia. Rads might reveal adult worns or remnants of calcified cysts
what do the pentasomes do when the reptile is stressed?
they attempt to leave the host through the mouth, nostrils, or body wall
Linguataula serrata
the canine pentasome found in the nasal and paranasal sinuses of dogs, wild canids,and cats
what are the intermediate hosts for linguataula serrata?
rats, procupiines, g.pigs, rabbies, hedgehogs, pigs, and wild and domestic ruminants. rabbits most common in north america
what happens with fully developed linguataula?
they ar the infective stage for carnivores. Nymphs may be found ina variety of organs, spleen, liver, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Humans become incidental hosts by eating raw or undercooked meat or meat by products that contain nymphal stages. soonoic
combs on fleas
pronotal ctendia
posterior combs
genal ctendia
most common flea found on cats and dogs. have both ctendia. intermediate host for dipylidium caninum (flea tapeworm) and dipetalonema reconditum (fliarial non pathogenic nematode of skin)
dipylidium caninum

die phil idium
flea tapeworm
dipetalonema recoditum

die pet lone ma
re cod itum
fliarial nonpath. nematode of skin can be confused with diroflaria immitus (canine heartworm)
dirofilaria immitus

die ro phil aira
canine heartworm
echidnophaga gallinacea

e chid no phaga
stick flea
block head
no combs
xenophsylla cheopis

xeno fis la
oriental rat feal
vertical rod on mesothorax
no combs
vecotr for yersenia pestis (plague and rickettsia typus)
RAST test
radioallergosorbent test measures IgE
RIST test
Radioimmosorbent test skin test, immediate results
which insecticides are toxic to cats?
pyrethrins and pyrethroids
Lingognatus triodectes

lingo nate us trio deck tease
dog lice
intermediate diphylidium caninum
Felicola subrastratus

feel a cola sub rast us
large triangular shape of anterior portion of head

Damn a lina
chewing lice of cattle, horses, sheep, goats

Glear a cola
club shaped antennae
4 segm. max palpi
affect guinea pigs

hem ato pine us
all tarsal claws are equal size
affects horses, pigs, and cattle

lingo nate us
1st tarsal claws are shorter than the 2nd and 3rd
abdominal sclerotized and do not protrude above surface of the abdomen
affects, dogs cattle, sheep/goats

so lynn o potes
1st tarsals shorter than second, second shorter than third
abdominal spiracles protrude of the abdomen
affects cattle
pediculus humanus
human head and body louse, 1st tarsals shorter than 2nd and 3rd

pee thir us
pubic louse
tarsal claws first shortrer than second, etc.
who is the vector for swind pox
haemotopinus suis

red oo va day
kissing bug
chagas disease
triatoma sanguisuga
armillifer arminalitius
reptile pentosome
lingulata serrata
dog pentosome