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126 Cards in this Set

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Name the 3 Trematodes/flukes.
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
Paragonimus kellicotti (lung fluke)
Nanaphyetus salmincola (salmon poisoning fluke)
All the Flukes have what as a IH?
*Lung fluke has a second which is crayfish
*Salmon poisoning fluke has a scond which is salmon or trout
The sites of infestation for the flukes are:
Fasciola hepatica is common bile duct

Paragonimus kellicotti is the lungs

Nanophyetus salmincola is small intestines
The 5 larval stages of the Platyhelminthes Trematodes/flukes are:
L1 Miracidium
L2 Sporocysts
L3 Rediae
L4 Cercariae
L5 Metacercariae (infective)
Infestation of Fasciola hepatica is associated with a secondary infection attributed to what bacteria?
Clostridium novyii
Name the Platyhelminthes Cestodes/tapeworms we are studying in class.
Dipylidium caninum<br />Taenia pisiformis<br />Taenia hydatgena<br />Taenia ovis
Taenia taeniaformis
Taenia multiceps/serialis
Echinococcus spp
Anoplocephala spp.
Moneiezia spp.
The FH for Fasciola hepatica is
Sheep, cattle, ruminants
the FH for Paragonimus kellicoti is
dogs and cats
The FH for Nanaphyetus salmincola is
dogs, cats, minks and raccoons
The FH for Dipylidium caninum is
dogs and cats
The IH for Dipylidium caninum is
The FH for Taenia pisiformis is
dogs, rarely cats
The IH for Taenia pisiformis is
rabbits and hares
The FH for Taenia hydatigena is
dogs, sometimes cats
The IH for Taenia hydatigena is
The FH for Taenia ovis is
dogs and cats
The IH for Taenia ovis is
With tapeworms, Proglottids are each individual segments and strobilia are:
chains of reproductive units
Taenia taeniformis is also known as
the cat rat tape
For Taenia taeniformis, it is L2 infective with a larvae called a
strobilocercus and changes in the LIVER unlike other Taenia
Taenia multiceps /serialis is a typical taenia whose larval stage is the ______
Coenurus (1 egg contains hundreds of envaginated scolices which are adults)
Taenia taeniaformis IH is and the FH is

The FH for Taenia multiceps and serialis is
The IH for Taenia multiceps is
The IH for Taenia serialis is
The IH & FH for Echinococcus granulosa are
IH-sheep, humans

The IH and FH for Echinococcus multioculari are;
IH-Rodents, humans

FH- cats
The IH and FH for the Anaplocephala spp are:
IH-Grain mite

The IH and FH for Monezia spp are:
IH- Grain mite

Moniezia expansa-sheep

Monezia benedeni-cattle
For Echinococcus spp. the type of larvae are:
hydatid cysts, which have a high PHS
For Anaplocephala spp. the L1 ifective stage is called a
Cysticercoid--a small non-fluid filled sac with 1 scolex
The L1 infective larvae of the Diplydium caninum is a
The L1 infective larvae of the Taenia pisiformis is a
Cysticercus-pea sized
The L1 infective stage for the Taenia hydatigenia is the
cysticerci--ping pong ball size
The L1 infective stage for the Taenia ovis is called a
cysticercus--bladder worm in the muscle
The L1 infective stage for the Taenia (Multiceps) multiceps/serialis is the
coenurus-a 5cm egg that contains about a 1000 adult worms
The L1 infective stage for Anaplocephala spp is a
Tapeworms absorb nutrients through
their skin
Tapeworms/cestodes use ______ reproduction and all produce eggs in

egg baskets that will appear to take up their entire field under 40x magnification.
Tapeworms/cestodes are _____ prevalent than flukes.
Tapeworms/cestodes need only ___ IH
Most of the Taenia spp family are usually ______ which are called bladderworms
L1 cysticercus
The specific gravity of fecal flotation solutions range from
1.180 to 1.200
Cestodes/tapeworms, obtain food through their ___________
Paratenic host for Ascaris suum is the
earthworm and dung beetle
The definitive host for Echinococcus granulosus is the _____ and the IH is the _______________-

In order to kill tapeworms, the _________ must be destroyed.
The most common route of infestation for trematodes (flukes) and cestodes (tapes) is
direct ingestion of ova and/or IH
The hexacanth embryo is the
early development of the scolex
Visceral larval migrans (VLM) is associated with
Toxocara cati

