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148 Cards in this Set

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What organism causes malignant tertian malaria
Plasmodium falciparum
what is the mode of transmission for the organism toxoplasmosis
children ingesting dirt
what is the incubation pd for cryptosporidiosis
1-12 days
which of the following is a stage of the life cycle toxoplasma gondii
what is the length of time doxycycline taken for terminal prophylaxis
4 weeks
how many days does it take to complete the life cycle inside the mosquito
13 days
which of the following is correct concerning the i.d characteristics of balantidium coli
sac shaped, w/ spiral longitudinal rows of cilia
Mode of transmission for balatidial dysentery
what is the occurrence of quartan malaria
tropical regions
what stage of the parasite develops 3-15 days after the onset of sx during the life cycle of malaria
what is the incubation pd for the rarest form of malaria
12-18 days
which of the following forms of malaria can cause vascular obstruction
Plasmodium falciparum
what is the incubation pd for toxoplasmosis transmitted through cat feces
5-20 days
which of the following is the rarest form of malaria
plasmodium ovale
which stage of the parasite toxoplasma gondii infects the cat when they eat dirt
what disease would be suspected in pediatric pt w/ anorexia, n/v, profuse watery diarrhea
what is the order of the life cycle in mosquito's for malaria parasite once they have taken blood meal
Gametocytes, zygote, oocyst, sporozoite
which of the following is the encysted stage of parasite in the stomach of the mosquito
term for malarial life cycle in humans
Malria life cycle in mosquito called
what disease would suspect if pt presented w/ bloody mucoid diarrhea, abdominal colic, w/ N/V
method of control to prevent the spread of balantidaisis
avoid hog feces
what stage of parasite balantidium coli is found in feces
which type of reproduction in life cycle maria parasite for humans
what type of reproduction does balantidium coli perform
binarry fission
what do merozoites of the parasite cryptosporidiosis develop into
micro/macro gametes
which stage in the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii is distributed through out hosts body
how long to oocysts from cryptosporidium parvum remain infectious in a moist environment
2-6 months
Reservior for the organism that causes cryptosporidiosis
incubation pd for toxoplasmosis when trasmitted through improperly cooked meat
10-23 days
what organism causes benign tertian malaria
plasmodium vivax
which stage of malaria parasite is injected into human during mosquito blood meal
what is the order of life cycle in humans for the malarial parasites once infected by mosquito
Sporozoite, schizont, merozoite, trophozoite, schizont, merozoite, male and female gametocytes
which of the following forms of malaria do individuals with sickle cell trait have a relativiley low chance of parasitemia
plasmodium falciparum
which form of malarial parasite is developed inside oocyst
which of the following forms of malaria do most west aftricans have a natural resistance to
plasmodium vivax
which of the following forms of malaria has an incubation pd of 9-14 days
plasmodium falciparum
which of the following is NOT a stage of development in malria parasite
which of the following is correct regarding the i.d. characteristics of cryptosporidium parvum
pear shaped
who is responsible for ensuring all personnel are instructed on individual malaria prevention
commanding officer
who is responsible for supervising malaria chemoprophilaxis programs
medical officers
responsible for vector control measures for preventing malaria
how long before entering malaria endemic area must an individual start taking chloroquine phosphate
1-2 weeks
how long must a person wait to donate blood after entering malaria endemic are and took chemoprophylaxis
3 years
which infectious agent has small ring shaped trophozoites located peripherally inside rbc's
plasmodium falciparum
choice of medication for uncomplicated malaria
which infectious malaria has crescent shaped gametocytes
plasmodium falciparum
elongated, nucleated cells formed by the division of encysted zygote
which of the following is true regarding thick smears
provide a positive dx for malaria
which drop of blood is used for thick smear
up to how long can cysts from toxoplasma gondii remain infective in water or moist soil
over 1 year
which form of malaria has ovoid or round gametocytes
benign tertian
which of the following is a fertilized egg
which infectious agent of malaria produces crescent shaped gametocytes
plasmodium falciparum
what is the length of time poorley treated humans can remain infective to a mosquito when infected w/ plasmodium vivax
1-2 years
which forms of malaria have incubation pd 12-18 days
plasmodium ovale and vivax
which drug is used to tx balantidiasis
what is the occurrence of the most fatal form of malaria
reservior for the orgamism balatidiasis
which is a stage of the life cycle of toxoplasma gondii
rarest form of malaria
plasmodium ovale
i.d. characteristics for cryptosporidium parvum
pear shaped
how often is doxycycline taken for malaria chemo
once daily
destruction of rbc
length of time for terminal prophylaxis of chloroquine phosphate
4 weeks
what is the order of life cycle in humans for the malarial parasites once infected by mosquito
Sporozoite, schizont, merozoite, trophozoite, schizont, merozoite, male and female gametocytes
which of the following are found in erythrocytes
who is responsible for ensuring mer are submitted on all confirmed cases of malaria
