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16 Cards in this Set

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What is Spirocerca lupi?
Esophageal worm 24% of dogs on st kitts
Host: Dogs
Intermediate: Dung Beetle
Paratinic: Lizard/chicken
eggs are 30-35 um
adults 8cm and pink

Migrate L3 from stomach to thoracic aorta, 3 mos later to esophagus
diagnosed with fecal causes problems swallowing treatment with Macrocyclic Lactone
What is Physaloptera spp?
Round worm affecting stomach (18% of cats in st kitts)
Host: Dogs and Cats
Intermediate: Dung Beetle
Paratinic: Snakes and birds
eggs are 45 um (thick oval)
adults 4-6 cm forcep-like teeth
Infective stages is L2 in egg

diagnosed with fecal causes problems ulcers, vomiting treatment with ivermectin
What is Toxocara canis?
Common round worm
Host: Dogs
Infects small intestine
Direct life cycle L2 infective
Peros/transplacental/transmammary/paratenic hosts
Eggs are dark brown 85 X 75
Adults are 10cm and white
Signs pot belly, pneumonia due to aspiration
Diagnosis fecal float
Treatment antihelminths
What is Toxocara cati?
Round worm in sm intestine
Same as Toxicara canis except found in cats
has the same direct life cycle minus transplacental with L2 being infectious
Use antihelminthes
eggs are colorless
What is Toxascaris leonina?
Round worm in sm intestine
Found in with existing infections of T canis/ T cati.
Only infected per os or paratenic with the L2
Usually not pathogenic
Use antihelminths
What is Ancylostoma caninum?
Hookworm of sm intestine
Host: Dogs and foxes
Paratenic host: rodents
Direct: life cycle L3
eggs 60 X 40 um thin oval
adults 1-2 cm
5 modes of infection, per os/cutaneous/paratenic/transplacental/transmammary

causes anemia, diarrhea, weight loss, poor appetite
Diagnosis fecal
Treatment antihelminths
What is Ancylostoma tubaeforme
Hookworm of sm intestine (88% of cats in st kitts)
Host: cats
similar to A caninum except life cycle per os and per cutaneous only
Treatment and diagnosis are the same as A caninum
What is Ancylostoma braziliense?
Hook worm of sm intestine
Host: Dogs cats and zoonosis
Direct life cycle per os (paratenic) and per cutaneous
Pathogenesis not a blood sucker
zoonosis cutaneous larval migrans (itching form larvae)
Everything else presents like A caninum and A tubaeforme
What is Uncinaria stenocephala?
Hook worm of sm intestine
Life cycle just like A caninum except just per os and per cutaneous (rare)
Signs dermititis, anemia, diarrhea
Diagnosis fecal
Treatment antihelminths
What is Strongyloides stercoralis?
Thread worm of sm intestine
Host: dog cat foxes zoonosis
Life cycle: direct (L3) homo/heterogonic (parasitic/freeliving)
just female/both male and female
Adults 1cm and threadlike
eggs 30 X 40 um
per os/ per cutaneous
signs: redness, decreased wt, diarrhea
Diagnosis: fecal with baermann technique
Treatment: Regular antihelminths
What is Trichuris spp?
Whipworm of large intestine
Host: dog and cat (L1 in egg)
Adults: 4-6 cm lg posterior
Eggs brown/yellow, lemon shape with plugs on their poles (live 2-3 years)
L1 in egg is picked up by dog where it hatches and lives in cecum and colon, adults mate and females lays eggs
Diagnosis: fecal
Signs: bloody watery diarrhea
Treatment: Macrocides but eggs can live a long time, treatment has no effect on them
What is Capillaria spp?
Bladderworm, sm intestine and airway
Host: Dog, cat, zoonosis
Direct and indirect (L1 in egg)
Pathogenesis: nonpathogenic
Signs: Asymptomatic
Diagnosis: eggs in feces,urine bronchial swap
Treatment: ivermectin
What is Dioctophyme renale?
Giant Kidney worm
Host: dogs foxes and minks
Intermediate host: earthworm
Paratenic host: fish or frogs
Adults 60-100cm
eggs 70 um
Pathogenesis: destroys paraenchema of rt kidney
Signs dysuria
Diagnosis eggs in urine
Treatment: rarely called for prevent eating raw fish
What is Oslerus osleri
Trachea worm
Host: Wild and Domestic Dog
Adults Hairlike/gray/.5-1cm
L1 in feces/sputum
L1 in lungs-> coughed up and swallowed
Signs: asymptotic
Diagnosis L1 in feces (kinked tail) bronchoscope
Treatment: low prevalance use fenbendazole
What is Aelurostrongylus abstrusus?
Cat Lung worm
Host: Cats
Intermediate host: slugs/snails
Paratenic: birds/rodents/frogs
Adults 1 cm slender
L1 in feces s shaped tail
L3 infective
Pathogenesis: low foci on lungs
Signs: mild cough
Diagnosis: fecal with baermann technique
Treatment: ivermectin
What is Dirofilaria immitis?
Host: cat and dog
Intermediate Host: Mosquito (L3)
Adults 20-30cm
Pathogenesis: dysfunction of heart and lungs
Signs: cough edema, trouble breathing
Diagnosis: snap test, Rads, necropsy, ultrasound
Treatment: prevention is key MCL for L3 immiticide for adults