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9 Cards in this Set

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What are the qualities scored in the Apgar score?
Color, heart rate, reflex irritability, muscle tone, respiration
What does a score of 0, 1, 2 represent for color?
0: blue or pale....1: pink body with blue extremities...2: completely pink
What does a score of 0, 1, 2 represent for heart rate?
Absent, slow(<100/min), >100/min
If a baby has term gestation, breathing, crying, and has good tone what do you do? If not, what do you do?
If yes, stay with mom and perform routine care; if not, warm, clear the airway, dry, and stimulate
If the baby's HR is < 100, is gasping, or has apnea what do you do? If not, what do you check for next?
PPV, SPO2 monitoring; check for labored breathing, or persistent cyanosis and if so, clear the airway, monitor SPO2, and consider CPA and continue with post resuscitation care
After a baby is born, If the HR continues to drop below 60, what do you do?
Consider intubation, CPR and if that doesn't help then give epi
After the baby is born, If there is no chest rise after CPR, what should you consider as possible causes?
Hypovolemia, pneumothorax
What is high quality CPR for the pediatric population?
-Rate at least 100/min
- compression depth to at least, 1/3 ant-post diameter of chest, about 1.5in in infants and 2 in. In children
-allow complete chest recoil after each compression
- minimize interruptions in compressions
- avoid excessive interruptions
What is the first thing you do for a peds patient if they are unresponsive, not breathing or only grasping?
Send someone to activate the AED and activate emergency response system