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25 Cards in this Set

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Spirocerca lupi
-Esophageal worm of dogs and cats
-Forms nodules in the esophageal wall
-May be found in granulomas or nodules in the stomach wall of both dogs and cats
-Paperclip shape
PPP- 6 months
-Stomach worms of dogs and cats
-creamy white & tightly coiled
-recovered in vomitus or feces
PPP- 56-83 days
Toxocara canis
-ascaids or roundworms of dogs
PPP- 21-35 days
Describe the lifecycle of the roundworm
-mate in small intestine
-unembryonated eggs passed in feces
-eggs embryonate into L2 larva
-injested by the host and released from egg (may go dormant in adult host)
-L2 larvae migrate to lungs, coughed up & swallowed
-return to small intestine
What nematode can go into dormancy?
Toxocara canis
Can go dormant until the female host becomes pregnant. Can be passed to the fetus
What roundworm cannot pass the placental barrier?
Toxocara cati
Toxocara cati
roundworm of cats
PPP- 21-28 days
Toxascaris leonina
roundworm of dogs and cats
PPP-74 days
Ancylostoma caninum
canine hookworm
Ancylostoma tubaeforme
feline hookworm
Ancylostoma braziliense
canine and feline hookworm
Uncinaria stenocephala
northern canine hookworm
Give information about the hookworm
-infect the small intestine
-suck blood and have an anti-coagulant
-can be passed to offspring through colostrum
symptoms- anemia, black tarry stool
-recovered on fecal float
Trichuris vulpis
canine whipworm
Trichuris campanula &
Trichuris serrata
feline whipworm
Describe the lifecycle of the hookworm
Male & Female mate continuously & eggs are passed in feces. The egg contains the morula stage while in the feces. They embryonate into L1 larvae in the external environment. L1 molt to L2, then L3 (infective stage). Can be ingested or penetrate the skin of host. Migrate to lungs, coughed up & swallowed
What type of egg is the whipworm?
Describe the lifecycle of the whipworm
Eggs are passed in the feces. In the environment they develop into L1 larva within the egg (infective stage) Must be ingested by the host. L1 hatch in small intestine and molt several times. Then attach to the intestinal wall
Give information about the whipworm
Have a thin anterior end ("lash" of a whip) & thick posterior end. thick yellow-brown with polar plugs on the ends. Eggs are heavy so when doing a fecal float you must wait 15 minutes.
PPP- 70-90 days
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
feline lungworm. Adults live in bronchioles where they form small nodules. Eggs are forced into the lung tissue where they hatch into 1st stage larvae. "S" shaped bend at end of the tail.
-found on fecal float or tracheal wash
PPP- approx. 30 days
Filaroides osleri
canine lungworm
-found in trachea
-"S" shaped tail
- first stage larva are immediately infective for the canine definitive host. No period of development is required outside the host.
-transmitted by the mother licking pups
-nodules found at bifurcation of trachea
PPP- approx. 10 weeks
Dioctophyma renale
giant kidney worm
-infects the right kidney & ingests the parenchyma leaving only the renal capsule
-eggs recovered by centrifugation of urine sediment
-when in abberant site, eggs cannot be passed in external environment
-more common in large animals
PPP- 18 weeks
Capillaria plica
Capillaria feliscati
nematodes of urinary bladder of dogs and cats
-eggs found in urine
-clear to yellow color, flattened, bipolar end plugs
Thelazia californiensis
eyeworm of dogs and cats
-adults recovered from conjunctival sac and lacrimal duct
Give information about the roundworm
-found in small intestine
-unembryonated eggs
Symptoms- vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
Zoonosis- VLM, visceral larval migrans. can penetrate skin