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33 Cards in this Set

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Sub Kingdom Protozoa
most free living, most devastating
single celled eukaryotes
feeding- trophozoites, asexual
transmission- cysts
sexual- gametocytes
Life cycles
Apicomplexa- schizogony (asexual), sexual gametogony, travel via cysts
flagellates- almost exclusively asexual- binary fission, cysts with throphozoites
amebas, exclusively asexual
Phylum Apicomplexa
transmission by vector, cause malaria/ coccidosis
sporozoites tear/ banana shaped bodies
schizonts multinucleated
gametocytes uninucleate
Phylum Sarcodinia
extracellular, direct
transmit via water contaminated with cycts
Phylum Retromornada
Free living, extracllular, direct, tranmit via ingested cysts
4 flagella for locomotion
Phylum Eugelenozoa
intra or extracellular, 2 hosts tarmitted via vector
4 flagella and undulating membrane
Sub- Kingdom Eumetozoa
Phylum Myxozoa
intracellular parasites of fish
polar capsules on spore
Phylum Platyhelminthes
no body cavity, incomplete digestive system
Class Digenea
egg-miracidium-int mollusc (sporocyst)-cercaria- metacercaria- adult
body of adult oval and flattened
Order Strigeoformes
final stage in molusc sporocyst, sometimes rediae
cercariae with furcocerous tail
Order Plagiorchiformes
cercariae with oral stylet
basioc digenean body plan
mollusc first intermediate with sporocyst and rediae
tapeworms, endoparasitic
live in intestine of vertebrate
no mouth, gut
Class Cestoidea
at least 2 hosts
host- host via food chain
Order Pseudophyllidea
egg-coracidium-int crustacean-proceroid-another in pleocercoid- adult
scolex with bothria, strobila segmented
Order Cyclophyllidea
adults live in intestines in all verts but fishes
most with 1 intermediate
scolex 4 suckers, apical rostellum
Class Monogenea
all direct lifecycle
egg-oncomiracidium- new host- adult
flat oval body, prohaptor, opistohaptor
Subclass Polyonchoinea
direct life cycle
marine and freshwater
well developed prohaptor with pseudosuckers
opistohaptor with hamuli, one copy
Subclass Oligonchoinea
direct life cycle
marine and freshwater
opistohaptor multiple copies, prohaptor not well developed
Phylum Acathocephala
entirely parastic
pseudoceolomate 2 body regions
Phylum Nematoda
many free living
female 1-6 sets reproductive organs
4 larval stages before adults
Class Adenophorea
many free living, some parasitic
lack of phasmids or deirids, and a poorly developed excretory system
Class Secernentea
presence of phasmids
many free living, some parastic
Order Strongylida
some serious pathogens
male copulatory bursa
3 or 6 small lips
Order Ascaridida
important parasites of humans, domestic and wild animals
parasites as adults in fish, amphibians, reptiles birds and mammals, and larval stages can infect fish or other vertebrates
3 large lips around mouth
Order Oxyurida
life cycles usually direct
bulb at end of esophagus
male with caudal alae
Order Spirurida
parasites all vert
prominent buccal capsule
ornamented cuticle anteriorally
Phylum Arthropoda
segmented bodies, jointed appendages, chitinous cuticle
complete digestion
Subphylum Crustacea
freeliving, parasitic ectoparasites
crustaceans segmented covered in exoskeleton
larval are disperal
Subphylum Chelicerata
all dioecious
legs are segmented, not body
8 legged adults
dorsal carapace
Subphylum Uniramia
chitinous exoskeleton
thorax w/3 segmented legs
Order Anoplura
dorso-ventrally compressed bodies
mouthparts for sucking
Order Mallophaga
dorso-ventrally compressed bodies
mouthparts for sucking
Order Siphonaptera
Fleas are wingless and have laterally-compressed bodies
piercing/sucking mouthparts
hairs and spines