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129 Cards in this Set

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Simple life cycle
Complex life cycle
flies, fleas, mosquitos
things to consider about the life cycle
metamorphosis, length, seasonality
What causes Chagas?
kissing bugs (aka coneoses) transmit T. cruzi
Who does Chagas affect?
People and DOGS

Multiplies in cells, esp. heart and sm mm
Where has Chagas recently been found to be prevelant
What are the 3 main transmission cycles of Chagas?
sylvatic, peridomestic, and domestic
What's the relative transmission of dogs:cats:humans?
What's a method of Dx in dogs? Problems with this?
XenoDx, takes 30-60days
Is there a sentinel species for Chagas?
Maybe dogs
What does a Tsetse fly eat?
What do Tsetse flies cause in humans?
African sleeping sickness via T. brucei
What do Tsetse flies cause in cattle?
Nagana - MOST impt cattle Ds worldwide
Myiasis causing flies
screw worms, cattle grubs, bots, bottle flies, and blow flies
Characteristics of myiasis causing flies: 1) what do they eat? 2) Who disperses them? 3) Do they have to live in tissue? Where do you find them?
1) tissue
2) adults
3) no: obligate, facultative, or accidental
4) cutaneuous, GI, nasopharyngeal, ocular
Chochliomyia hominivorax
screw worms
What do Chochliomyia homnivorax need to survive?
Tissue, they're obligate feeders
Who do Chochliomyia homnivorax affect?
How many times do flies (any flies) mate?
How are Chochliomyia homivorax controlled?
SIT, now eradicated from US
What do you do if you fine Chochliomyia homnivorax in the US?
Hypoderma lineatum and bovis, another name?
Cattle grubs (heel fly, gad, fly, etc)
Where will you find Hypoderma spp EGGS?
cattle grubs - forelimbs, udders, ventral body
Life cycle of Hypoderma spp.
1) Winter - L1 migrates through tissue to SM of esophagus then migrates to back.
2) L2 cuts hole in skin and becomes encysted
3) Spring - L3 emerges
4) Late spring - Adults
Which fly causes gadding in cattle?
Hypoderma spp.
Who else do Hypoderma spp. affect?
Horses and humans are aberrant hosts
Horse Bot Fly
Gasterophilus llife cycle
1) Horses lick eggs off fur
2) Larvae (bots) in sromach 8-10 mos (late frost to early spring)
3) Pupal stage pooped onto ground early summer
4) Pupae develop into adults in 1-2 mos
Oestrus ovis
Sheep nasal bot
What is a sign that sheep have Oestrus ovis?
They sneeze the maggots out.
Cuterebra life cycle
1) Adult female lays eggs at burrow entrance
2) Eggs hatch in response to host heat then enter host via body openings or penetrate mucosa
3) Larve migrate SQ and cut hole in skin to breathe
4) Pupa drops
5) Develop into adults which don't eat, just lay eggs and die
When will we most likely see Cuterebra?
Problems, Tx of Cuterebra?
No real problems. No Tx for migrating stages. Sx removal when pupae emerges.
What's important about Bottle and Blow flies?
We can use them in Sx wound therapy. They're facultative.
Tababidae (family)
Horse and Deer flies
Why do we care about Tababidae?
Females bite! Painful!
Carry Ds like EIA
Suck blood
Life cycle of Tababidae
1) Females lay eggs above stagnant water
2) 2 larvae fall into the water
2) 2 pupae emerge from the mud, from which full adults form
Sandfly: what's important?
Vector for Leishmania
Dogs impt reservoir hosts
Foxhounds carry it
How does Leishmania present in dogs?
mimics autoimmune Ds (anemia, skin problems, enlarged spleen)
Three mosquito types
1) Aedes
2) Culex
3) Anopheles
Which mosquito is a vector for WNV?
Culex pipens.
WNV in horses - symptoms
weakness, staggering, mm tremors, sleepy-like

