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52 Cards in this Set

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What divides the fasciae of the parotid region into the superficial and deep (parotideomasseteric fascia)?
Parotid gland
What divides the parotid gland into lobes?
perforating septa from the fibrous capsule (deep fascia)
What is the superior border of the parotid region?
zygomatic arch, external auditory meatus and TMJ
What is the posterior border of the parotid gland?
The mastoid process, SCM and posterior belly of the digastric
What neurovascular structure is embedded in the parotid gland?
1. Facial nerve (CNVII)
2. Retromandibular vein
3. external carotid artery
What foramen does the facial nerve exit the skull through?
The stylomastoid foramen
What lies superficial to the ramification of the facial nerve?
Parotid gland
Parotid gland
What veins drain into the retromandibular vein?
the superficial temporal and maxillary veins
What does the retromandibular vein divide into? what do the branches drain into?
Anterior and posterior branches which drain into the common facial and external jugular veins respectively
Where does the external carotid artery divide into its two branches?
W/in the parotid gland
What are the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery?
Superficial temporal artery and the maxillary artery
Superficial temporal artery and the maxillary artery
What branch does the superficial temporal give off before leaving the parotid gland?
transverse facial artery
transverse facial artery
What fascia covers the masseter muscle?
Parotideomasseteric fascia
What is the action and innervation of the masseter muscle?
Action: muscle of mastication; elevates the mandible
Innervation: nerve to masseter from V3
Action: muscle of mastication; elevates the mandible
Innervation: nerve to masseter from V3
What nerve do postganglionics to the otic ganglion run with?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Auriculotemporal nerve
What are the boundaries of the infratemporal fossa?
Superior: greater wing of sphenoid
Inferior: Medial pterygoid muscle
Medial: lateral pterygoid plate
Lateral: ramus of mandible
Superior: greater wing of sphenoid
Inferior: Medial pterygoid muscle
Medial: lateral pterygoid plate
Lateral: ramus of mandible
What is the pterion?
The weakest point in the skull
The weakest point in the skull
What is the action and innervation of the temporalis muscle?
Action: elevates and retracts the mandible
Innervation: Deep temporal nerves from V3
Action: elevates and retracts the mandible
Innervation: Deep temporal nerves from V3
What nerves pass above the superior border of the lateral pterygoid?
Deep temporal nerves
Deep temporal nerves
What nerve receives a communicating branch from the lacrimal nerve and asends b/e the bone and substance of the temporalis muscle about 2.5cm above the zygomatic arch?
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Zygomaticotemporal nerve
What is the action and innvervation of the medial pterygoid muscle?
Action: elevates mandible
Innervation: nerve to medial pterygoid V3
Action: elevates mandible
Innervation: nerve to medial pterygoid V3
What is the action and innervation of lateral pterygoid?
Action: protrudes and depresses mandible
Innervation: nerve to lateral pterygoid (V3)
Action: protrudes and depresses mandible
Innervation: nerve to lateral pterygoid (V3)
What artery originates behind the neck of the mandible?
Maxillary artery
Maxillary artery
What artery passes anteriorly lateral to the lateral pterygoid muscle?
Maxillary artery
Maxillary artery
Where does the maxillary artery terminate?
In the pterygopalatine fossa
In the pterygopalatine fossa
What separates the maxillary artery into three parts?
lateral pterygoid muscle
What nerve does the mandibular part of the maxillary artery run with?
Branches of V3 through foramina
What does the second part of the maxillary artery run with?
muscular branches
What does the third part of the maxillary artery run with?
Branches of V2 through foramina
What are the branches of the maxillary artery? *in order
*DAM I AM Piss Drunk But Stupid Drunk I Prefer, Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous*
(first part)
D eep auricular artery
A nterior tympanic artery
M iddle meningeal artery
I nferior Alveolar
A ccessory meningeal artery
(second part)
M asseteric artery
P terygoid artery
D eep temporal artery
B uccal artery
(third part)
S phenopalatine artery
D escending palatine artery
I nfraorbital artery
P osterior superior alveolar artery
M iddle superior alveolar artery
P haryngeal artery
A nterior superior alveolar artery
A rtery of the pterygoid canal
What fissure does the anterior tympanic artery pass through?
Petrotympanic fissure
What does the deep auricular artery supply?
What does the deep auricular artery supply?
External auditory meatus (external) tympanic membrane
What does the anterior tympanic artery supply?
internal tympanic membrane
What does the middle meningeal artery supply?
anterior and posterior branches to the dura of the skull
How does the middle meningeal artery enter the skull?
How does the middle meningeal artery enter the skull?
Through the foramen spinosum
What foramen does the accessory meningeal artery enter the skull?
What foramen does the accessory meningeal artery enter the skull?
Foramen ovale
What is the course of the inferior alveolar artery?
Descends w/ inferior alveolar nerve to the mandibular foramen on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible then divides into the incisor and mental branches opposite the first premolar tooth
Descends w/ inferior alveolar nerve to the mandibular foramen on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible then divides into the incisor and mental branches opposite the first premolar tooth
What branches does the inferior alveolar artery give off?
*Look at My Dead Manatee's Ipad* 
Lingual branch
Mylohyoid branch
Dental branch
Mental branch
Incisor Branch
*Look at My Dead Manatee's Ipad*
Lingual branch
Mylohyoid branch
Dental branch
Mental branch
Incisor Branch
What venous plexus is found around the maxillary artery?
Pterygoid plexus of veins
What is the course of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve? (CNV)
Arises from trigeminal ganglion and emerges from the cranial cavity into the infratemporal fossa via the foramen ovale
Arises from trigeminal ganglion and emerges from the cranial cavity into the infratemporal fossa via the foramen ovale
Where does V3 divide?
Deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle
What branches does V3 give off before dividing?
The meningeal branch and the nerve to the medial pterygoid
What branches does the nerve to the medial pterygoid give off?
1. nerve to tensor veli palatini
2. nerve to tensor tympani
1. nerve to tensor veli palatini
2. nerve to tensor tympani
What are the branches of the anterior division of the mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve?
*No Dice! Ninja Bombs!*

