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29 Cards in this Set

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3 party primaries replace what?



when party insiders get together and decided the candidates who will run in each party

direct democracy

tried to set up a system where policy (skips legislature) and goes from the public straight to law

to break political parties/urban machines up

1. restrictions on immigration

2. literacy tests

3. poll taxes

4. residency requirements

types of interest groups

economic, single issue, ideological,public

economic interest groups

seeks public policies that will provide monetary benefits to its memebers

-sets policy to help themselves economically

-tend to give money to who they think will win

-lobbying are oriented towards giving money to economic groups

single issue interest groups

has a FOCUSED GOAL, they don't just give money based off who they think will win

ideological/partisan interest group

tries to promote the interest of a particular type of candidate

-strategic giver in campaigns

-money often goes to the close race elections

-the leaders are associated with them

-leaders flip money around and give money to lover members of their party

public interest groups

seek procedural changes to clean up the system in general

-generally have no money to contribute

mass media

sources that provide information to average citizens on a day to day basis



tv stations

the internet



-surveys show they are more liberal

-self reported ideology is more liberal

reporters care about..

audience, professional ethics and norm

the more powerful bias

easier to tell a story when its CONCRETE AND non technical events

5 stage model of media rates

1. must decide if something is worth covering

2. whom they will speak to/sources/documents used

3. reporter bias: journalists choose the words used and what is said in it

4. new staff bias: editors choose what to run and how to present it

5. audience bias: the audience chooses what they want to hear and believe

event bias-GARY Hart in 1988

gary hart was a senator from colorado. problem- there were rumors that he was having an affair with a model

george w bush won his election after having an affair why?

his affair was not covered in the media because he was kind to the reporters and gave them hot cocoas and cookies...the reporters liked him

event bias: racist diatribe

the reporters thought it was a real congress scandal and real congressman saying racist comments

event bias: facts are stupid things

reagans speech structure-was to talk about a problem he inherited, stats and of it got better and then say facts are STUBBORN, he was nervous and instead said facts are STUPID ...it ruined his speech and reports twisted the story

interest groups..

engage in a variety of activities-lobbyosts=IG

inside strategies (in DC/ the gov)

1. direct lobbying to persuade legislatures

2. testify before congressional hearings

3. draft proposed lesgislation/amendments

4. litigating against the gov to change policies-file suits

outside strategies

1. campaign contribution-give money to candidates

2. electioneering(send ppl door to door for candidates)

3. issuing reports and studies

4. grass roots lobbying-blogs, email lists

5. contentious politics-protesting

activities by frequence...

Interest groups do these

-direct lobbying

-inject info into the system for more informed policies


-write laws

-1/3 of IG dont give money of campaign contributions

why do we have these groups?

1. perception that they are corrupt

2.perception that they corrupt the system

3.perception that they have too much influence

4. perception that they favor narrow,not public 5. interests

there is a huge amount of money in campaigns...so what the hell are we doing with it??

BUYING TIME not votes, not elections, not access

free rider problem

1. producing a public good; you cant restrict the benefits

2. individual contributions do not mater

3. there is no way to punish those who fail to contribute

america is a healthy place to grow old but a dangerous place to be young meaning...

in the US old people live long lives; babies die at a faster rater

social security depletion

all of the social security money that we "saved" that national government has already spent

focusing on race

-American dilemma




