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25 Cards in this Set

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What is pancreatitis.
Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas and pancreatic enzymes leak out into the surrounding tissue.
What are words that describe Chronic Pancreatitis? Select all that apply:
a. continuous inflammation
b. destruction of the pancreas
c. scar tissue replaces pancreatic tissue.
a. continous inflammation.
b. destruction of pancreas.
c. scar tissue replaces pancreatic tissue.
What causes Pancreatitis?
*Alcohol is greatest cause
peptic ulcer disease
ischemic valvular disease
biliary tract disease
viral/bacterial disease
Where does pain occur in acute pancreatitis?
*sudden onset of pain
*midepigastric, upper left quadrant
*radiates to the back
* aggravated by a fatty meal, alcohol, lying down flat
*abdominal tenderness
What are other signs of acute pancreatitis on assessment?
*Cullen's sign (blue abdomen)
*Turner's sign (blue flanks)
* nausea and vomiting
* weight loss
* fever
* absent/ decreased bowel sounds
What labs are elevated in acute pancreatitis on assessement?
* glucose
* bilirubin
* alkaline
* phosphatase
* urinary amylase
* lipase
What labs are decreased in acute pancreatitis?
* calcium
* sodium
* magnesium (all from dehydration)
What type of diet should be implemented for chronic pancreatitis?
* small, frequent
* high carb
* high protein
* low fat
* supplements and vitamins
True or False:
NG tube, NPO status, TPN should be used for actue pancreatitis.
* NG tube
* NPO status
Drugs for Acute Pancreatitis include the three A's. They are:
a. anticholinergics (slow motility)
b. antihistamines (decreases HCl)
c. antacids (neutralize acid)
What should you teach the patient with acute pancreatitis?
* no alcohol
* observe for clay-colored stools
* observe for jaundice
* observe for dark urine
* notify physician for jaundice, clay colored stools, urine, and abdominal pain.
What drug should be administered for pain associated with Acute Pancreatitis?
Demerol. Don't give Morphine. Morphine increases spasm at the sphincter of Oddi.
What type of pain comes with Chronic Pancreatitis? Select all that apply:
a. gnawing, dullness
b. continuous burning
c. abdominal tenderness
a. gnawing, dullness
b. constant burning
c. abdominal tenderness
These are other findings on assessment of Chronic Pancreatitis:
a. steatorrhea
b. foul-smelling stool
c. left upper quadrant mass
d. jaundice
e. weight loss
f. musclewasting
g. signs and symptoms of diabetes
What drug is given for pain in Chronic Pancreatitis?
Demerol. Not Morphine because it increases the spasms at the sphincter of Oddi.
True or False: Implementations for Chronic Pancreatitis include:
a. NPO status (avoids pain from eating)
b. TPN if needed
true. both a (NPO status) b (TPN for depletion) are implemented for chronic pancreatitis.
What type of diet should the patient with Chronic Pancreatitis follow?
*no alcohol
*small frequent meals
*high carb
*high protein
*low fat
*no caffeine
Why are pancreatic enzymes given to the patient with Chronic Pancreatitis?
to help absorb and digest fat and protein
Why is insulin given to the patient with Chronic Pancreatitis.
The Chronic Pancreatitis patient may exhibit signs and symptoms of diabetes. Insulin or oral hypoglycemics are given to control diabetes.
When should the patient notify the physician?
* steatorrhea
* abdominal distention
* cramping
* skin breakdown
What Hyposecretory drug is given to patients with Chronic Pancreatitis?
Tagamet (Cimetidine)
Name the pancreatic enzymes.
True or False. The pancreatic enzymes are given with meals to help with absorption of fat and protein.
What should you teach the patient with chronic pancreatitis who takes pancreatic enzymes?
swallow whole. enzymes are irritating when crushed.
How many calories per day should the patient with chronic pancreatitis consume?
4000-6000 calories per day.