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119 Cards in this Set

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formed by maxilla and palatine bones and covered by mucous membrane and glands
hard palate
separates the oral and nasal cavity
hard palate
anterior portion of hard palate receives sensory innervation from?
nasopalatine n. V2
posterior portion of hard palate receives sensory innervation from?
greater palatine n. V2
What n. travels from the sphenoid/ethmoidal foramen across the top of the nasal cavity to the medial wall to the incisive foramen?
nasopalatine n. V2
What n. travels from the greater palatine canal to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?
greater palatine n. V2
supplies anterior portion of hard palate?
sphenopalatine a.
What a. travels along the medial wall of the nasal cavity and through the incisive foramen?
sphenopalatine a.
supplies posterior portion of hard palate?
greater palatine a. (descending palatine a. from maxillary a.)
What a. travels through greater palatine foramen across the hard palate and back up the incisive foramen?
greater palatine a.
location of greater and lesser palatine foramina?
palatine bone
location of soft palate?
posterior to hard palate
parts of the musculomembranous sheet of soft palate?
palatine aponeurosis and palatine uvula
Where does palatine aponeurosis originate?
tensor veli palatini m.
What is attached to the posterior margin of the hard palate?
palatine aponeurosis
What is located under the hamulus of the sphenoid bone and connects on either side of the hard palate to form the palatine aponeurosis?
tensor veli palatini m.
mm. used in swallowing?
tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini mm.
Action: tensor veli palatini m.
tenses soft palate
Innervation: tensory veli palatini m.
Mandibular V3
Action: levator veli palatini m.
Elevates the soft palate
Innervation: levator veli palatini m.
Vagus CN X via pharyngeal plexus
Insertion: levator veli palatini m.
palatine aponeurosis
closes nasopharynx so no backflow occurs when swallowing?
levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini mm.
what n. supplies general sensory innervation to the pharynx?
Glossopharyngeal CN IX
What n. supplies general sensory innervation to soft palate?
lesser palatine n. V2
blood supply to soft palate?
lesser palatine a. (descending palatine a.) and ascending palatine a. (facial a.)
Which palate is part of the intermaxillary segment during development?
primary palate
What structure is formed from fused medial nasal prominences?
intermaxillary segment (primary palate)
The two lateral palatine processes (shelves) form what?
secondary palate
The two lateral palatine processes and thus the secondary palate form from the outgrowth of what?
maxillary prominences
The two lateral palatine processes grow obliquely on either side of the tongue during which week of development?
6th week
The lower jaw develops and the tongue moves inferiorly during which week of development?
6th week
Palatine processes become horizontal and fuse during which weeks of development?
between 7th and 11th weeks
During weeks 7-11 of development, the palatine processes fuse how?
at the midline, with the posterior portion of the primary palate, and with the nasal septum (frontonasal prominence)
When do the palatine processes fuse at the midline, with the posterior portion of the primary palate, and w/ the nasal septum?
during weeks 7-11 of development
When does bone development of the hard palate occur?
12th week
During the 12th week of development the hard palate develops from?
primary palate and anterior portion of secondary palate
The primary palate and anterior portion of secondary palate form what during 12th week of development?
hard palate
What palate has no bone?
soft palate
When does the soft palate form during development?
week 12
What forms the soft palate during week 12 of development?
posterior portion of secondary palate and uvula
The posterior portion of secondary palate and uvula form what during 12th week of development?
soft palate
What forms when the lower jaw and tongue doesn't drop?
cleft palate
Cleft lip and palate anterior to incisive foramen?
anterior cleft
Condition w/ cleft lip and cleft palate between primary and secondary palates?
anterior cleft
Cleft lip and palate posterior to incisive foramen?
posterior cleft
Cleft between the two lateral palatine processes?
posterior cleft
Any defect in the lip
cleft lip
most common type of cleft lip?
occurs w/ higher incidence w/ increasing maternal age?
cleft lip
occurs from failure of maxillary prominences to merge and fuse w/ medial nasal prominence(s) on the affected side?
cleft lip
higher incidence in males?
cleft lip
an opening remains between the lateral palatine processes, and/or between the lateral palatine processes and the primary palate
cleft palate
occurs from failure of lateral palatine processes to fuse w/ each other, the primary palate, and/or the nasal septum
cleft palate
higher incidence in females
cleft palate
also occurs from a lack of formation of palatine uvula
cleft palate
communicated anteriorly w/ the nares and posteriorly w/ the pharynx via choanae
nasal cavity
openings in back of nasal cavity to pharynx
roof of nasal cavity?
nasal bone, frontal bone, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone
Which part of nasal cavity used for respiratory purposes?
inferior 2/3
Which part of nasal cavity used for olfactory purposes?
superior 1/3
nasal bone part of what in nasal cavity?
frontal bone part of what in nasal cavity?
sphenoid bone part of what in nasal cavity?
ethmoid bone part of what in nasal cavity?
