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77 Cards in this Set

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Name some general information facts about Platyhelminthes.
1. All are soft-bodied
2. Most are flat dorso-ventrally
3. Have no body cavity (organs are basically embedded in the connective tissue)
4. Flame Cell - make up the excretory organ
5. Are oviparous
What are some general comments on Class Trematoda, Order Digenea?
(Host, Habitat, IH, Morphology)
1. Host - Domestic animals and man
2. Habitat - inside animal host
3. IH - usually 2 snails, invertebrates
4. Morphology - Most are dorso-ventrally flat
Describe the eggs for Class Trematoda, Order Digenea.
Generally yellow or brown, thin shelled w/an operculum, ready to hatch when released.
General Morphology for Class Trematoda, Order Digenea
Have a tegument - external covering is responsible for the transport of nutrients (absorb throughout the body).
Life Cycle for Class Trematoda, Order Digenea
1. Eggs
2. Miracidium - similar to L1, ciliated, triangular, penetrate the IH.
3. Sporocyst - germinal sac with germinal centers
4. Redia - come from germinal centers, produce many from one sporocyst elongated body.
5 .Cercaria - immature flukes, many arise from one redia, have oral and ventral suckers. This is the final stage of asexual reproduction. Enter the DH. Usually have tails.
6. Metacercaria - the encysted stage, infective stage for the DH
Passive transmission
No energy requested by the parasite to enter the host (definitive

Ex: parasite on vegetation
Active transmission
Parasite needs energy to enter DH

Ex: Forked tail in shistosomes
Infective stage
the cercaria stage has forked tail that penetrates the DH's skin
What are the differences between Nematodes and Trematodes?

1 egg -> 1 adult

Keep large population of adults
What are the differences between Nematodes and Trematodes?

1 egg -> many adults

Have small population of adults in DH
Fasciola hepatica
(Common name, IH, Host, habitat, general morphology, pathology, CS)
1. Common name - the common liver fluke
2. Host - Sheep, goats, cattle, other mammals including humans. Can occur in lungs and skin.
3. IH - Lymnaea (species of snail)
4. Habitat - Liver
5. Morphology - flat leaf-shaped fluke. Broader anteriorally than posteriorally with a cone at the anterior end
6. Life Cycle - indirect (has IM host)
7. PPP - 2-3 months
8. Pathology - fascioliasis "liver rot" (post mortem)
Fasciola hepatica - Acute CS
Hemorrhagic tracts

Anaerobic conditions caused by the migration thru the liver causes a proliferation of Clostridium novyi

Clostridium novyi causes "Black's Disease"
Fasciola hepatica - Chronic CS
Cirrhosis (scarring of liver)

"Pipestem Liver" (Looks like pipe cleaners under)
Fasciola hepatica - Treatment & Control
No real treatment other than to keep animal away from snails (how to control also).
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
(Host, IH, Habitat, Pathology, Treatment)
1. Host - Sheep and Cattle
2. IH - 1st dry land snail, 2nd ant (Formica)
3. Habitat - Bile duct
4. Pathology - Anemia, emaciation, condition similar to cirrhosis of the liver. Less of a problem than Fasciola hepatica.
5. Treatment - Eggs are very resistant to the cold. Woodchucks can be a reservoir host. **Drug: Thiabendazole
Fascioloides magna
(Common name, Host - Natural & Abnormal, IH, Habitat, Pathology)
1. Common name - Large American Fluki
2. Host - Natural - deer, moose and elk; Abnormal - Cattle and sheep
3. IH - Snail
4. Habitat - Liver
5. Pathology - Natural host - very little pathology
Paramphistomum and Cotylophoron
(Nickname, Pathology/CS)
1. Nickname - Rumen Flukes
2. Pathology - Not pathogenic as adults. Pathogenesis - immature flukes - as they are developing in the duodenum (before the PPP)
3. CS - Based on enteritis.
(Common name, host, IH, habitat, pathology, CS, Tx)
1. Common name - P. kellicotti - Lung Fluke; P. westermanii - Human Lung Fluke
2. Host - Carnivores, pigs, ruminants and man (Zoonotic potential).
3. IH - 1st snail, 2nd crustacean (crab, crayfish)
4. Habitat - Lung
5. Pathology/CS - Mild pneumonia
6. Tx - Drontzen
What do the eggs of Paragonimus look like?
Yellowish-brown, vase shaped, shoulder-like ridge around the operculum (a lot more elongated)
What is the diagnosis for Paragonimus?
1. Eggs in the sputum (more common in the human variety)
2. Eggs in feces (more common in the K9 variety)
3. Radiograph the lungs and check for cysts.
4. Two tests in humans - Complement Fixation Test & Skin Sensitization Antibodies (come from undercooked food)
What are the two tests for humans in Paragonimus?
Complement Fixation Test