Nerve to masseter muscle
Deep temporal nerves
Nerve to lateral pterygoid
Buccal nerve
*No Dice! Ninja Bombs!*

Nerve to masseter muscle
Deep temporal nerves
Nerve to lateral pterygoid
Buccal nerve
What are the branches of the posterior division of V3?
*Act Like I care!*
Auriculotemporal nerve
Lingual nerve
Inferior Alveolar nerve
*Act Like I care!*
Auriculotemporal nerve
Lingual nerve
Inferior Alveolar nerve
What nerve carries postganglionic sympathetics to the parotid gland from the otic ganglion?
Auriculotemporal nerve
What nerve carries presynaptic parasympathetics to the submandibular ganglion?
Chorda tympani nerve
What nerve carries taste sensation from the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue?
Chorda tympani nerve
Chorda tympani nerve
What nerve carries postganglionic parasympathetics to the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands?
Chorda tympani
Chorda tympani
What are the branches of the inferior alveolar nerve?
*Ninjas Attack In March*
Nerve to mylohyoid
Alveolar branches to the mandibular teeth
Incisive nerve to the mandibular teeth
Mental nerve
*Ninjas Attack In March*
Nerve to mylohyoid
Alveolar branches to the mandibular teeth
Incisive nerve to the mandibular teeth
Mental nerve
What nerve supplies the anterior belly of digastric?
nerve to the mylohyoid
What is the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?
A complex articulation of the mandible b/e the maxillary and mandibular teeth (interjaw dental occlusion) and b/e the mandibular condyle and the temporal bone
A complex articulation of the mandible b/e the maxillary and mandibular teeth (interjaw dental occlusion) and b/e the mandibular condyle and the temporal bone