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21 Cards in this Set

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What does PACU stand for?
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
When a patient is transferred from surgery, what information is important for the PACU nurse to know? (many possible answers)
General pt info, pt history.
Intraoperative management: anesthesia used, other meds given, blood loss, fluid replacement totals, urine output.
Intraoperative course: unexpected anesthetic reactions, vs, monitoring trends
While in PACU priority care includes monitoring and management of what?
Respiratory and circulatory function, pain, temperature and surgical site.
Patients at higher risk for respiratory problems include:
Those receiving general anesthesia, older, smoke heavily, have lung disease, are obese, and those undergoing thoracic, airway or abdominal surgery.
Why are patients receiving general anesthesia at high risk for respiratory problems?
The patient is paralyzed and usually entubated.
What are two ways to treat a patient having a laryngospasm?
Use positive pressure or paralyze the patient.
What is the goal of a neurological assessment post-surgery?
Get the patient back to LOC they were before surgery.
What is the primary purpose of PACU?
The primary purpose of a PACU is the ongoing critical evaluation and stabilization of clients, with emphasis on anticipation, prevention, and treatment of complications after a surgical procedure.
Upon admission to the PACU, what devices are used to monitor the patient?
EKG monitor, pulse ox, B/P device and oxygen.
Who is responsible for giving report on the client's condition to the PACU nurse?
CRNA or Anesthesiologist, and the circulating nurse.
Before the PACU nurse acceptss the patient, what should he/she check for?
Evaluaate vital signs and compare with previous, check all dressings, drains andd attached equipment. I&O may be recorded based on procedure.
What are the three phases of PACU progression?
Phase 1: intense moniitoring and client care. Preparing for phase 2 or inpatient unit.
Phase 2: Ambulatory surgical clients. Preparing for phase 3 home or extended care facility..
Phase 3: Extended care/observation. Preparing the client for self care.
During the intial assessment, what would the PACU nurse focus on?
#1 Priority: adequacy of airway! Review types of O2, oral or nasal airway by et tube, review oropharyngeal suctioning, assess for respiratory obstruction. Respriatory rate, rhythm, accessory muscles, breath sounds and O2 sat.
While assessing cardiovascular status in a post op patient, the nurse focuses on:
EKG monitoring, vital signsevery 15 mins until client is stable, MAP, peripheral vascular assessment.
In the PACU's initial neurological assessment, one should assess:
LOC, orientation, sensory and motor status, size and equality of pupils.
To assess fluid and electrolyte balances in the post op patient, the nurse monitors:
Assess for deficit or overload, I&O, hydration, IV fluids, and acid base balance. GET ALL OF THE INFORMATION FROM THE SURGICAL TEAM FOR I&Os.
What is the most common renal/urinary problem in post op clients?
Urinary retention.
The nurse is assessing the post surgical patient's gastrointestinal system, what could be expected?
Nausea/vomitting. GI peristalsis may be slowed. Some clients my have an NG tube.
List the PACU nursing interventions IN ORDER
O2/Airway, encourage cough and deep breathing, V/S q 15min, monitor I&O, monitor return sensory and motor function, monitor neuro status, LOC, surgical site analgesics as appropriate, determine if client meets D/C criteria, report to post op nursing unit.
As a client is waking from anesthesia, what things should the nurse say to help orient them to the situation?
Explain the surgery is over, location, family/friend notified, who is caring for pt.
What is the post anesthesia unit's discharge criteria?
Client awake (or baseline)
VS Stable, No excess bleeding or drainage
No respiratory depression, Oxygen saturation > 90%, Report given