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27 Cards in this Set

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body, tail, superior/anterior aspects of the head and the accessory duct of Santori are derived from
dorsal foregut (primordium)
posterior/inferior aspect of the head is derived from
ventral foregut (primordium)
secretin stimulates
bicarbonate and water secretion by duct cells in response to acid load and luminal fatty acids
Cholescystokinin stimulates
discharge of digestive proteins from acinar cells in response to fatty acids and protein digestion products
Widespread malformation, usually incompatible with life associated with an absent pancreas

IPF1/PDX1 mutations
pancreatic agenensis
most common clinically significant congenital anomaly of the pancreas

failure of the fetal duct systems of the dorsal adn ventral pancreatic primordia to fuse

bulk of pancreas (dorsal) drains through dorsal pancreatic duct and diminutive minor papilla

The duct of Wirsung is shorter than normal and drains only a small portion of the pancreas

patients are predisposed to chronic pancreatitis
pancreas divisum
Uncommon condition associated with other anomalies

one portion of ventral primordium becomes fixed, the other is drawn around duodenum

band like ring of normal pancreatic tissue completely encircles the second portion of the duodenum

duodenal obstruction; gastric distension, vomiting
Annular pancreas
Normal appearing pancreatic acini with the occasional presence of islets of Langerhans

may be visualized as a sessile mass, may cause pain from localized inflammation, may (rarely) incite mucosal bleeding

commonly in the stomach and duodenum, followed by jejunum, Meckel diverticula, and ileum
ectopic pancreas
relatively common pancreatic illness asscociated with biliary tract disease or alcholism

range from trivial inflammation and edema to severe extensive necrosis and hemorrhage

microvascular leakage causing edema, necrosis of fat by lipolytic enzymes, an accute inflammatory reaction, proteolytic destruction of pancreatic parenchyma, and destruction of blood vessels with subsequent interstitial hemorrhage

fat necrosis resultign from enzymatic destruction of fat cells-> combine with calcium in situ to form insoluble salts
acute pancreatitis
necrosis of pancreatic tissue affects acinar and ductal tissues as well as the islets of Langerhans

may be sufficient damage to the vasculature to cause hemorrhage

areas of red-black hemorrhage interspersed with foci of yellow white chalky fat necrosis

serous, slightly turbid, brown-tinged fluid in which globules of fat
acute necrotizing pancreatitis
Extensive parenchymal necrosis accompanied by diffuse hemorrhage within the substance of the pancreas
hemorrhagic pancreatitis
Recurrent attacks of severe pancreatitis usually beginning in childhood

mutation affecting site on the cationic trypsinogen molecule essential for cleavage of trypsin by trypsin itself
Cationic trysinogen (PRSS1) mutation
Pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor

prevents the auto digestion of the pancreas by activated trypsin
Serine Protease Inhibitor, Kazal Type 1 (SPINK1)
abdominal pain is the cardinal manifestation; constant and intense adn often referred to upper back

leukocytosis, DIC, fluid sequestration, acute respiratory syndrome, and diffuse fat necrosis

Peripheral vascular collapse and shock may occur

Glycosuria and hypocalcemia associated

elevated levels of amylase adn lipase
acute pancreatitis
repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis with irreversible impairment of pancreatic function

most commonly caused by alcohol is long term alcohol abuse

parenchymal fibrosis, reduced number and size of acini with relative sparing of the islets of Langerhans and variable dilation of pancreatic ducts

chronic inflammatory infiltrate around lobules and ducts

interlobular and intralobular ducts are frequently dilated adn contain protein plugs in their lumens

acinar loss; islets of Langerhans become embedded in the sclerotic tissue
chronic pancreatitis
pancreatic cysts believed to develop from anomalous development of the pancreatic ducts
congenital pancreatic cysts
cysts that lack epithelial lining

usually solitary and may be situated within the substance of the pancreas, or more commonly, attached to surface of gland

walling off of areas of peripancreatic hemorrhagic fat necrosis with fibrous

necrotic-hemorrhagic material rich in pancreatic enzymes surrounded by nonepithelial lined fibrous walls of granulations
benign cystic neoplasms composed of glycogen-rich low-cuboidal cells

clear, thin, straw-colored fluid

women in seventh decade of life

may also present as palpable abdominal masses
serous cystadenomas
cystic neoplasms that almost always arise in women

can be benigh, border malignant, or malignant

usually arise in body or tail

present as slow growing painless masses

filled with thick, tenacious mucin; dense "ovarian" stroma
mucinous cystic neoplasms
cystic neoplasms that contain mucin

can be benign, borderline malignant, or malignant

arise more frequently in men

involve head of pancreas
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms
Large, well circumscribed masses that have solid and cystic zones

neoplastic cells grow in solid sheets or, as papillary projections
solid-pseudopapillary tumor
Most frequently altered oncogene in pancreatic cancer

results in protein that is constiitutively active

activation of fos and jun
Most frequently inactivate tumor suppressor gene in pancreatic cancer
gene inactivated in 55% of pancreatic cancers

normal function is to suppress growth and promote apoptosis
Hard, stellate, gray-white, poorly defined masses

highly invasive, elicits an intense non neoplasmic host reaction composed o fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and extracellular matrix (desmoplastic response)
pancreatic carcinoma
marked distention of the biliary tree

often silent for a long time

liver often enlarged due to metastatic deposits

pain is usually first symptom but by that time disease beyond cure

weight loss, anorexia, generalized malaise, weakness

elaboration of platelet aggregating factors and procoagulants from the tumor or its necrotic products
pancreatic carcinoma
Rare neoplasms that occur primarily in children 1-15 years

fully malignant neoplasms, although survival may ben better than that for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas