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34 Cards in this Set

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Fibrates MOA:
Side effects:
MOA: PPAR-alpha agonist, ^lipoprotein lipase activity, ^VLDL clearance

Uses: Decreases TG, ^HDL

SE: myopathy, GI upset, gallstones
Statins MOA:
Side effects:
MOA: inhibits HMG coA reductase

Uses: decreases LDL

SE: ^ LFTs, myopathy
Niacin MOA:
Side Effects:
MOA: decreases VLDL production in liver

Uses: decreased LDL, ^ HDL

SE: flushing, HA, GI upset, ^LFTs, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
Resins MOA:


Side effects:
MOA: bile acid sequestrans

Uses: decreases LDL

SE: GI upset, decreased absorption of coumadin, digitalis
How do thiazides work:
inhibit Na/Cl reabsorption in distal convoluted tubule
How do loop diuretics work?
inhibits Na/K/Cl reabsorption in ascending limb of loop of henle
Triad of symptoms typical of severe aortic stenosis?
chest pain
heart failure
What does CHADS score stand for?
H: Hypertension (140/90 or on meds)
A: Age >75
D: diabetes
S: prior stroke or TIA

Determines need for anticoag therapy in afib
How does Heparin, LMWH work?
Stimulates Antithrombin III production:
inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin production
How do Plavix work?
inhibits ADP formation
decreased platelet aggregation
Murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
systolic crescendo-decrescendo at LLSB

increases with valsalva and standing
Etiologies causing restrictive cardiomyopathy?
-endomyocardial process (anthracycline, carcinoid)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy causes heart failure of what side more than the other?
Right sided > left
PE findings in aortic insufficiency?
-wide pulse pressure
-Corrigans pulse ("water hammer", rapid rise/fall)
-Pistol shot sound over femoral artery
-Mullers sign: systolic pulsations of uvula
Murmur in aortic insufficiency?
early diastolic decrescendo at LUSB

increases if sitting forward, with expiration, and with hand grip
Murmur in mitral regurg?
high pitched blowing holosystolic murmur at apex, radiates to axila (+/- thrill)
Murmur in mitral stenosis?
low pitched mid-diastolic rumble at apex, best heard in left lateral decub during expiration, decrescendo

opening snap (early diastolic sound)
Clinical findings of mitral stenosis?
pulmonary edema
embolic events
Hoarseness from left atrium compressing recurrent laryngeal nerve with mitral stenosis?
ortners syndrome
What is P mitrale?
left atrial enlargement
What is pulmonary artery pressure in severe mitral stenosis?
>50 mmHg
Causes of mitral stenosis?
rheumatic heart disease

mitral annular calcification (encroachment upon leaflets)

valvulitis (SLE, amyloid, carcinoid)
Most common cause of mitral regurg?
mitral valve prolapse
Murmur in mitral valve prolapse?
high pitched midsystolic click
+/- mid to late systolic murmur
Dx: Post MI syndrome with pericarditis and tamponade
Dresslers syndrome
Name of sign: distant heart sounds, dullness over left posterior lung field due to atelectasis from pericardial effusion
Ewart's sign
CXR finding in pericardial effusion?
water bottle sign (increased cardiac silhouette)
A Pericardial effusion of what size should be drained?
>2 cm
Definition of pulsus paradoxus?
decrease in SBP >10 during inspiration
What is kussmauls sign?
rise in JVP during inspiration (should decrease)
Echo findings in tamponade?
septal shift with inspiration
diastolic collapse of RA
changes in transvalvlar velocities with inspiration
Echo findings in constrictive pericarditis?
"septal bounce"
(displacement of septum during early diastole)
A high pitched S3 (early diastolic) heard in constrictive pericarditis?
pericardial knock
PE findings in constrictive pericarditis?
JVP with prominent y descent

kussmauls sign

pericardial knock

ascites, edema