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30 Cards in this Set

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Why are lungworms called lungworms?
If you have to ask, you'll never know. DUH! Because the adults infect the LUNGS!
T or F:Lungworms are a superfamily of order Strongylida.
What is the major lungworm of cattle? Which larval form is ingested?
Dictyocaulus viviparus; L3 is ingested
How are Dictyocaulus larvae spread?
Via pilobolus fungi
T or F:Cattle lungworm infection is diagnosed by identification of eggs in feces.
False!Larvae (L1) are found in the feces; need to use Baermann funnel test
How is Dictyocaulus treated?
Most antihelmenthics work well
How does the life cycle of the sheep lungworm Muellerius capillaries differ from dictyocaulus?
Uses slugs/snails as intermediate host
How does the life cycle of the swine lungworm Metastrongylus differ from dictyocaulus?
Uses earthworms as intermediate host
T or F:Cats commonly contract lungworms by eating the intermediate hosts of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus.
False!Slugs/snails are the intermediate hosts and mice/voles are the PARATENIC hosts
What is unique about the life cycle the dog lungworm, Filaroides?
L1 larvae are INFECTIVE
What are the hosts of Oesophagostomum spp? (circle the letter of your choice)A .Cattle and sheepB. Cattle, sheep, pigsC. Cattle onlyD. Sheep only
B. Cattle, sheep, pigs (also goats)
What stage/s are parasitic in Strongyloides spp. infections? i.e., what stages would you find inside/infecting the host?
All stages except that adult is only female
What is the cause of cutaneous larval migrans in humans?
What is premonition?
When an acutely parasitized organism develops a degree of resistance after the parasitism becomes chronic
What is the diagnostic stage of lung worms and where would you find this stage?
Baermann technique, fecal float, tracheal wash/sputumhas eggs or L1
What are some morphological characteristics of Ascaridae?
3 lipslarge and white roundwormsno bursa on malesthey make your butt look ugly
T or F:Ascarids have infectious eggs.
True! They hatch as L2 or L3 after egg is ingested.
Why are ascarids tough to get rid of?
Sticky eggsEggs are tough to kill (thick shell)Larvae develop to L2 or L3 in eggs
T or F:Ascarids undergo tracheal migration.
True! Even though they don't penetrate the skin (a la Rhabditids or Ancylostomids), they undergo tracheal migration after penetrating the intestinal mucosa
What lesions are caused by Ascirus suum that will condemn pig livers? How are these lesions formed?
Milk spot liver from ascarid larval migrans
T or F:Normal ascarid infection does not manifest with anemia.
True! Ascarids eat the host food, not the host!
What is the ascarid that infects humans? Horses?
Ascaris lumbroidesA. equorum
T or F:Older horses are immune to Ascaris infection.
True! Once they are >2yo, they have immunity.
What are some management strategies that can prevent ascarid infection in foals?
pick up manurefeed off the grounduse ivermectin/pyrantel for adult roundwormsdeworm all horses stabled together at once (???)
Ascarid infection of which domestic animal may have acetone (fruity) breath as a sign?
Cattle infected by Toxocara vitulorum
Which ascarid is a zoonotic agent? How is it most likely transmitted?
Bayliascaris procyon (raccoon ascarid) transmitted via direct infection of dogs
T or F:Toxascaris leonina exhibits no tracheal migration in either dogs or cats.
True!Larvae are eaten either directly or within paratenic host (rodent), undergo period of histotrophy, then enter intestinal lumen.
Yuk! Your damn cat puked a worm on my shoes! What kind of worm is it likely to be?
Toxocara catiFrequently vomited; have arrowhead cephalic region

These ascarids are parasites of marine mammals and birds...

Survey says....ANISAKIDAE
What are the intermediate hosts of anisakids? What is the definitive host? What is a dead-end host?
Intermediate - crustaceans and fishDefinitive - sea mammals and birdsDead-end - Humans