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199 Cards in this Set

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Above/below iliopectineal line: true/false?
above - false
below - true
Posterior boundary of pelvis
piriformis muscle
lumbosacral plexus
Lateral boundary of pelvis
obturator internus
obturatur n,v,a
Floor of pelvis
pelvic diaphragm
Muscles of pelvic diaphragm and innervation
coccygeus - S4
levator ani - S3-S4
Kegel exercise for what muscle
levator ani muscles
What are the 2 levator ani muscles?
Superior gluteal n. innervates what? Roots?
gluteus medius
L4, L5, S1
Inferior gluteal n. innervates what? Roots?
gluteus maximus
L5, S1, S2
Sciatic nerve made of what 2 nerves? Roots?
common peroneal n.
tibial n.
L4-L5, S1-S3
Gluteus medius innervation
superior gluteal n.
Gluteus maximus innervation
inferior gluteal n.
Pudendal n. roots
Posterior femoral cutaneous n. roots
Upper 1/2 of rectum: artery, vein, afferents, lymphatics
superior rectal a.
superior rectal v.
autonomic (S2-S4)
inferior mesenteric nodes
Lower 1/2 of rectum: artery, vein, afferents, lymphatics
inferior rectal a.
inferior rectal v.
somatic (pudendal)
superficial inguinal nodes
Gluteus minimus innervation
superior gluteal n.
Prostate: enlarged median lobe
Prostate: enlarged posterior lobe
3 portions of urethra
3 contents of broad ligament
Uterine blood supply
ovarian artery (off abdominal aorta)
uterine artery (off internal iliac)
prolapse of bladder into vaginal wall
prolapse of rectum into vaginal wall
Uterus is anteflexed at what angle? Anteverted at what angle?
What do you palpate in a female digital rectal exam?
fundus of uterus (if retroverted)
External iliac nodes drain what?
seminal vesicles
Internal iliac nodes drain what?
seminal vesicles
upper 2/3 vagina
lower 1/3 rectum

semi bald prostitutes use UV light rays
Sacral splanchnics visceral pain
fundus and body of uterus
upper 1/2 rectum
Pelvic splanchnics visceral pain
retroperitoneal pelvic organs:
seminal vesicle
lower 1/2 rectum
What nerves and artery enter the lesser sciatic foramen?
pudendal n.
nerve to obturator internus
internal pudendal artery
Branches of pudendal nerve
inferior rectal
Dorsal nerve
pudendal branch
pure sensory to glans penis and clitoris
Perineal nerve
pudendal branch
motor to all muscles of UG triangle and sensory to posterior area of scrotum
Inferior rectal nerve
pudendal branch
motor to ext anal sphincter and sensory to anal area
Boundaries of anal triangle
anterior - perineal body
lateral - obturator internus
medial - levator ani
posterior - cocyx
Contents of anal triangle
external anal sphincter
ischiorectal fat
inferior rectal a,v,n
Alcock's Canal location? Contents?
fascia of obturator internus
found on lateral wall of anal triangle