(vaccine available)
Mallophaga family characteristics
CHEWING, wide head, like birds, DON'T feed on blood
Mallophaga life cycle
21 days egg-egg
One pair of lice can make 120k descendents in 3-4 mos
Anoplura family characteristics
SUCKING, long, narrow snout and huge claws, MAMMALS only
Anoplura life cycle
28 days egg-egg, 3 nymphal stages
Haematopinus eursternus
Haematopinus quadriptersus
Lingognathus vituli
calve lice
Solenopotes capillatus
Little Blue Cattle Louse
Bovicola Bovis
Lingognathus ovillus, L. africans, L. pedalis
SHEEP and GOAT sucking lice
Bovicola ovis
Haeatopinus asini
Bovicola equi
What can Bovicola equi do to horses?
Cause stunted growth and dec immunity
Trichodected pilosus
wash eggs off of horse with hot water and soap
Pthrius pubis
HUMAN pubic louse (can affect horses and make them scruffy and itchy)
Lingognathus setousus
DOGS (sucking)
Trichodectes canis
What's an important characteristic of Trichodectes canis?
Can be an IH for Dipylidium caninum.
Felicola subrostatus
Cat louse
Do humans get lice from animals?

What are some human lice characteristics?

3 types, all suck blood, adults live 3+ weeks, lice avoid light
Cat flea life cycle

(Ctenocephalides felis)
1) Adult remains on animal
2) eggs fall off and hatch in 2-5 days or die
3) larve feed on adult flea poop and develop into pupae in carpet (coccooned)
4) vibration, heat, and CO2 causes pupae to hatch and then the look for a blood meal
How many eggs do fleas lay?
2000/life (50/day)
How long is the life cycle of a flea?
3-4 weeks
How long can a flea survive off of a host if it's already started eating blood?
2 days
Wildlife flea reservoirs
coons, possums, Bundy
Tick pathogenesis
Suck blood - anemia
Tick paralysis
Tissue damage
Ds vectors
Tick paralysis
-mammals and birds
Tx: remove tick
Which ticks cause tick paralysis?
Dermacentor andersoni, D. cariabilis, and Agas persicus
Tick tissue damage
2ndary infections, screw worms, allergic response
Tick Ds vectors (4 Ds types)
Viruses, Rickettsiae (RMSF), Bacteria, Protozoa
Argasidae (SOFT) characteristics
head hidden dorsally, feed and lay eggs several times during life, Mulit-host life cycle
Argasidae (SOFT) feeding characteristics
Feed for short periods of time (cuticle expands but doesn't grow)
Argus persicus
soft - "fowl tick"
likes cracks and crannies of hen house, larvae stay on one host only, cause "fowl paralysis"
Otobius megini
soft - "spinous ear tick"
Who gets Octobius megnini?
ungulates, horses, people
Life cycle of Octobius megnini?
Modified one-host cycle (only immature stages feed on host)
Problems caused by Otobius megnini?
tympanic membrane rupture, death, Ds (RMSF, etc)
Ixodidae spp.
HARD ticks
Ixodidae spp. characterisitcs
"Shield" (scutum), 2 feeding phases, 1-3 host life cycle
Ixodidae feeding strategy?
1) Slow at first (1-2 days) to make feeding pool
2) Then fast feeding and female gets huge (inc pathogen transmission at this time)
Which stage of Ixodes most likely to pass lyme Ds?
Common features of hard and soft ticks
long periods w/o feeding, few enemies, high repro potential, eggs laid on ground, hatching and molting seasonal (temp dependent), questing behavior, eat blood
Where do ticks lay their eggs?
ALWAYS on the ground
hard - "cattle fever tick"
one host
easy to control
Amblyomma spp. (A. americana)
hard - "lonestar tick"
Who does A. americana like (lonestar tick)
wide host range, incld HUMANS
found throughout country
the ones you'll likely be picking off
What problems does A. americana (lonestar tick) cause?
Deep bites lead to abscesses, Ds (erlichia and STARI)
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
"brown dog tick" or "kennel tick"
What's important about Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
Can reproduce and thrive indoors
Where would you find Rhipicephalus sanguineus on dogs? Characteristics?
adults in ears and b/w toes, larvae and nymphs found on neck. All stages FEED ONCE and fall off. 3-host tick (dog can be all three)
What problems can Rhipicephalus snaruineus cause?
Ds - Hepatozooan canis! Dog get's from eating tick! Also other diseases
Dermacentor spp. (D. variablilis)
"American dog tick"
Where is Dermacentor variabilis found?
larvae and nymphs: rodents and rabbits

adults: dogs and mammals
What problems can Dermacentor variabilis cause?
Tick paralysis, CYTAUXZOON FELIS (S. and central IL, fatal in cats, no Tx, gets in RBCs and makes them swell leading to capillary clogging. BOBCATS are carriers. Other Ds: RMSF in dogs and humans
Dermacentor albipictus
"winter or horse tick"
-horses and ungulates
-phantom moose Ds and CO tick fever
Dermacentor andersoni
aka "Rocky Mountain Wood tick"
-tick paralysis
Dermacentor accidentalis
aka "Pacific Coast tick"
Ds- RMSF, etc
Ixodes spp. characterisitcs
ALL 3 host, adults small (freckle-sized), sexual dimorphism, ANAL GROOVE, no white on tick
Ixodes scapularis
aka "Blacklegged or Deer tick"

Ixodes scapularis life cycle
1) larve emerge in summer, feed once (rhodent) and fall off
2) Nymphs feed in spring and summer (when people outdoors)
3) Adults in fall, feed once (Deer)
4) Adults lay eggs in spring
What problems can Ixodes scapularis cause?
Lyme Ds! (Read up on this in notes)
Ixodes pacificus
"western blacklegged tick" - the WESTERN version of I. scapuaris
Mites - when do you see them? characteristics?
in the winter more commonly, microscopic, look similar to ticks (larvae 6 legs, nymphs and adults 8), life cycle 4 wks or less.
Life stages of mites
egg, larva, 2 nymphal, stages, and an adult stage
What problems do mites cause?
Few. Skin irritation, but Ds rare except for mange and scabies
What mites cause mange?
Demodex, Sarcaptes, Psoroptes, Chiorioptes
What mites cause scabies?
Pneumonyssus spp.
Primates and dogs
Nasal passages, sinuses, and LUNGS
Dermanyssus gallinae
Birds (sometimes DOGS)
Little red dots
Hide in crevices, feed at night
Anemia, annoyance, dec immunity
Ds - fowlpox and spirochetosis
Sternostoma tracheacolum
canaries, parakeets, etc.
Dx with transillumination!
May be fatal
Causes "walking dandruff"
Dandruff IS the mites (use for Dx)
PEOPLE can get it
"sheep itch mite"
live in superficial layer of skin
pruitis, etc.
Demodex spp.
COMMENSAL in all animals and not very species specific; cigar shaped; localized and generalized forms
What is the difference between localized and generalized Demodex mange?
Localized - from dec immunity
Generalized - from genetic defect causing dec T cells. Causes "red mange." Don't breed these animals!
Demodex Dx?
SQUEEZE to get out of hair follicle
1)Who bites the host?
2) Do they burrow?
3) Why do they make you itch?
1) only the LARVAE are parasitic
2) NO
3) Digesitve enzymes in saliva cause allergic reaction
1) Who gets it?
2) Do they burrow?
3) What damage do they cause?
1) RABBITS and livestock
2) NO, only puncture epidermis
3) Tissue necrosis or CNS-death in rabbits because they can get into the brain
What do you do if you find Psoroptes on a patient?
Otodectes cynotis
1) who gets them?
2) do they burrow?
3) what do you look for?
aka "ear mite"
1) pets
2) no
3) black, dry ear wax (show client)
Sarcoptes scabiei
1) who gets them?
2) do they burrow?
3) what do you look for?
4) problems?
1) ALL animals (PEOPLE can get it from dogs)
2) Females burrow extensively
3) tough to see with skin scraping, Tx good for Dx
4) pruitis, self-mutilation
Notoedres cati
causes the cat version of sarcoptic mange
Knemidokoptes spp.
Fowl; legs, feather shaft, or beak, depending on K. spp.
Cause scaly legs, face
Cause deformed legs or beak
(they do burrow)