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73 Cards in this Set

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Brain eating amoeba?
Naegleria Fowleri
What type of Amoeba are cysts and trophozites passed in feces?
Entamoeba Histolytica
What type of parasite can cause toxic megacolon, absess liver, brain and kidney?
Entamoeb Histolytica
What type of Ciliate is commonly asymptomatic or diarrhea and comes from pigs?
Balantidium Coli
What type of Sporozite is spread by cats sheddin oocytes?
Toxoplasma Gondii
What type of sporozite replicates in RBCs and is spread via mosquitos?
Plasmodium Sp
Plasmodium Sp is the cause of what dx?
Malaria from mosquitos
What type of sporozite replic. in RBCs and comes from ticks in the NE?
What is a concer of Babesia?
hemolytic anemia and renal failure
How is Leishmainia Sp tranmitted?
Phlebomotine Sandflies
What is a blood parasite that causes African Sleeping Sickness?
Trypanosoma Brucei
What is a flagellate that causes genital infxn from a STD?
Trichomonas Vaginalis
What type of flagellate causes diarrhea and malabsorption?
Giardia Lamblia
What are the intermediate hosts of Trematodes?
What is a liver fluke?
Fasciola Hepatic
What trematode causes biliary obstruction and infammation?
Fasciola Hepatica---Liver Fluke
What is the Orienta Lung Fluke that causes chronic cough and hemoptysis?
Paragonimus Westermani
What has clincal manifestations of allergic dermatitis, Katayama Fever, Acute Schisto. and Granulamatous lesions?
Schitosoma Sp
What is a blood fluke that causes abdominal pain, hepatosplenamegaly and bloody diarrhea?
Schistosoma Sp
What type of Nematode is a human hookworm causing chronic anemia in the south?
Ancyclostoma Duodenale
What type of parasite has a scolex and is a hermphrodite?
Cestodes- tapeworms
What type of parasite causes a lesion in the parietal lobe of the brain - neurocysticerosis?
Taenia Solium
What is the intermediate host in Tania Solium? Definitive host?
Intermed. Host- pigs
Def. Host- humans
What is the dog heartworm?
Dirafilaria immitis
What is the dog roundworm?
Toxocara Canus
What is a human filiarial worm that causeslymphedma and elephantitis?
Wuchereria Bancrofti
Brugaia Malayi
What is a big human hookworm that causes intestinal obstruction its so big?
Ascaris Lumbricoids
What is a dog hookworm that causes Cutaneous Larval Migrans?
Ancytostoma Caninum
What are mites that cause weepy, crusty patches in webs of finger and on wrists?
Sarcptes Scabiei
What is head lice?
Pediculus Capitis
What is body lice?
Pediculus Humanus
What is pubic lice?
Pthirus Pubis
What parasite causes Typhus?
Rickettsia Prowazeki
What parasite causes Relapsing Fever?
Borllia Recurrentis
What parasite causes Trench Fever?
Bartonella (Rochalimaea) quintana
What causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Rickettsia Rickettii
What bacteria causes Lyme Dx?
Borellia Burgdorferi
What protozoan paraste causes a malaria-like infxn of RBCs?
Babesia Microti
What spider causes pain and swelling at bite, has fang marks, and is for the most part asymptomatic?
Black Widow Spider
How do you diagnose Naegleria Fowleri?
Trophozites cultured from CSF and tissue and flagellated forms in CSF
How does Naegleria Fowleri enter the human?
thu Olfactory Neuroepithelium causing primar amoebc meningoencephalitis, PAM
What is a Protoza that is assoc. with diarrhea, toxic megacolon, and abscesses in liver, brain and lung?
Entamoeba Histolytica
What is the source of the highly invasive Entamoeba Histolytica?
Ingestion of mature cysts in fecally contaminatd food, water or on hands
Cysts are typically found in ________ stools and Trophozites are typically found in ______stools
cysts---formed stools
trophozites----diarrheal stools
Toxoplasma Gondii oocyts and tissues cysts transform into ___________once ingested by a cat.
What are the most common clinica manifestations with Congenital Toxoplasmosis seen at birth?
Intracranial Calcifications
What are long term clinical manifestation seen with Congenital Toxoplasmiosis?
visual impairment
learning disabilties
What are the clinical manifestation in healthy adult and children infected with Toxoplasma Gondii?
usually Asymptomatic, or can develope Mono-like syndrome
What are t clinical manifestation in immune suppressed infected with Toxoplasma Gondii?
Leishmania Donovani causes what?
Visceral Leishmaniasis - worst one!
Leishmania Tropica / Mexicana causes what?
Cutaneous Leishmanias
Leishmania Braziliensis/Peruviana causes what?
Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis
What are the clinical manifestation of Visceral Leishmaniasis?
high fever, substantial weight loss, swelling of the spleen and liver and anemia. if untreated 100% fatality rate in two years
What is the Geographic Distrubition of Cutaneous Leishmanias?
Mediterrean, Equatorial Africa, Middle East, India, China
What is the Geographic Distrubition of Mucocutaneous Leishmanias?
South Texas, Southeast Mexico, central and south America
What is the Geographic Distrubrition of Visceral Leishmania?
India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan, and Brazil
What is aka Visceral Leishmania?
What is the diagnosis of Leishmaniasis?
ID of amasitgote form in tissue
what parasite uses a spine to get thru tissue?
Schisotmsoma Sp.
What are the 3 life forms of Schistosomiasis during the life cycle?
What trematode are adult forms found in vessels of the bladder and eggs are released in urine? What is the spine like?
Schistosoma Haematobium- pine on the end
What Trematode has adult form in venous plexus of intestines and eggs are released in stool? Spine?
Schistoma Mansoni and Japonicum.
Mansoni has spine on the SIDE
What can happen 4-6 weeks prior to infxn with Schistomsoma sp.?
Acute Schistosomiasis- fever, cough, ab pain, uticarial rash, hepatosplenamegaly
Acute Schisotomiasis is due to what?
Initial immune reaction to egg production
What is seen with Chronic illness caused by Schistomasoma Sp.?
Granulatmous Lesions
What is the diagnosis of schisotosoma sp.?
ID of eggs in stool or urine
What happens if a human eats the adult form of Taenia Solium?
Nothing really, just goes to the intestines.
What happens if a human eats the egg of Taenia Solium?
larval form, cysticerci, develops and cysts mature in 3 mos. and can go to the brain. causing NEUROCYSTICERCOSIS
How are humans infected by Taenia Solium?
by eating undercooked pork since pigs are intermediate hosts.
What is the diagnosis of Neurocysticerosis?
CT, MRI and Serology. CAUTION WITH DYING- can cause anaphylactic shock
What are Red Mites that causes intense pruiritc lesions?
What is a re-emeging pathogen among homeless populations?
Trench Fever caused by Bartonella (Rochalimaea) Quintana
What are some clinical manifestations of Trench Fever?
Chronic Bacteremia, Endocarditis, Bacillary Angiomatosis