internal pudendal a.
perineal n.
dorsal n.
Boundaries of UG triangle
anterior - pubic symphysis
lateral - ischiopubic ramus
posterior - perineal body
In what triangle are the deep and superficial pouch found?
UG triangle
Contents of superficial pouch
external genitalia
perineal n. branches
internal pudendal a. branches
What nerves supplies all the skeletal muscle in the deep and superficial pouches?
perineal nerve
What muscle covers the Bulb of Penis?
bulbospongiosus m.
What muscle covers the Crus of Penis?
ischiocavernosus m.
What layer covers the cavernosum and spongiosum?
tunica albuginea
Contents of UG triangle deep pouch
UG diaphragm
internal pudendal a.
dorsal n.
deep transverse perineal m.
Deep perineal pouch contents (male)
bulbourethral gland (Cowper's)
dorsal a. and n.
internal pudendal a.
perineal membrane
membranous urethra
What does the vestibule contain openings for?
paraurethral glands (Skene's)
greater vestibular glands (Bartholin's)
What gland is associated with the Giggity spot?
paraurethral (Skene's)
Contents of superficial perineal pouch (female)
crus of clitoris
bulb of vestibule
Bartholin's gland
superficial perineal fascia
perineal membrane
perineal body
Floor of superficial pouch
superficial perineal fascia
Roof of superficial pouch
perineal membrane
What covers the bulb of the vestibule?
bulbospongiosus m.
What covers the crus of the clitoris?
ischiocavernosus m.
Scrotum homology
labia majora
Skin of penis homology
labia minora
Bulb of penis homology
bulb of vestibule
Crus of penis homology
crus of clitorus
Glans penis homology
glans clitoris
Bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands homology
greater vestibular glands (Bartholin's)
Prostate homology
paraurethral (Skene's) glands
Labia majora homology
Labia minora homology
skin of penis
Bulb of vestibule homology
bulb of penis
Crus of clitoris homology
crus of penis
Glans clitoris homology
glans penis
Greater vest glands homology
bulbourethral glands
Paraurethral glands homology
Function of iliofemoral ligament
limits extension
Function of pubofemoral ligament
limits extension and abduction
Function of ischiofemoral ligament
limits extension
Arterial supply to head/neck of femur
retinacular arteries
lateral femoral circumflex
medial femoral circumflex
Structures exiting the greater sciatic foramen
sciatic n.
superior gluteal n.
inferior gluteal n.
pudendal n.
internal pudendal a.
superior gluteal a.
inferior gluteal a.
Structures entering the lesser sciatic foramen
pudendal n.
n. to obturator internus
internal pudendal a.
Structures exiting the lesser sciatic foramen
obturator internus muscle tendon
Function of iliotibial tract
assists in knee extension
Gluteus maximus function
extends thigh
Gluteus medius function
abducts thigh
Gluteus minimus function
rotates thigh medially
Gluteus maximus origin
posterior gluteal line
Gluteus medius origin
anterior gluteal line
Gluteus minimus origin
inferior gluteal line
What are the five lateral rotators of the thigh?
quadratus femoris
inferior gemellus
superior gemellus
obturator internus
Quadratus femoris innervation? Function?
n. to quadratus femoris
lateral rotation
Superior gemellus innervation? Function?
n. to obturator internus
lateral rotation
Obturator internis innervation? Function?
n. to obt internus
lateral rotation
Inferior gemellus innervation? Function?
n. to quadratus femoris
lateral rotation
Tibial nerve roots
L4-L5, S1-S3
Inferior gluteal nerve roots
L5, S1-S2
Superior gluteal nerve
L4-L5, S1
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve roots
Tibial nerve sensory to what?
medial posterior leg
plantar surface of foot
knee joint
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve sensory to what?
posterior thigh
posterior perineum
Common peroneal nerve sensory to what?
lateral posterior leg
lateral anterior leg
dorsum of foot
knee joint
Coxa valga
increased angle bt femur and pelvis
Coxa vara
knocked knee
decreased angle bt femur and pelvis
Genu valga
knocked knee
increased knee angle
Genu vara
bow legged
decreased knee angle
Femoral sheath contents
femoral nerve (outside sheath)
external iliac artery
external iliac vein
empty space
deep inguinal lymph nodes
Superficial inguinal lymph node drainage
horizontal group: skin of gluteal region, skin of ant abdominal wall below umbilicus, ext genitalia, anal triangle

vertical group: lower extremity
Great saphenous empties into
femoral vein
Great saphenous vein in relation to knee joint? Medial malleolus?
Small saphenous vein empties into
popliteal vein
Small saphenous vein in relation to lateral malleolus
Preferred direction of vein bloodflow
superficial low pressure veins
perforating veins
deep high pressure veins
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes drainage of lower extremity? Then to what nodes?
all thigh
medial leg
medial foot

to deep inguinal nodes
Popliteal lymph node drainage? Then to what nodes?
lateral leg
lateral foot

to deep inguinal nodes
Lateral thigh dermatome
lateral femoral cutaneous n.
Anterior medial thigh dermatome
femoral n.
Anterior medial leg dermatome
saphenous n.
(branch of femoral)
Functions of anterior compartment of thigh
hip flexion
knee extension
Quadriceps femoris muscles? Innervation? Action?
vastus lateralis
rectus femoris
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius

femoral n.

