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170 Cards in this Set

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"Living Together


One member of the symbiotic pair benefits

The other is unaffected


Each member benefits from the association


*Cannot complete life-cycle without hose

*Depends on other for metabolism

*Ability to kill the host

Amoebic dysentery is caused by...

Entamoeba histolytica

What are examples of amoebas?

Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba hartmanni

Entamoeba coli

Entamoeba gingivalis

Endolimax nana

Iodamoeba butschlii

How do you diagnose amoebas?

Cysts or trophs in feces

RBCs in the cytoplasm are diagnostic for E. histolytica. T/F


Entamoeba coli is a pathogenic amoeba. T/F


The trophozoites of Dientamoeba fragalis have 2 nuclei with 4-8 centrally located chromatin granules. T/F


Giardia lamblia causes "Traveler's diarrhea". T/F


Trichomonas vaginalis primary mode of transmission is sexual intercourse. T/F


The flagellants were found in a vaginal smear of a female student who complained of vaginitis. The trophozoites measure of about 25 micrometers long by 17 micrometers wide. What species do they represent?

Trichomonas vaginalis

The photograph is from a patient with limited diarrhea. The truth is weight measured about 40 micrometers in length. What species is represented?


The photographs from a fecal smear. The individual is being tested for something unrelated to the frame damn, this is to Simply a fortuitous and incidental finding. This is measured about 15 micrometers in length. What species is represented?

Iodamoeba butschlii

The photograph is from a fecal smear. The patient had a periodic bouts of diarrhea. The parasite measures about 12 micrometers in length. What species is represented?

Giardia lamblia

The photograph is from scrapings of the gums of an Indiana University student. Each trapezoid measures about 20 micrometers and Link. No pathology religions were noted. What species is most likely represented?

E. Gingivalis

Chilomastix mesnili

Dientamoeba fragilis

Do dientamoeba fragilis have a cyst stage?


What is the largest pathogenic intestinal protozoa?

Balantidium coli

How do you diagnose cryptosporidium species?

Oocysts in stool

Isospora belli

Sarcocystitis spp

What does this man have?

(Muco)cutaneous leishmaniasis

Blastocytis hominis

West african sleeping sickness is aka...

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

East african sleeping sickness is also called...

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesience

Chagas disease is called...

Trypanosoma cruzi

What causes trypanosoma brucei?

Tsetse fly

which sleeping sickness is more fatal?

T. Rhodiesiense (eastern)

What causes Chagas disease?

Reduviid bug

T. Brucei

T. Cruzi

Leishmania is spread by...



Quartan malaria is aka...

Plasmodium malariae

Tertian malaria is aka...

Plasmodium Vivax

Ovale/tertian malaria is aka...

Plasmodium ovale

Malignant tertian malaria is aka...

Plasmodium falciparum

Anopheles female mosquito is the vector for...


What is this the cycle of?


Ring form of malaria

What is the vector for babesiosis?


What does babesiosis resemble?


Toxoplasma gondii

What is the vector for toxoplasma gondii?


This egg was found in the feces of an individual that recently arrived from Puerto Rico. The egg measured about 52 micrometers long by 22 micrometers wide. What species does it represent?

Trichuris trichiura

The eggs were found using the Scotch tape test on a 6 year old Florida boy visiting relatives in Michigan. The eggs measured about 55 micrometers long by 25 micrometers wide. What species does it represent?

Enterobius vermicularis

The worm was one of many found embedded in the prolapsed rectum of a 9 year old Puerto Rican child visiting relatives in Indiana. It measured 45 millimeters long. What species does it represent?

Trichuris trichiura

What is this woman's leg an example of?


Nematodes assume at three basic morphological forms. They are eggs, larvae, and adult worms. T/ F


"Pinworm" is another name for infection by e. Vermicularis . T/F


The buccal capsule of necator americanus contains actual teeth. T/F.


One primary characteristic of microfilariae of onchocerca volvulus is that it does not possess a sheath. T/ F.


