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16 Cards in this Set

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Life cycle of Shistosoma
eggs in human feces---feces in water---infect snail---mature w/in the snail to cecariae---penetrate human skin---travel through heart and lungs to vessels surrounding GI---lay eggs in feces
Disease caused by blood flukes
-3 parts
1. Dermitis (site of penetration)
2. Katayma fever
3. chronic fibrosis around eggs
Taniea saginata
Beef Tapeworm
Taniea Solium
Pork Tapeworm
Human disease cuased by ingesting Taniea Solium eggs
Cystersercosis...can lead to neurocystersercosis
Diphylobothrium latum
Fish tape worm
can lead to B12 def.
seen in Cool lakes and streams so it lives in NE
hx of being around sheep dogs
-cause hydatid cysts
-large cyts w/ daughter cysts seen in liver is pathoneumonic
Trichuris trichiura
can lead to rectal prolapse
Ascaris lumbricoide
lives in lg intestine
-can see ASTHMA like sx
and Lots of eosinophila bc female lays hundreds of eggs
Necator americannas
-ground itch
-can lead to iron def. anemia-seen in southeast
Stonglyoides sterocoralis
only worm that can complete it's life cycle in humans
-can see war in poop
-can cause pneumonitis
-causes an extreme autoinfection in HIV pts
-Enterobius vermicularis
-cause puritis ani
-do scotch tape test in perianal region to dx
-M/C worm infection in US
Visceral larval migrans
caused by toxocara from cat or dog (round worms in the gi system of these animals)
Cutaneous larval migrans
cuased by human incounter w/ dog or cat HOOKworms
Trichinella spiralis
will encyst in our muscles
-get from undercooked pork
-myalgia signs
Lymphatic filiari worms
lead to elephantitis