What makes up the palate (floor) of nasal cavity?
maxilla and palatine bone
maxilla part of what in nasal cavity?
palatine bone part of what in nasal cavity?
What makes up the medial wall (nasal septum) of the nasal cavity?
Vomer, perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone, septal cartilage
Vomer bone part of what in nasal cavity?
medial wall (nasal septum)
Perpendicular plate part of which wall of nasal cavity?
medial wall (nasal septum)
What makes up lateral wall of nasal cavity?
superior nasal concha, middle nasal concha, inferior nasal concha
superior nasal concha part of which bone?
superior nasal concha part of which wall of nasal cavity?
lateral wall
middle nasal concha part of which bone?
middle nasal concha part of which wall of nasal cavity?
lateral wall
inferior nasal concha part of which wall of nasal cavity?
laterael wall
concha covered w/ mucosal lining
drains the sphenoid sinus
sphenoethmoidal recess
anterior to opening of sphenoid sinus in nasal cavity?
sphenoethmoidal recess
drains posterior ethmoid sinus
superior meatus
parts of middle meatus of nasal cavity?
bulla ethmoidalis and hiatus semilunaris
part of nasal cavity lateral to turbinates?
round elevation in the nasal cavity caused by bulging of the middle ethmoidal sinus that drains into it
bulla ethmoidalis
curved cleft between bulla ethmoidalis and uncinate process in the nasal cavity
hiatus semilunaris
contains openings to drain anterior ethmoidal sinus, frontal sinus, and maxillary sinus
hiatus semilunaris
drains nasolacrimal duct
inferior meatus
special sensory innervation to nasal cavity?
Olfactory CN I
projection of these nn. through cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
Olfactory CN I
general sensation to nasal cavity?
Ophthalmic V1 and Maxillary V2
general sensory innervation to nasal septum?
anterior ethmoidal nn. (nasociliary V1) and nasopalatine nn. (Maxillary V2)
general sensory innervation to lateral wall of nasal cavity?
anterior ethmoidal nn. (nasociliary V1), lateral posterior superior nasal n. (Maxillary V2), and lateral posterior inferior nasal n. (greater palatine n. V2)
anterior ethmoidal nn. (nasociliary n. V1) supply general sensory innervation where?
nasal septum and lateral wall of nasal cavity
nasopalatine n. V2 supplies general sensory innervation where?
nasal septum
lateral posterior superior nasal n. V2 supplies general sensory innervation where?
lateral wall of nasal cavity
lateral posterior inferior nasal n. V2 supplies general sensory innervation where?
lateral wall of nasal cavity
blood supply to nasal cavity?
anterior ethmoidal aa., posterior ethmoidal aa., sphenopalatine a., branches of facial a.
anterior ethmoidal a. supplies which area of nasal cavity?
superior 1/3
posterior ethmoidal a. supplies which area of nasal cavity?
superior 1/3
sphenopalatine a. supplies which area of nasal cavity?
inferior 2/3
branches of facial a. supply which part of nasal cavity?
inferior 2/3
highly vascularized region on the anterior region of the septum that is a common site for nosebleeds (epistaxis)
Kiesselbach's area
Kiesselbach's area is highly vascularized by what aa.?
anterior ethmoidal a., superior labial a., greater palatine a., sphenopalatine a.
4-17 small sinuses located medial to the orbit and lateral to the nasal cavity
ethmoidal sinuses
helps lighten the skull and resonating in speaking
ethmoidal sinuses
drains into superior or middle meatus
ethmoidal sinuses
sinus w/in the frontal bone
frontal sinus
drains into the middle meatus
frontal sinus and maxillary sinus
largest sinus w/in maxilla
maxillary sinus
adjacent to maxillary teeth, orbit, and infratemporal region
maxillary sinus
most frequently infected sinus
maxillary sinus
sinus posteriorly located w/in sphenoid bone
sphenoid sinus
drains through an opening into sphenoethmoidal recess
sphenoid sinus
This sinus is used to access tumors (adenomas) on the pituitary gland
sphenoid sinus
drains through an opening located superiorly, and therefore drains only when it is completely filled; secretions can be collected and remain in this sinus, increasing risk of infections
maxillary sinus
can cause referred tooth pain
maxillary sinus pain
maxillary sinus causes referred tooth pain because of what n.?
posterior and middle superior alveolar nn. V2
Abscesses in what can extend close to the maxillary sinus and can cause an infection?
roots of molars and premolars
Rhinorrhea testing positive for glucose (CSF) could indicate what?
fracture of ethmoidal sinuses