Loa loa is aka...

African eye worm

Nematode males are larger than females. T/F.


Nematodes have a _____ nervous system.


Female nematodes can only produce a few cells at a time. T/F.

False (millions!)

Pinworm is aka...

Enterobius vermicularis

Other than humans, what is another host for Pinworm?

Humans are the only known host

Enterobius vermicularis

What method do you use to find pin worms?

Scotch tape method

Whip worm is aka...

Trichuris trichiura

What is the principle host for whipworm?

Humans, but animals can carry

Trichuris trichiura

Where is ascaris lumbricoides usually found? Geographically.

Appalachian Mountains

Large intestinal roundworms is also known as what?

Ascaris lumbricoides

Ascaris lumbricoides

New world hookworm is also known as...

Necator americanus

Old worm hookworm is aka...

Ancylostoma duodenale

Thread worm is also known as...

Strongyloides stercoralis

Strongyloides stercoralis

Eosinophilia is seen with parasitic infections. T/ F.


Trichinella spiralis



Elephantiasis is caused by...

Wuchereria bancrofti

Malayan filariasis/brugia malay

What is the vector for onchocerca volvulus?

Simulium fly

Onchocerca volvulus

The _____ is the vector for loa loa.

Chrysops fly

Loasis (loa loa)

Organ flukes are ______.


Blood flukes are ______.

Unisexual (separate males and females)

What is this the life cycle of?

Organ fluke

The large intestinal fluke is aka...

Fasciolopsis buski

Liver rot or sheep liver fluke is also known as...

Fasciola hepatica

How do you get fasciola hepatica?

Eating raw water plants

F. Buski/F. Hepatica

The Chinese/oriental lung fluke is aka...

Clonorchis sinensis

The Oriental lung fluke has been found in crayfish in Texas. T/ F.


Blood flukes are aka...


Schistosoma mansoni

Schistosoma japonicum

Schistosoma haematobium

Schistosoma haematobium

The bladder fluke is aka...

Schistosoma haematobium

The dwarf tapeworm is aka...

Hymenolepis nana

Hymenolepis nana

Taenia saginata/Taenia solium

The beef tapeworm is aka...

Taenia saginata

The pork tapeworm is aka...

Taenia solium

Taenia saginata

Taenia solium

Lung fluke

In the collection and transport of stool specimens for parasites, which parasitic stage is most affected by length of time from collection to examination?


When using preservatives, What is the ratio appropriate for fixative to stool?

3 parts fixative to 1 part stool

Flesh eating virus? Probably ______.


One of the biggest disadvantages of formalin as a fixative for O&P is that...

It can't be used for permanent stained slides

Which of the preservatives contains mercuric chloride?


Trophozoites are usually found in what sort of stool?


What is the purpose of using an ocular micrometer? Explain why it must be calibrated.

The purpose of the ocular micrometer is to measure objects accurately under the microscope. It must be calibrated to determine the number of microns in the units that make up the ocular scale.

A stool specimen is received in the lab for an o&p examination in a 2 vial system, formalin and PVA. The laboratory technician on duty performs a concentration procedure and prepares a permanent stain slide but decides not to perform a direct wet prep examination. Is this an acceptable technique why or why not?

It is acceptable to eliminate the direct wet prep examination on a specimen that is received in a fixative the main purpose of the direct wet prep examination is to detect the motility of trapezoids. Because fixative destroys trophozoites , no motility will be observed.

Although this thing sulfate flotation concentration procedure removes more fecal debris and he'll declare microscopic preparation, most Laboratories use the sedimentation procedure. Explain why.

The zinc sulfate flotation procedure does Yoda cleaner microscopic preparation, however, some parasites will not be detected with this method. Large ham and eggs and eggs that have an operculum will not load and will be missed. Best determination for technique is preferred.

A rapid tool screen can check for tapeworms. T/F


What technique is used to detect the eggs of the enterobius vermicularis?

Cellophane tape prep

Trichomonas vaginalis is found in...

