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25 Cards in this Set

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What are the complications of plasmodium falciparum
*erythrocytes become sticky
1)erythrocytes adhere to & obstruct brain capillaries (DEATH)
2)Renal Failure - hemolysis and obstruction
3)Anemia - rupture of RBC's & suppression of hematopoiesis due to cytokine production
What is the lifecycle and transmission of plasmodium falciparum
Transmitted by female mosquito
-sporozoites are released and go to hepatocytes
-merozoites leave hepatocytes and infect RBC's
-infected RBC's release merozoites
(Takes about 2 weeks for incubation)
What is different from Plasmodium vivax/ ovale from P. Falciparum
RBC's don't become sticky
Remain dormant in liver as hypnozoites
*once blood cleared of merozoites relapse
What is the duffy gene
duffy antigen chemokine receptor on RBC's, lack of it prevents Vivax merozoites from binding
What is Plasmodium malariae
low grade infection and persists for years
What are common drugs to treat falciparum, vivax/ ovale, malariae
f-mefloquine or quinidine + doxycycline
v/o- chloroquine then primaquine
m- chloroquine
What does P. Falciparum look like
Within RBC's signet ring
What spreads T. Brucei and T. Cruzi
B-tetse fly
C-reduviid bugs
What does T. Brucei cause
african sleeping sickness
What is the prophylaxis for malaria
What are the common ways of getting Toxoplasma
undercooked lamb, pork, or eggs
cat crap
What is the pathogenesis of toxo
tachyzoite developes intracellulary in skeletal muscle, heart, brain (persists for life)
How does the body keep toxo at bay
CD8 T-cells destroy infected cells
CD4 T-cells stimulate macrophages to destroy ingested tachyzoites
What does the congenital Toxo infection
How is toxo treated
pyrimethamine w/ sufonamide or clindamycin
What are complications of Giardia and how is at most risk
Chronic malabsorption w/ upper small ball attachment
-IgA deficient people
How is Giardia treated
metronidazole, nitazoxanide, paromomycin
How is cryptosporidium treated
nitazoxanide or paromomycin
How is cryptosporidium identified in pt's
stool sample
-antibody linked stains or
-oocysts acid-fast (similar to microsporidium)
How prevalent is Entamoeba Histolytica
10% all people infected, 90% assymptomatic
What is pathogenesis of Entamoeba Histolytica
trophozoites destroy neutrophils and invade tissues
-adhere to human cells and secrete toxins digesting tissue
*trophozoites often enter portal venous system liver abscesses, brain and lung abscesses
What is pathology of mucosa of intestine look like with Entamoeba
flask-shaped ulcers
How is Entamoeba diagnosed
-stool examination or mucosal biopsy
-invasive serology (99% +) and CT
How in Entamoeba treated
Metronidazole, (No N), Paromomycin
Match Tachyzoites and Trophozoites w/ parasite
Tachy- toxo
Tropho- Giardia & entamoeba