Toxascaris leonina
Nematodes site of infestation is
small intestine
Toxocara ova are round with and outer___________ appearance.
Taenia taeniaformis L2 infective stage is the
Taenia pisiformis has an L1 _________
Most tremetodes(flukes) are reproductively
oviparous & dioecious
With somatic migration, a female with an inactive case
will infest her young via the umbilical cord
Cestodes and Trematodes are considered
What kind of host will shed gravid tapeworm segments?
Definitive/final host
The IH for Dipylidium caninum is the
The IH for the Anoplocephela spp is the
orbatid (grain) mite
Echinococcus multiocularis is HSP for
dogs and cats and has mice as a PH
Ascarids are commonly called
the definitive host for Moniezia spp is
Echinococcus spp have _____ segments.
All ascarids and hookworms must undergo some _________ to become infective to the definitive host.
The hookworm is ______ infective.
Lungworms have a ___________ lifestyle.
Name 2 parasites that have the earthworm and dung beetle as a PH.
Ascaris suum

Parascaris equorum
The chemical composition of Fecosol solution is
sodium nitrate
Somatic migration requires ___________ to pass on the dormant larvae.
pregnant female dog
The most commonly diagnosed parasite of puppies and kittens is:
The IH for Eucoleus is
the earthworm
Taenia taeniaformis is ____ infective
Ancylostoma brazilense is HSP for
dogs and cats
If a person directly ingests Toxocara, they will develop
The common name of the Parascaris equorum is
Equine roundworm
The genus and species if the Cat-Rat tape is
Taenia taeniformis
The cold weather hookworm is also known as
Uncinaria stenocephala
the intermediate host for Toxacaris leonina is
nothing---but mice may be PH
Roundworms belong to phylum
The site of infestation for nematodes is
small intestines
What are the 3 types of nematode migration?
*Tracheal- larva travel to lungs and are coughed up and swallowed

*Somatic-larvae encyst in tissues and remain dormant unless they are in an intact female who will then pass them to puppies via umbilical cord where they become active and infest puppies

*Mucosal: larvae migrate through intestinal mucosa and back into the intestinal lumen
Haemonchus spp is also known as the
barber pole worm
Nanophyetus salmincola is also known as the
Salmon poisoning fluke
Diplydium caninum is also known as the
Double pored tapeworm
Strongylus vulgaris is also known as the
Equine bloodworm
Parascaris equorum is alos known as the
Equine ascarid/roundworm
Strongyloides westeri is also known as
Intestinal threadworm
Fasciola hepatica is also known as the
Liver fluke
Cooperia spp. is also known as the
Cattle bankrupt worm
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus is also known as the
Cat lung worm
Stephanurus dentatus is also known as the
Swine kidney worm
Megastrongylus apri is also known as
Swine lungworm
Paragonimus kellicotti is also known as
the Lung fluke
Trichostrongylus spp. is also known as the
Black scours worm
Ancylostoma braziliense is also known as the
Dog and cat hookworm
Ostertagia spp is also known as the
Brown stomach worm and is also the most important parasite in young cattle
Oesophagostomu is also known as
the Nodular worm
Echinococcus has a pathognomic sign of
Hydatid cyst development
Ostertagia has a pathognomic sign of
Morroco leather stomach
Oesphagostomum spp has a pathognomic sign that is
Intestinal nodules
Ancylostoma has a pathognomic siign that is
Toxocara has a pathognomic sign that is
Haemonchus has a pathognomic sign of:
Bottle jaw
Arrested development is another name for the ______________ stage
Ruminant strongyles have a ________ life cycle and are difficult to eradicate from the environment.
Equine strongyles are __________ parasites
Eucoleus aerophila site of infestation is
the trachea and bronchi of cats and dogs
The bar
berpole worm/Haemonchus contortus, prefers _____ as its FH
The swine kidney worm is found worldwide except in
Name the ruminant TASE producing parasites:
Haemonchus spp
Ostertagia spp.
Cooperia spp.
Trichostrongylus spp
Nematodirus spp is in this group although NO TASE ova
Stephanurus dentatus
Premunition is defined a
parasitic resistance by an already infested host
The ____ larval stage of the Strongyle may go into a hypobiotic state>
A morphological characteristic of the Nematodirus ova is that it is:
football shaped
Ruminant strongyle infestations reach peak numbers
Spring, summer and fall
Urine samples are spun at ________ in a ___________ centrifuge,
1200 to 1500 rpm

fixed head
Using the urine sedimentation technique, you can identify which ruminant TASE?
Sstephanurus dentatus
Ivermectin is not a anthelmintic for which HOCT complex parasite?
Which parasite for the HOCT complex does NOT infest the abomasum?
Cooperia spp.
Which parasite of the HOCT complex is the most fertile?
Haemonchus spp.
Which parasite of the HOCT complex is the least fertile?
Trichostrongylus spp.
The fluid at the top of the centrifuged urine sample is called the
the cellular component at the bottom of the centrifuged urine sample is the
gender of the Free living generation of Strongyloides is:
male and female
The obligate generation of Strongyloides are:
all female (this parasites infectives are all female)
The obiligate generation of Equine strongyles reproduce by a method called:
mititic parthinogenesis