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42 Cards in this Set

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Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
Florida Purchase Treaty/Transcontinental Treay- the US paid Spain $5million for Florida, Spain recognized America's claim to the Oregon country
American system
set of proposals by Henry Clay that called for a national bank, protective tariffs, & internal improvements
Andrew Jackson
US general who defeated the N.As @ Horseshoe Bend
Battle of New Orleans
a major battle of the War of 1812
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
brought on a war crisis when the British warship Leopard attacked the American warship Chesapeake
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
case in which the Supreme Court prevented New Hampshire from changing Dartmouth's charter to make it a public institution
embargo act (1807)
law passed by congress stopping all US exports until British and French interference w/ US merchant ships stopped
Fletcher v. Peck (1810)
established the court's power to invalidate state laws contrary to the Constitution
Gibbon v. Ogden (1824)
landmark case in which the Supreme Court struck down a NY law that granted a monopoly to certain steam-boats operating b/w NY and NJ
Hartford Convention
meeting of New Eng. state leaders in 1814; the delegates called for restrictions on embargoes and limits on presidential tenure
Henry Clay
leading American statesman. member of congress, speaker of the house, senator, and secretary of state, and made 3 failed attempts at president
the forceful drafting of American sailors into the British navy
John Marshall
chief justice of the US Supreme Court
Louisiana Purchase
an 828,000 sq-mi region purchased from France in 1803 for $15million
macon's bill no 2 (1810)
modified embargo that replaced the non-intercourse act of 1809. reopened trade w/ both Britain and France but held that if either agreed to respect America's neutrality in their conflict, the US would end trade w/ the other
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
court case that established the principle of judicial review
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
the Supreme Court established the supremacy of federal law over state law. court set aside a MD law that attempted to control the actions of the Baltimore branch of the 2nd National Bank of the US
Missouri Compromise (1820)
settlement of a dispute over the spread of slavery that was authored by Henry Clay
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
issued to counter a perceived threat from European powers to the newly-independent nations of Latin America
non-intercourse act (1809)
replaced the embargo policy by allowing American trade w/ all countries except Britain and France
panic of 1819
severe depression that followed the economic boom of the post-war of 1812 years
2nd Bank of the US
national bank organized in 1816; it held federal tax receipts and regulated the amount of money circulating in the economy
Treaty of Ghent (1815)
agreement that ended the War of 1812 but was silent on the causes of the war
war hawks
young congressmen in the 12th congress from the south who demanded war with Britain
corrupt bargain
agreement b/w presidential candidates Henry Clay and JQA during the disputed election of 1824
Daniel Webster
noted orator, constitutional lawyer, senator, secretary of state, and major spokesman for nationalism and the union in the 1830's, 40's, and 50's
democratic party
the modern day, major political party whose antecedents can be traced to the democratic republican party
"Exposition and Protest"
document secretly written by John Calhoun in support of nullification
"his accidency"
nickname given to John Tyler in 1841 by his opponents when he assumed the presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison
Indian removal act (1830)
gave the president authority to negotiate treaties w/ se'rn tribes and to trade their land in the E for territory in the west
John C. Calhoun
vice president under both JQA and Andrew Jackson. wrote "Exposition and Protest"
John Quincy Adams
son of president John Adams and secretary of state who helped purchase Florida and formulate the Monroe Doctrine and president who supported an activist gov't and economic nationalism
market revolution
the process that took place in 19th century America in which an economy dominated by small farmers and manufacturers produced for a distant cash market
Martin Van Buren
senator, vice president, and president of the US. panic of 1837. free soil party
theory that the states created the Constitution as a compact among them and they were the final judge of constitutionality of federal law
panic of 1837
a major depression that lasted from 1837-1844
pet banks
financial institutions friendly to Andrew Jackson's administration that received federal funds when he vetoed the second national banks's recharter in 1832
specie circular (1836)
a federal gov't action to dampen inflation brought on by land speculation following the closure of the 2nd national bank
spoils system
practice of appointing people to gov't positions as a reward for their loyalty and political support
tariff of abominations
name given to a high tariff passed in 1828
trail of tears (1838)
removal of some 18,000 Cherokees, evicted from lands in SE'rn US and marched to Indian Territory
political party formed in 1832 in opposition to Andrew Jackson