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67 Cards in this Set

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Sheldons Somatype Theory

1940s theory

Attempts to connect Personality to body type

Now a rejected theory

Sheldon Somatype theory: Endomorphic

Round, short, soft

Slow, likes food, affection, complacent

Sheldon Somatype theory: Mesomorphic

Athletically built

Courageous, adventurous, dominant

Sheldon Somatype theory: Ectomorphic

Thin and light muscled

Tense, anxious, introverted

Objective Personality Tests

Direct approach to assessment of personality.

Self assessment

Projective Personality Tests

responding to vague, ambiguos stimuli

ex. rorscchash, draw a person test, sentence completion, TAT

these tend to have poor validity/reliability


Objective Personality Test

Personality inventory, self assessement


Thematic Appreception Test

what do you see in this image?

projective personality test

draw a person

projective personality test

evaluates cognition, asks people to draw


projective personality test

what do you see in this inkblot?

Hippocrates personality types *******


oldest personality theory

***Choleric- irritable- yellow bile

Melancholic- depressed- black bile

Sanguine- optimistic- blood

Phlegmatic- calm- phlegm

Freuds structure of personality

Id- Pleasure Principle

Ego- Reality Principle

Superego- Morality


Freuds structure of personality

strives for immediate satisfaction

primitive, sexual, agressive


Freuds structure of personality

reality principle

gates demands of id (pleasure principle)

social skills

takes maturation and learning to develop


Freuds structure of personality

Moral principle


strives for perfection

Freuds Levels of Awareness

Concious, preconcious, unconcious


Freuds Levels of Awareness

thoughts you're aware of presently


Freuds Levels of Awareness

thoughts justbeneath awareness that can be easily retrieved


Freuds Levels of Awareness

thoughts you’re notaware of WAY beneath conscious awareness

Defense Mechanisms

Anna Freud

coping technique that reduces anxiety from harmful impulses


Defense Mechanisms

Keepingdistressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious


Defense Mechanisms

Attributingone’s own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another


Defense Mechanisms

Divertingemotional feelings (usually anger) from their original sourceto a substitute target

Reaction formation

Defense Mechanisms

Behaving in a way that is exactly the opposite of one’s truefeelings


Defense Mechanisms

Areversion to immature patterns of behavior


Defense Mechanisms

Creatingfalse but plausible excuses to justify unacceptable behavior


Defense Mechanisms

Bolsteringself-esteem by forming an imaginary or real alliance with some person or group


Defense Mechanisms

Channelingunconscious, unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable or admirableactivities

Psychosexual stages


Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital

Oral stage

Freud Psychosexual stages

stage 1 (0-1 years)

way feeding is handled

basis for obsessive eating/smoking in life, oral fixation

Anal stage

Freud Psychosexual stages

stage 2 (2-3 years)

toilet training to early or late could cause a anal retentive or messy person

Phallic stage

Freud Psychosexual stages

stage 3 (4-5 years)

oedipus/electra complex

erotically tinged desires for opposite sex parent, hostility towards same sex parent

penis envy

Latency stage

Freud Psychosexual stages

stage 4 (6-12)

growth of superego, internalization of parental values

lack of this makes you a psychopath

Genital stage

Freud Psychosexual stages

stage five (puberty onward)

biological need to have sex conflicts with societal opinion

Consequence of stress

Behavioral, physiological, health, cognitive

“Nothingis either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”- Shakespeare

Our perception causesstress and anxiety. (quote)

GSR (Galvanic Skin Response)

Physiological reaction to stress

change in electrical properties of person skin

can be used to test stress levels

Physiological response to stress

RR = resting rate

ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

EEG =electroencephalograph

GSR = galvanic skinresponse

HR = heart rate

BP = blood pressure

Learned Helplessness

Behavioral reaction to stress

believe you have no power to change stressful situation

Health consequences of stress

physical- hypertension, stroke, heart disease, impaired immune system

psychological- psychopathology, impaired memory/performance,

cognitive consequence of stress

annoyance, apprehension, rejection,

behavioral consequence of stress

strategies for coping

blame, depression, catastrophic thinking, aggression, etc

terror mangement theory

behavioral coping with stress

knowing you will die makes you spend and do big things

conflicts leading to stress

Approach-approach- choose btw two attractive goals

Approach-avoidance- one goal has negative and positive aspects

Avoidance-avoidance-choosing btw two unattractive options

Double approachavoidance- two options have attraction and avoidance associated w it

James-Lange Theory of emotion

emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events. (physiological reactions happen before emotions)

Cannon-Bard Theory of emotion

emotional and physiological reactions occur simultaneously

Schacter's two factor theory of emotion

people label emotions according to the environmental stimulus and physiological cues

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Diffused emotional state related to fear, less intense but longer duration

symptoms: heart palpatations, tremors, sweating, shakes, rubbery leg

cause: stress



sympt: recurrent ideas, irresistable impulses

cause: anxiety caused by stress, possibly genetics

prognosis: good

conversion disorder

symptoms: hysteric dysfunction (Can't work part of the body) with no organic basis, usually in an organ system

cause: anxiety due to conflict or guilt

prognosis: fair

dissociative identity disorder

coexistence of two or more complete personalities in one person

most psychiatrists don't think it's a real disorder

role playing to save face for personal failures/caused by drama

therapist intervention may worsen it

schizophrenia general symptoms

delusions (false beliefs )


failure to show emotional response

inappropriate resounding

theories of schizophrenia

psycho-social- lack of love, consistency, parental model

biochemical/genetic explanation-more explained

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

hallucinations, delusions, peculiar behavior

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

flattened emotions, social withdrawal, no speaking

waxy flexibility

psychomotor symptom of catatonic schizophrenia

you move a persons arm and it stays there

vulnerability hypothesis of schizophrenia

genes related to neural connections and neurotransmitters

threshold event elicits the illness, for example

head injury

drug abuse


uterine developmental factors

positive symptoms of schizophrenia- dopamine hypothesis

excess dopamine activity is the neurochemical basis of this disorder

amphetamine hypothesis schizophrenia

small dose can bring out symptoms of schizophrenia

hypofrontality hypothesis of schizophrenia

decreased blood flow in prefrontal cortex of the brain, leads to decreased frontal function and differing brain activity

major depressive disorder

mood disorder

recurring episodes

dysmithic disorder

mood disorder

lower grande, longer duration

bipolar disorder

mood disorder

manic episodes separated by severe depression

cyclothimic disorder

mood disorder

bipolarity over long period, more mild

seasonal effective disorder

mood depressions

mild depression in the winter

causes of depression

genetics and neurotransmitter problems

neurotransmitter probs associated with depression




noradrenaline deficiency- sluggishness

dopamine defficiency- inability to enjoy self

seratonin defficiency- world seems grey