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92 Cards in this Set

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Optic Foramen transmits
-optic nerve, optic artery, optic vein, and sympathetic nerves from carotid plexus
fibrous out layer- adds rigidity to the eye-- anterior portion is transparent (cornea)
Middle layer, vascular, contains iris, cilliary body, and choroid
Mydriasis innervation
dilator is sympathetic
Miosis innervation
constrictor and cilliary muscle are parasympathetic
what does the retina do
neurosensory, converts light into neural impulses, impulses carried via optic nerve to brain
covers globe and lines eyelids --very absorbent membrane
arterial blood flow to eye
internal and external carotid arteries
venous from orbit
superior and inferior opthalmic veins
venous from the eye
primarily via central retinal vein
all veins empty into the _______
cavernous sinus
Oculomotor nerve innervates
motor to cillary ganglion --pupil sphincter and cillary muscle
Trochlear nerve
supplies to superior oblique muscle
Abducens nerve
supplies lateral rectus muscle
trigeminal and facial nerves
also supply musculature of the eye
What makes Aqueous Humor
Ciliary body 2/3 formed in posterior chamber 1/3 formed from vessels of the iris via passive filtration
Production rate of AQ and total volume
2.5 micro L/min and 250 micro L
Aqueous humor osmotic pressure is _____ than plasma
AQ active secretory process
carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome oxidase systems
What is actively transported to make AQ? what follows?
NA hco3 and cl follow
Flow of AQ
1 cillary body 2 Posterior chamber via pupil 3 anterior chamber 4 drains to venous system through canal of schlemm
Normal IOP=
rise in IOP causes
acute glaucoma
Positional changes cause what change in IOP
When is IOP atmospheric
once eye cavity is opened
3 main factors that affect IOP
external pressure on the eye, scleral rigidity, and changes in intraocular contents which are semisolid or fluid
Intubation and IOP
Hyperventilation and IOP
hypoventilation, hypoxia, increased co2 and IOP
increase IOP
Inhalation agents IOP
dose dependent decrease
Caution with etomidate when
ruptured globe decrease IOP
Why does SUCC increase IOP
tonic contractions of extraocular muscles -- choroidal dilation of vasculature -- relaxes orbital smooth muscle -- increases resistance of the outflow of aqueous humor from eye
how much does succ increase IOP
pre treatment for succ
Non depolarizers, benzos, b blocker acetazolamide.
avoid succ in ______ surgery
strabismus--- working of the muscles
how does acetazolamide decrease IOP
inactivates carbonic anhydrase and interferes with NA pump reducing AQ formation
How do hypertonic solutions decrease IOP?
elevate plasma oncotic pressure which reduces formation of aq humor
explain oculocardiac reflex
pressure on the globe or traction on the extraocular muscles stimulate vagus nerve and cause bradycardia or other arhythmia
trigeminal nerve
is afferent limb of oculocardiac reflex five and dime
vagus nerve
is efferent limb X of oculocardiac reflex
treatment of oculocardiac reflex
stop surgery, atropine, lidocaine at site, assess anesthetic depth, and ventilation
Opthalmic drug Acetylcholine
lens extractions, produces miosis, Systemic effects of bradycardia salivation, bronchial secretions, bronchospasm, hypotenstion
glaucoma treatment, miosis, decrease IOP decrease resistance to aqueous humor ouflow.
Systemic effects: irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor, plasma cholinesterase activity 5% of normal, activity normalizes after 4-6 weeks
nasal packs, vasoconstriction, blocks reuptake of norepi, potentiates SNS, avoid sympathomimetics
open angle glaucoma treatment, don't know how it works!
mydriasis, capillary decongestant, systemic effects are rare, HTN tachycardia, headache, and tremulousness
glaucoma treatment, nonselective B antagonist, decrease IOP by decrease aq humor production.
systemic absorption bradycardia, hypotension, asthma, myasthenia gravis
B-1 glaucoma treatment, minimal systemic effects, more eye specific
anticholinergic, mydriasis, cns toxicity, dysarthria, disorientation, frank psychosis, sz in kids
Anesthesia requirement for EYE surgery
safety, akinesia, profound analgesia, minimal bleeding, obtundation of oculocardiac reflex, smooth emergence.
local anesthetic injected into muscle cone behind the globe near cillary nerve
retrobulbar block
what can enhance the spread of local anesthetic with retrobulbar block
hyaluronidase and Honan cuff
optic nerve trauma, retrobulbar hemorrhage, increase IOP, oculocardiac reflex, intravascular injection, apnea
advantages of RB block
decrease incidence of coughing and straining, decrease incidence of PONV, minimal sedation requirements ANALGESIA AKINESIA
brainstem anesthesia
direct injection or spread of local anesthetic along optic nerve sheath. usually only lasts an hour
treatment for retrobulbar hemorrhage.
gentle pressure for 20 min lateral canthotomy
disadvantages of topical eye anesthesias
eye movement, anxiety, and allergic reactions
goals of open globe surgery
modified RSI, prevent aspiration, and prevent sudden increase in IOP
strabismus surgery
most common surgery of peds, triggers occulocardiac reflex, increased incidence of MH, avoid succ,
oculogastric relfex
frequent PONV, antiemetics, limit narcotics, hydrate, lidocaine at op site
examples of intraocular surgery
glaucoma drainage, vitrectomy, keraoplasty, cataract extraction
gas bubble Air, sulfur, perfuoropropine, octafluorocyclobutane
5, 10, 30, 14 days
Inspiratory stridor
upper airway obstruction
expiratory stridor
lower airway obstruction
contraindications for Jet vent
pediatrics, obesity, bullous emphysema
advantages of laser therapy
increased precision, less bleeding, rapid healing
laser safety
saline soaked eye pads, goggles, laser masks, paralyze patient, laser tubes fill cuff with liquid, reduce fio2 <30%
in case of airway fire
stop ventilation, turn off o2, remove ett, extinguish fire, reintubate and ventilate, CXR, bronch, steroids, ABGS Postop Vent
Tonsillectomy pearls
avoid sedation, consider steroids, oral rae ett- throat pack- paralysis or deep anesthesia, awake extubation, put in tonsil position. Large EBL
Most common complication of tonsillectomy
bleeding 4-6hr and then 5-10 days postop
bleeding tonsil surgery
rehydration is key fluid bolus until no orthostatic changes, ketamine or etomidate
Manipulation of neck structures can cause dysrhythmias
carotid sinus- vagal reflex
right stellate ganglion- prolonged QT interval
pain control for myringotomy tubes
rectal tylenol, im morphine or fentanyl, intranasal fentanyl
25% of lefort 2 and 3 have what
a dural tear resulting in a csf leak, need to rule out basilar skull fracture. NO NASAL tubes
trach placement and complications
3rd or 4rth tracheal cartilage and hemorrhage, false passage, pneumothorax, airway fire
how many days to establish new tract
half life of t4
6-7 days changes to t3 in the extrathyroid tissue
Half life of t3
24-30 hours, more potent 80% made in tissue 20% from thyroid, less protein bound
Fibrous outer layer of eye
Contains iris cilliary body and choroid
Covers globe and lines eyelids
Controls pupillary sphincter and ciliary muscle
Superior oblique
Lateral rectus
Submandibular abscess progressing to generalized cellulitis
Ludwigs angina
Symptoms of Ludwigshafen angina
Induration of neck drooling protruding tongue difficulty speaking
Systemic effects of thyroxine
^ contractile state of cardiac muscle, ^beta decrease alpha
Graves disease- goiter exophthalmos clubbed fingers
Graves disease anesthesia
Ptu beta blockers gluco corticoids
Avoid what meds graves disease
Ketamine pancuronium ephedrine epinephrine
Unilateral Ron injury
Bilateral Rln injury
Aphonia tube em