hip flexion and knee extension
Iliopsoas innervation? Action?
lumbar spinal nerves

hip flexion
Pectineus innervation? action?
femoral n.

hip flexion
Sartorius innervation? action?
femoral n.
flex, laterally rotate, and abduct thigh
flex and medially rotate leg
Components of femoral triangle
roof - skin and fascia
superior - inguinal ligament
floor (lateral) - iliopsoas
floor (medial) - pectineus
lateral wall - sartorius
medial wall - adductor longus
Found in femoral triangle (lateral to medial)
femoral n.
femoral a.
femoral v.
deep inguinal nodes
Medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries branches off what?
profunda femoris
(off femoral)
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries are branches of what?
internal iliac a.
Medial compartment of thigh: action, innervation, blood supply
obturator n.
profunda femoris
Superficial muscles of medial compartment of thigh? innervation? action?
adductor longus

obturator n.

adducts thigh
Obturator externus innervation? action? location?
obturator n.
adducts thigh
deep medial thigh
Adductor brevis innervation, action, location
obturator n.
adducts thigh
deep medial thigh
2 portions of adductor magnus
adductor and hamstring portions
Adductor magnus (adductor portion) innervation, action, location
obturator n.
adducts thigh
deep medial thigh
Adductor magnus (hamstring portion) innervation, action, location
tibial n.
adducts thigh
deep medial thigh
Contents passing through adductor hiatus
femoral a. (anterior)
femoral v. (posterior)
branch of obturator n. to knee joint
Adductor canal contents
n. to vastus medialis
saphenous n.
femoral a.
femoral v.

Add: vastus + saphenous = 2 femorals
Adductor canal boundaries
roof - sartorius
medial - adductor longus
lateral - vastus medialis
Posterior thigh compartment action, innervation, blood supply
hip extension
knee flexion

tibial and common peroneal n.

perforating a.
Posterior thigh dermatome
posterior femoral cutaneous (S1-S3)
Muscles of posterior thigh
hamstring portion of adductor magnus
long head of biceps femoris
Hamstring muscles
hamstring portion of adductor magnus
biceps femoris long head
What is the only tendon that inserts on the head of the fibula?
common tendon of biceps femoris
Hamstring portion of adductor magnus innervation? action?
tibial n.
hip extension and knee flexion
Semimembranosus innervation? action?
tibial n.
hip extension, knee flexion
Semitendinosus innervation? action?
tibial n.
hip extension, knee flexion
Biceps long head innervation? action?
tibial n.
hip extension, knee flexion
Biceps short head innervation? action?
common peroneal n. (fibular)
knee flexion
What is the only knee flexor that is not innervated by the tibial n.?
short head biceps femoris
innervated by common peroneal n. (fibular)
Pes anserine muscles

Say grace seemingly, and he will answer
Muscles and tendons found on the posterior knee joint
oblique popliteal ligament
Contents of popliteal fossa
popliteal nodes
popliteal v.
popliteal a.
popliteal m.
tibial n.
Boundaries of popliteal fossa
roof - skin and fascia
medial - semimembranosus, medial head of gastrocnemius
lateral - biceps femoris, plantaris, lateral head of gastrocnemius
floor - popliteus muscle
Popliteus muscle innervation and action
tibial n.
unlocks knee join prior to flexion
Branches of sciatic nerve
common peroneal/fibular nerve
Branches of popliteal artery around knee joint
superior/inferior lateral genicular a.
superior/inferior medial genicular a.
Medial meniscus attached to what ligament
tibial/medial collateral ligament
What are the 4 bursa layers around the knee joint?
suprapatellar bursa
subcutaneous prepatellar
subcutaneous infrapatellar
deep intrapatellar
All muscles in posterior compartment of leg innervated by what
tibial n.
Posterior leg muscles innervation and action at ankle
tibial n.
plantar flexion and inversion/supination
What makes up the triceps surae
2 heads of gastrocnemius
Flexor digitorum longus innervation? action?
tibial n.
plantar flexion
Tibialis posterior innervation? action?
tibial n.
plantar flexion, inversion
Flexor hallucis longus innervation? action?
tibial n.
plantar flexion, inversion
Posterior tibial artery branches into what?
post tibial and fibular a.
Structures at medial malleolus (ant to post)
tibialis posterior
flexor digitorum longus
posterior tibial artery
tibial n.
flexor hallucis longus