Skin Sensitization Antibodies

(Come from undercooked food).

Alaria is the most common fluke in the dog.
(Host, IH, habitat, Dx, Zoonotic, Transmission, Pathology/CS, Tx)
1. Host - Dog & Cat
2. IH - 1st snail, 2nd frog
3. Habitat - Small intestine
4. Dx - In the dog, the entire adult trematode (fluke) may be passed in the feces.
5. Zoonotic - yes
6. Transmission - Found in water - they penetrate the host's skin w/active transmission (requires energy)
7. Pathology/CS - Swimmer's Itch (sensitized)
8. Treatment - Sanitation and Snail control
Blood Fluke
The exception for Trematodes b/c they are not hermaphroditic, they are heterosexual and the eggs are not operculated.

Adult Trematodes are not particularly careful about who they select as a DH

Miracidium are very picky about the IH. Check snails in the area.

Most Trematode eggs are similar.

If you use a floatation, use sedimentation (zinc sulfate), ZnSO4.

Most eggs have an operculum except Schistosomes

Remember - Schistosomes contain a fully developed miracidium in the egg if they have been in contact w/the water (Other eggs contain an embryo)
Define proglottid
segments in a long, no body cavity in a Cestoda (tapeworm)
Define Strobila
proglottids (segments) are hooked in a chain
Define scolex
The main organ of attachment

First made/youngest
Define microtriches
Minute projections that cover the tegument

Job is to do a better job absorbing
Each proglottid contains 1-2 sets of male and female reproductive organs. Just behind the scolex there is a germinative zone where the new proglottids are formed.
-As the segments move further away from the scolex, the gonads mature.
-The proglottids can be fertilized by another proglottid called a mature proglottid.
Senile proglottid
Empty segment
Gravid proglottid
when have eggs
(common name, host, habitat, egg description)
1. Common name - Tapeworms
2. DH - Vertebrates, IH - Invertebrates
3. Habitat - Small intestines
4. Egg description - Generally flat, look like rice, compete w/animal for nutrients
What is another name for Pseudophillidea?
pseudotapes or false tapeworms
Diphyllobothrium latum
(Common name, host, IH, habitat)
1. Common name - Broadfish tape
2. Host - anything that will eat fish - man, dog, fox, bear
3. IH - 1st - cyclops is a copepod - crustacean (microscopic);' 2nd - fish - pike, trout, salmon
4. Habitat - Small intestine
Diphyllobothrium latum
(Morphology, Dx features, Pathology/CS, Tx)
1. Morphology - Can be 10 meters long and Live for 35 years (3 ft/meter)
2. Dx Features - Segment is more broad then long; Metacestode (all cestode stages that parasitize the IH)
3. Pathology/CS - In man, competes for Vitamin B12 (deficiency is pernicious anemia)
4. Tx - Yomesan
all cestode stages that parasitize the IH
What is the cause of sparganosis?
True Tapeworm

Not tied to an aquatic environment
Not needing a second IH
More important in Veterinary6 Medicine than Pseudophillidea
Dipylidium caninum
(common name, host, IH, Habitat)
1. Common name - double pored tapeworm
2. Host - cat, dog, fox and occasionally child - commonly seen in cats
3. IH - flea, larvae or adult louse (lice)
4. Habitat - Small intestines
Dipylidium caninum
(Morphology, Life Cycle, PPP, Pathology/CS)
1. Morphology - 50 cm long (not very long b/c dropping segments off)
2. Life Cycle - Gravid (contains eggs) tapeworm segment is passed in the feces or crawls out of the anus. When segment dries it extrudes the eggs which are ingested by the IH
3. PPP - 2-3 weeks; seen back in animal in 4 weeks
4. Pathology/CS - Anal irritation and scooting; no pathology except in heavy infection; Zoonotic implication, very filthy areas fecal/oral transmission
Dipylidium caninum

Must control fleas and use an anthelmintic.