commanding officer
reservior for cryptosporidiosis
what stage of parasite is found in cryptosporidium parvum feces
mode of transmission for the organism that causes toxoplosmosis
transplacental in humans
mode of transmission for toxoplasmosis
ingesting raw or undrcooked meat
how long before individual enters malaria endemic area must take doxycycline
1-2 days
difinitive host for toxoplasma gondii
which stage of malarial parasite is injected into humans from mosquito
responsible for developing and carrying out malaria prevention education
medical officer
responsible for obtaining vector info regaring malaria control
how long must person wait to donate blood if taken malaria chemo but never visited malaria endemic area
there is no waiting pd
representative size of THICK smear
dime size
incubation pd for rarest form of malaria
12-18 days
which malaria has incubation pd of 9-14 days
plasmodium falciparum
how many pre-cleaned glass slide are there for thick/thin smears
which drop of blood is used for thin smears
what is the receptor for plasmodium vivax located on rbc
duffy factor
tx for cryptosporidiosis
intermediate host for toxoplasmosis
what organism causes quartan malaria
plasmodium malaria
which form of malaria do individuals with sickle cell trait have a relativiley low chance of parasitemia
plasmodium falciparum
what stage of life cycle balantidium coli enter the colon
which enzyme protects human blood cells from oxidative attack
choice of medication for uncomplicated malaria
mode of transmission for balantidial dysentery
when do oocysts of cryptosporidiosis become infective
which stage of parasite develops 3-15 days after the onset of sx during the life cycle of malaria
which infectious malaria has small ring shaped trophozoites located peripharally inside rbc
plasmodium falciparum
what form of malaria do west africans have a natural resistance to
plasmodium vivax
correct life cycle once infected with cryptosporidium parvum
Oocyst, sporozoite, meront, merozoite, gametes, zygote, oocyst
incubation pd for toxoplasmosis when transmitted through cat feces
5-20 days
incubation pd for toxoplasmosis when trasmited through improperly cooked meat
10-23 days
which drop of blood is used for THIN smear
liver cells
herediaty condition, arthalgia, abdominal pain sickle shaped erythrocytes
sickle cell anemia
infectious agent of balantidiasis
balantidium coli
what disease suspected if pt presented w/ bloody mucoid diarrhea, abdominal colic, n/v
method of control to prevent spread of balantidiasis
avoid hog feces
balantidium coli reproduction
binary fission
where does excystation occur during life cycle of balantidium coli
small intestine
i.d. characteristics of cryptosporidium parvum
pear shaped
What disease would be suspect if a pediatric patient presented with anorexia, n/v with profuse, watery diarrhea
mode of transmission for cryptosporidiosis
which stage of parasite cryptosporidium parvum is found in persons feces
up to how long can the oocysts from toxoplasma gondii remain infective in water or moist soil
over 1 year
Mode of transmission for toxoplasmosis
ingesting raw or undercooked meat
difinitive host for toxoplasmosis gondii
what stage of parasite infects cat in toxoplasmosis gondii when eating undercooked meat
mode os transmission for parasite toxoplasmosis gondii
tranpascental in humans
malaria produces crescent shaped gemetocytes
plasmodium falciparum
what organism causes benign tertian malaria
plasmodium vivax
rarest form of malaria
plasmodium ovale
most feared form of malaria
plasmodium falciparum
term of the malaria life cycle in humans
which type of reproduction takes place in the life cycle of malaria mosquito
What is the order of the life cycle in humans for the malarial parasites once infected by the mosquito?
Sporozoite, schizont, merozoite, trophozoite, schizont, merozoite, male and female gametocytes
which form of malaria is developed inside the oocyst
most west africacans have a natural resistance to
plasmodium vivax
which forms of malaria have an incuabation pd of 12-18 days
plasmodium vivax and ovale
occurrence of quarton form of malaria
tropical regions
Which term is best described as an elongated, nucleated cell formed by the division of the encysted zygote?
found in erythrocytes
which form of malaria has an incubation pd of 18-40 days
plasmodium malerie
which form of malaria has an incubation pd of 9-14 days
plasmodium falciparum
responsible for ensuring mer are submittied on all confirmed/suspected cases of malria
commanding officer
responsible for supervising malaria chemoprophylaxis programs
medical officer
responsible for vector control measures
how long before entering malaria endemic area must individual start taking chloroquine
1-2 weeks
how long is terminal prophylaxis for doxycycline
4 weeks
which is true regarding thick smears
reveals plasmodia in almost all active clinical cases
how many pre-cleaned glass slides for thick/thin smears
representative size of the thick smear
dime sized
incubation pd for balantidaisis
tx for balantidiasis
which stage of parasite balantidiasis to human ingest
what stage of balantidium coli enters colon
what do merozoites of cryptosporidiosis develop into
micro/macro gametes
which infectious malaria has small ring shaped trophozoites parasite located peripherally inside rbc
plasmodium faciparum
what is the length of time blood stored can remain infective with malaria
1 month
which form of malaria do individuals w/ sickle cell trait have a relativitly low chance of parasitemia
plasmodium falciparum
how many days does it take to complete malaria life cycle in mosquito
13 days