Tom Dick AN Harry
Anterior compartment of leg innervation and action
deep peroneal n.
dorsiflexors (only ones)
What are the only dorsiflexors?
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
Common peroneal nerve branches
superficial and deep peroneal nerve
Superficial peroneal nerve function
nerve of lateral compartment
sensory to dorsum of foot
Deep peroneal nerve function
nerve to anterior compartment
sensory to dorsum of foot bt 1st and 2nd toes
Tibialis anterior innervation? action?
Extensor hallucis longus innervation? action?
Extensor digitorum longus innervation? action?
What does the anterior tibial artery change names to?
dorsalis pedis
Contents under the inferior extensor retinaculum
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
dorsalis pedis a.
deep peroneal n.
extensor digitorum longus

Peroneus tertius innervation
deep peroneal n.
Extensor digitorum brevis innervation
deep peroneal n.
extensor hallucis brevis innervation
deep peroneal n.
4 dorsal interossei innervation
tibial n.
Lateral compartment of leg innervation and action
superficial peroneal n.
plantar flexion
evertion (pronation) - only ones
What are the only pronators (everters)?
lateral compartment of leg:
peroneus longus/fibularis longus
peroneus brevis/fibularis brevis
Peroneus longus innervation? action?
superficial peroneal n.
plantar flexion, evertion/pronation
Peroneus brevis innervation? action?
superficial peroneal n.
plantar flexion, evertion/pronation
What is the sural n. a branch of?
tibial n.
What is the lateral sural n. a branch of?
branch of common peroneal n.
Groove in cuboid for what tendon
peroneus longus tendon
What 2 muscles insert at 5th metatarsal?
peroneus tertius
peroneus brevis
Large ligament on medial ankle
deltoid ligament
Abductor digiti minimi innervation
lateral plantar n.
Abductor hallucis innervation
medial plantar n.
Flexor digitorum brevis innervation
medial plantar n.
What muscles make up the 1st layer of plantar muscles?
abductor digiti minimi
abductor hallucis
flexor digitorum brevis
Lumbrical innervation
medial 1 - medial plantar n.
lateral 3 - lateral plantar n.
Quadratus plantae innervation
lateral plantar n.
Flexor digiti minimi brevis innervation
lateral plantar n.
Adductor hallucis innervation
lateral plantar n.
Flexor hallucis brevis innervation
medial plantar n.
2nd layer of plantar muscles
4 lumbricals
quadratus plantae
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
3rd layer of plantar muscles
adductor hallucis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexor hallucis brevis
How many dorsal interossei? plantar? innervation?
4; lateral plantar n.
3; lateral plantar n.
4th layer of plantar muscles
4 dorsal interossei
3 plantar interossei
long plantar ligament
short plantar ligament
spring ligament
Dorsal interossei innervation? action?
lateral plantar n.
Plantar interossei innervation? action?
lateral plantar n.
Medial plantar nerve innervates what
flexor digitorum brevis
abductor hallucis
flexor hallucis brevis
1st lumbrical
Lateral plantar nerve innervates what
quadratus plantae
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
2,3,4 lumbricals
adductor hallucis
all dorsal/plantar interossei
Another name for spring ligament
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
During Babinski Test, if toe extends what is the problem?
upper motor neuron problem