Need to tx house, animal(s), car, etc.

If you don't get rid of fleas, won't get rid of tapeworm
Dipylidium caninum (Egg description)
Spherical w/unstriated embryophore containing hexacanth embryo
Which large animal tapeworm is most pathogenic?
Anoplocephala perfoliata
What are the three names for large animal tapeworm?

What do all three cause?
Anoplocephala magna

Anoplocephala perfoliata

Paranoplocephala mamillana

All 3 will cause colic and enteritis
(host, egg, CS)
1. Host - Ruminants
2. Eggs - pear or tiangular shaped
3. CS - CS are vague
What are the IH & DH for Taenia taeniaeformis?
IH - Rodent

DH - Cat (SI)
What are the IH & DH for Taenia pisiformis?
IH - Rabbit

DH - Dog
What are the IH & DH for Taenia multiceps?
IH - Sheep, Cattle

DH - Dog
What are the IH & DH for Taenia saginata?
IH - Cattle

DH - Man
What are the IH & DH for Echinococcus?
IH - Rodent

DH - Dog
(Host, IH, PPP, Zoonotic)
Generally includes Taenia and Echinoccus

1. Host - any type of dog or cat, man is species dependent
2. IH - many mammals, species dependent
3. PPP - 2 months
4. Zoonotic - yes
Taeniida (morphology)
Morphology - Taenia saginata has no hooks, it has suckers

Can release gravid proglottids

Can see eggs in feces

Embryophore has a radial striated appearance
Taeniida (Life cycle)
When the DH ingests the larval stages, everything is digested away but the scolex
Echinococcus multilocularis
(Common name, IH, Host, Habitat)
1. Common name - Hydatid Cyst Tapeworm
2. IH - Rodents
3. Host - canidae and domestic cats
4. Habitat - Small intestines - larval stages in the lung or liver generally
Echinococcus multilocularis
(Life Cycle)
Larval stage is an alveolar hydatid cyst "non-encapsulated" - occurs in rodent and man
Echinococcus multilocularis
(Pathology & CS)
Problem - Man ingesting eggs in carnivore feces. Man is dead end host.

Alveolar hydatid cyst:
General description of a Hydatid Cyst
It is encapsulated (E. granulosus) or non-encapsulated (E. multilocularis).

Encapsulated can be surgically removed
Echinococcus multilocularis
In man is very dangerous

Forms cysts in liver, lungs, body cavity and heart

If it ruptures the patient can go into shock
Hymenolepis - H. diminuta
(IH, Host)
1. IH - Beetle, cockroaches

2. Host - man, rat and mouse
Segments with eggs (mature with eggs)

The reproductive system degenerates to make room for the eggs
Segments w/o eggs
Some Cyclophyllidea...
have genital pores (Taenia), but may not be open, gravid segments pass in the feces
Pseudophyllidea have...
No hooks, have pores, eggs pass in the feces.

Have bothria - sucking grooves
Define Rostellium
Dome-like projections on the apex of the scolex that can be retracted. This may contain hooks.
Which Rostellium have hooks and which ones don't?

Have hooks - except T. saginata
Which Rostellium have hooks and which ones don't?

+/- hooks

Have suckers on rostellium
Which Rostellium have hooks and which ones don't?

No hooks

All eggs but Schistosoma ARE operculated

Eggs ARE operculated

Eggs ARE NOT operculated
Pseudophyllideans - Tied to aquatic environment.
Require at least one IH or two IH that are water connected.

Not nearly as important