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39 Cards in this Set

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Class for dopamine
Action for dopamine
Naturally occuring catecholamine that increases cardiac output without increasing myocardial o2 consumption. Maintains renal/mesentric blood flow while inducing vasoconstriction and increasing systolic BP
Indications for dopamine
Renal/mesentric, Cardiac, Anaphylaxis
Dose(s)for dopamine
Renal/mesentric 2-5mcg/kg/min
Cardiac 10mcg/kg/min
Anaphylaxis: 20mcg/kg/min
Contra for dopamine
Hypovolemic hypotension w/o aggressive fluid resuscitation, tachydysrhythmias, V-fib, and pheochromocytoma
Pre for dopamine
Occlusive vascular disease, cold injury, arterial embolism, assure adequate fluid adequate fluid resuscitation of the hypovolemic patient
Side effects of dopamine
Hyoptension, ectopic beats, tachycardia, palpitations, vasoconstriction, N/V, anginal chest pain, cold extremities
class for succinylcholine
depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
action for succinylcholine
ultra short acting depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Indications for succ.
Facilitated end tracheal intubation
dose for succ.
1-1.5 mg/kg IV/IM
Contra for succ.
hypersensitivity, family history of malignant hypothermia, penetrating eye injury, narrow angle glaucoma
pre for succ.
sev. burn or crush injury, electrolyte imbalances, hepatic/renal/cardia/pulmonary impairment; fractures. severe anemia, porphyria
side effects for succ
brady/tachy, hyper/hyoptension, dysrhythmias, sinus arrest, resp. depression, bronchospasm, hyopoxia,apnea, hyperkalemia
Class of nitrous oxide
Action of NO
self-administered analgesic gas composed of 50%nitrous and 50%o2. lasts only 2-5 min after admin ceases
Indications for NO
Musculoskeletal injury, burn and ischemic chest pain and severe anxiety
Dose for NO
self administered untill pain relieved or pt drops mask
Contra for NO
possible bowel obstruction, pneumothorax or tension pneumo, COPD, head injury, impaired mental status, or drug intoxication
pre for nitrous oxide
use in well ventilated area may cause N/V
Side effects of nitrous oxide
dizziness, n/v, ALOC, hallucinations
Class for heparin
action for heparin
rapid onset, enhancing effects of both ant thrombin 111 and blocking conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and fibrinogen to fibrin
indications for heparin
prevent thrombus formation in acute MI
dose for heparin
5,000 units IV, then 20,000-40,000 over next 24hrs
Class of etomidate
action of etomidate
ultra short acting non barbituate hypnotic with no analgesic effects and limited CV and resp. effects
Indications for etomidate
induce sedation for RSI
Dose for etomidate
0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV over 15-30sec
Contra for etomidate
hypersensitivity, hyoptension
pre for etomidate
marked hypotension, severe asthma, or secondary CV disease
side effects of etomidate
apnea, hyper/hypotension, tachy/bradycardia,hyper/hypoventilation, laryngospasm, dysrhythmias, NV
Class of amyl nitrite
action of amyl N
short acting vasodilator similar to nitroglycerin. binds with hemoglobin to help biodegrade cyanide
indications for amyl n
acute cyanide poising
dose for amyl n
0.3 ml ampule/min (crushed) until sodium nitrite infusion ready
Contra for amyl n
pre for amyl
side effects of amyl n
HA, syncope, tachycardia, cardiac collapse