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28 Cards in this Set

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Physiologic changes
age 6-12
gains 4 1/2-6 lbs per year
grows 2" a year
skeletal growth rapid-"gangly
boys taller/heavier than firls until changes indicating puberty
Deciduous teeth
loss of primary teeth at 6yr
first permanent teeth
6 yr molars appear
Cognitive develpment Piaget
concrete operational thought
thinking abstractly to a certain degree
inductive reasoning
cause and effect
able to see other persons points of view
What is an IMPORTANT milestone in schoolage children
the idea of conversion
(think water in glass experiment)
Psychosocial development
Industy vs.inferiority
nn many opportunities of success or else feel inferior
teachers/peers become more important
feel part of a group
friends tend to be same sex
School age DSCR
need to develop independence
nn to belong to a group
succeed in school
play- usually team plam
see decrease in egocentricity
peer groups- help develop social norms
school age charecteristics
teacher more influencial
learns to read
ready to compete/team sports
avid collectors
"best friends"
assuming responsibilitis
learning new skills
moral/spiritual development
behaviors are geared towards reward/punishment
"follows rules" "want to be good" uses religious values to modify behavior
parental roles
children need their parents as adults, not pals
parents nn to be role model consistent positive behavior
nn to be there to support and develop behavior of child
help child reach MAX potential
parental coping
influenced by economics, parents nn to be adaptable. the RN always assess coping skills
RIGID RULES, no explanations/obedience is absolute punishment is very forceful. children become sensisitive, shy, submissive, courteous, loyal and dependable
Permissive/laissez faire
allows child to self-regulate. will explain all the rules, rarely punish. child becomes aggressive and disobident
consisten firm parental control. encourginging, understand and respect child, the child has high self-esteem, interacts well with other children
parental education/ limit setting and discipline
goal: to control behavior
techniques; reasoning, withholding priveledges, penalties, contracting
common bad behaviors
lying; sometimes to impress or to esscape punishment
cheating: usually disappears w/ maturity
stealing: limited sense of property rights, revenge for unfair treatment(have child return item)
limit fast food and empty calories
encourage activity
CHILD AT RISK- <ca+, vit A and vit C and iron
childhood obesity
excessive adiposity rather than weight
BMI- between 85-95% for age/sex
childhood obesity
15% are >or= 95%
childhood obesity

risk factors
increased birth wt. infant of DM mom, environmental, low economic status, maternal obesity, SEDINTARY ACTIVITY
childhood obesity
high risk for HTN
high risk for type 2 DM
childhood obesity
AAP recommendations
identify/track at risk
calculate/plot BMI yearly
encourage/support breastfeed
encourage health eating patterns
promote physical activity
limit TV/video to max 2hr/day
Sex education
nurse is role model, answer question accurately and use appropriate terms
helping the child succeed in school
have positive attitude
meet and communicate teacher
acknowledge work child is doing
promote quiet work area
preventing hazards/modifying risk
exercise promotion
orgainzed sports
injury prevention
high risk for MVA, use restraints, no kids<12 in front seat if air bag
water safety
school nursing services
health maintenance
routnine health services
children w/ chronic illness/disability
Health screening
yearly physical
immunizations up to date
assessment of growth and development, physical activiy and school performance, hearing/vision dental exam, risk assess, anticipatory guidence
anticipatory guidence
6- strong food pref. may refuse to eat, mood swings, > risk of illness, *nn for privacy* peers important
7-10 < illness, building immunity, develop allergies, >minor injuries, promote safty, consistent limit setting
11-12-pubbescent period, woman growth spurt, high energy, growth spurt, strong desire to be grown up, >nn for rest, begining to experiment and risky behaviors