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29 Cards in this Set

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Peroneus Brevis
O- Distal 2/3 of lateral fibula
I- Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
Ropy, Both
Peroneus longus
O- Proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula
I- Plantar base of 1st metatarsal, plantar surface of medial cuneiform
Ropy, Superficial
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O-Distal 2/3 of posterior tibia
I- Distal phalanges of digits 2-5
Ropy, Deep
Tibialis Posterior
O- Length of proximal posterior shaft of tibia, proximal 3/4 of posterir fibula, interosseous membrane
I- navicular, cuboid base of 2-4 metatarsals, all cuneiforms
Ropy, Deep
O- Sloeal line of tibia, posterior surface of tibia and fibula
I- Calcaneus via the calcaneal tendon
Ropy, Both
O- Posterior, medial and lateral condyles of femur
I- Calcaneus via the calcaneal tendon
Ropy, Superficial
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O- Lateral, tibial condyle, proximal anterior shaft of fibula, interosseous membrane
I- Middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5
Ropy, Both
Tibialis Anterior
O- Upper 2/3 of lateral surface of tibia
I- Medial cuneiform & base of 1st metatarsal
Roby, Superficial
I- Pes anserine
NR, Superficial
Vastus Intermedius
O- Anterior and lateral Shaft of femur
I- Tibial tuberosity
Ropy, Deep
Vastus Medialis
O- Medial lip of linea aspera
I- tibial tuberosity
Ropy, Both
Vastus Lateralis
O- Lateral lip of linea aspera
I- tibial tuberosity
Ropy, Both
Rectus Femoris
I- tibial tuberosity
Ropy, Superficial
O- Ischial tuberosity
I- posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia
Ropy, Both
O- Ischial tuberosity
I- Pes anserine
Ropy, Superficial
Biceps Femoris
O- Long Head- Ischial tuberosity
Short Head- Lateral lip of linea aspera
I- Head of fibula
Ropy, Superficial
O- Inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
I- per anserine
Ropy, Superficial
O- Superior ramus of pubis
I- pectineal line of femur
Non Ropy, Both
Adductor Brevis
O-Inferior ramus of pubis
I- pectineal line of femur, linea aspera of femur
Non Ropy, Deep
Adductor Longus
O- Pubic tubercle
I- Medial lip of linea aspera mid femur
Non Ropy, Both
Adductor Magnus
O- inferior ramus of the pubis, ramus of the ischium, ischial tuberosity
I- Medial lip of the linea aspera of the posterior femur, adductor tubercle
Ropy, both
Quadratus Femoris
O- lateral border of ischial tuberosity
I- between the greater and lesser trochanters of posterior femur
Non Ropy, Deep
O- Anterior sacrum
I- Greater trochanter
Ropy, Deep
O- External iliac crest, posterior to ASIS
I- Iliotibial tract
Non Ropy, Superficial
O- Iliac fossa
I- Lesser trochanter
Non Ropy, Deep
Psoas Major
O-Bodies & TVp of L1-5
I- Lesser trochanter
Non Ropy, Deep
Gluteus Minimus
O-External ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
I- Anterior border of greater trochanter
Non Ropy, Deep
Gluteus Medius
O- External surface of ilium between iliac crest and posterios and anterior gluteal lines
I- Greater trochanter
Non Ropy, Both
Gluteus Maximus
O- Coccyx, sacrum, posterior iliac crest, sacrotuberous ligament, sacroiliac ligament
I- Upper- Iliotibial tract
Lower- gluteal tuberosity
Non Ropy, Superficial