Vaginal secretions

Naegleria fowleri is found in...


Schistosoma haematobium is found in...


Onchocerca volvulus is found in...

Skin snips

Paragonimus Westermani is found in...


Trichinella spiralis is found in...


Describe xenodiagnosis. What parasitic disease is detected with this technique?

Xenodiagnosis is a diagnostic tool that uses the reduviid bug to diagnose patients with Chagas Disease. An uninfected bug is allowed to feed on a patient period the insect is later tested to determine whether the parasite was transmitted from the patient to the insect.

Why should you not write e. Coli on lab reports when talking about entamoeba coli?

It could be confused with escherichia coli

Entamoeba histolytica is found in...


Entamoeba coli is found in...


Endolimax nana is found in...


Entamoeba gingivalis is found in...

Mouth scrapings

Acanthamoeba spp is found in...

Spinal fluid and corneal scrapings

Naegleria fowleri is found in...

Spinal fluid

Dientamoeba fragilis is transmitted by...

Helminth ova

Trichomonas tenax specimen of choice is...

Mouth scrapings

Giardia intestinalis' trophozoite has a _____ located sucking disc.


Chilomastix mesneili: ____ shaped cyst



Intracellular portion of flagellum


Rod like support structure found in some flagellates


Rod like structure located at the base of the undulating membrane. It is located between the undulating membrane and the body of some Flagellates, connecting the two structures. It may also Aid in supporting the undulating membrane.


Rudimentary mouth

Median bodies

Comma shaped structures located in the posterior end of giardia intestinalis trophozoites and cyst, believed to be associated with Energy and Metabolism or with supporting the organisms posterior end. The exact function is unclear.

Undulating membrane

Fin like structure connected to the outer edge of something jealous, and the organisms Locomotion, moving in a wave-like pattern.

The diagnostic stage for the trypanosoma spp. Is what?


The infective stage of the plasmodium parasite in the BBC a parasite for humans is the what?


What is the name of the dormant parasite form found in patients with plasmodium ovale and plasmodium vivax infections?


Where does sexual reproduction of babesia species take place?


Which species of plasmodium is characterized by a rosette arrangement of metrozoites in the presence of schuffner's dots in the red blood cells?

Plasmodium ovale

Ziemann's dots, band form trophozoites, and 72 hour periodicity of paroxysms is indicative of infection with which plasmodium spp.?

Plasmodium malariae

Each COLUMN is a different form of malaria. What are they in order from left to right?

P. Vivax

P. Ovale

P. malariae

P. Falciparum

Where do you find balantidium coli?

Stool and sigmoidoscopy material

Where do you find isospora belli?

Duodenal contents, stool

Sarcocystitis is found where?


Cryptosporidium parvum is found where?


Blastocystis hominis is found where?


A cat is a vector for what?

Toxoplasma Gondii

What is a pig Vector for?

Balantidium coli, isospora belli, sarcocystis species

What is a cow vector for?

Isospora belli, sarcocystis spp., cryptosporidium

A saline wet prep is not recommended for which two parasites?

Isospora belli, blastocystis hominis

Cryptosporidium does not contain sporocysts. T/ F.


The scientific name for sexual reproduction that occurs and select miscellaneous protozoa is what?


This parasite is recognizable because of the presence of two nuclei. Name that parasite!

Balantidium coli

How is toxoplasma typically identified?

Serological methods


Hexacanth embryo


Larval form of taenia spp.

Brood capsule

Smaller cyst within a hyatid cyst


Series of proglottids


Free swimming larva of D. Latum


Develops from a proceroid larva

Differentiate the proglottids of taenia saginata and taenia Solium.

Taenia saginata proglottids have 15 to 30 lateral uterine branches, where's taenia Solium has less than 15 lateral uterine branches.

A CT scan of a man's brain should calcified lesions. What organism is suspected?

Taenia Solium

I eat sushi. What is the tapeworm I should be most worried about?

Diphyllobothrium latum